The arduino cot library will not work until the CoT is prepared with a special artifact: a SmartREST Template Collection. A client implementation needs to be implemented against a specific collection.
The collection that matches this library - and the examples - is stored in this repo as smartrest_templates.csv.
The "hard" but official way is described in the documentation in your CoT tenant: read the PDF available in your tenant under Help & Service > REST API Guide (English) in chapter 5.4. How are templates registered?
To speed this step up we built an "easy access": it is a so called Web App for the CoT which provides a simple UI to do this.
In your CoT tenant go to Administration > Applications and check, if an entry Cotarduionosdkhelper is already listed. If not... klick Add application, choose Upload ZIP file and point to (you may need to download it loacally first).
After that you should have a new application Cotarduionosdkhelper available in you apps menu. (If no page is displayed after opening, choose Template manager in the left menu bar.)
(Also you may need to clear you browser cache, if there was an old version of the plugin installed before.)
You finally should get the SmartREST Template Collection Manager displayed. Follow the instructions there and...
upload the content of the above template collection file (smartrest_templates.csv) - that is, copy and past the text into the input field below - and give it the name CoT-MQTT-Arduino_Lib