Releases: covidgraph/data_clinical-trials-gov
Nineteenth Release
Fixed issue #4 - regarding In/Exclusion Criteria. Made those more simple by only splitting up in In- and Exclusion criteria text. Not splitting each criteria within In- and Exclusion. The data was too unstructured.
Eighteenth Release
Update data loader files. Spelling mistakes and rename of a property for study design name->model to align with all 3 data loader files.
Sixteenth Release
Fifteenth Release
Fixed error: #3
Fourteenth Release
Updated data loader files.
Thirteenth Release
Made the scripts more idempotent. Some properties are reset but will be set to the same value if re-run. In and exclusion criteria that is "-" or none are deleted these will be re-created (and deleted) if re-run.
Twelve test Release
Updated scripts to be idempotent
Updated since some missing values in json lead to missing nodes/relationships for other values in the same step. Steps have been split a bit more.
Eighth Test Release
Updated PubMedId to PaperId. Solves this GitHub Issue: #2
Eleventh Test Release
0.2_7 Update load_data_interventional.cypher