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2023 07 17 meeting notes

Ahmet Can Solak edited this page Jul 17, 2023 · 2 revisions

coPylot Meeting Agenda 07/17/23

TODO from last meeting

  • Ed will create two separate issues to discuss contents of camera and mirror abstract classes
  • Keith will create an issue to find out multi-well plate interpolation code pieces from different teams
  • Ilakkiyan will create an issue to discuss which simple hardware related image processing code pieces can be migrated to coPylot from ulc-malariascope


  • Implement the abstract class for cameras #166 (AhmetCan)
  • Implement the abstract class for the mirror #167 (Ed)
  • Implement the abstract class for stages. #173 (Ed)
  • Determine appropriate abstract data-reading method for the camera base class #174 (Keith)
  • [ ]