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Patrick K. O'Brien edited this page Jan 10, 2016 · 5 revisions

Community is important to me because I've been programming for 30 years and I've learned that for me, half the battle is the language, and the other half is the community. And I want the best of both. That makes me happy. And I'm willing to do my part to have a healthy, active, vibrant, caring, smart, polite, funny, diverse, supportive group of people in my programming community. I'm happy to pitch in on just about any effort that will attract or retain these people, because I know that I am rewarded tenfold by doing so.

I'm not entirely sure what I will volunteer to do for the chat app project. I know I can't write a lot of code for this project. I lack the expertise and my focus is elsewhere with another project I'm already working on. But I can certainly render an opinion, try out the system as it is built, create wiki pages. Who knows. I'm not really sure yet. But I'm interested and excited and glad to be here. You are all awesome people.

Feel free to create your own personal page, if you want.

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