The Cloud of Things (abbr.: "CoT") is an IoT (Internet of Things) platform for monitoring, managing and controlling devices hosted by Deutsche Telekom in Germany. It can collect sensor data from decentralized, connected devices and machines, process, analyze and present data, and trigger actions based on the generated insight.
You can get more information at
❗ Note that you can't use the CoT free demo account for this library, because in that accound MQTT(SN) isn't available yet.
In the above link among other things you find documentaion about the technical interaction with the CoT (API and protocols); so you can implement it by yourself. However this task is boilerplate coding.
In this repository you will find an Arduino library and some examples (or agents) as sketches to help you to get connected to the CoT with minimal effort. The source is under MIT licence an thus can be used in your projects in therms of it.
This library provides flexible and extensible support for
- various Arduino based embedded platforms, explicitely: ESP8266 and Tuino0 96 (see below)
- various network devices: WiFi, NB-IoT, GSM 2G
- various protocols to access the CoT: MQTT, MQTT-SN
🇩🇪 For now this library is only usable in the network service area of Deutsche Telekom D1 - this is... german area.
⏳ Note that the NB-IoT Network - which can be utilized by this library - is currently going to be installed in the german area. So it may not be available at your location for now.
This software is under The MIT License (MIT).
- if you got the Tuino 096 board then you can follow the Tuino 096 Tutorial for a step by step guidance.
Have a deeper look into the structure and the use of the CoT Arduino Library.
The Arduino IDE needs additional setup and configuration steps to be ready for this Library. See the setup guide for step-by-step instructions.
- so you got your CoT account and did the installation of this library
- if you are the first (or only) user of your CoT tenant, you have to prepare it a little bit according to the SmartREST Cloud Setup Guide.
- The easiest way is to use one of the direcly supported boards, as we already have adopted the library to them.
- There are more examples with all kinds of devices and with more use-cases.
The Device's API of the Cloud of Things is identical to the system from Cumulocity. For more information about the functionality see their documentation:
This API is based on REST. But as this API is very gossipy - which is a drawback in the IoT world - an additional "preamplifier" is installed at the CoT: the SmartREST proxy. It provides the full functionality of the REST API but a reduced protocol overhad. This shrinks the communication ballast for IoT devices to a minimum. See
- Cumulocity's SmartREST reference and
- the CoT's REST Documentation "REST API Guide (English)" under Help & Service for details.
However also the SmartREST Protocol is mono-directional: the communication opening is always triggered by the device towards the server. A bi-directional transport - like MQTT - solves this; but it has it's own protocol semantic with its topics and topic paths. The CoT brings those two concepts together by
- establishing a send and a reveive topic for each device
- transmitting the SmartREST messages and the responses via this transport channels. For more information about this mechanism read the PDF available in your CoT tenant under Help & Service > MQTT User Guide (English)
- please note that this mechanism is CoT specific and thus is different to the MQTT concept of Cumulocity
A compatibly list of devices is available in the CoT tenants help > 'Improvement of the existing security standards'
A list of contibutors can be found in the AUTHORS file