A ROS package for simulating the DJI Matrice 100 Drone in Gazebo
Clone this repo into your catkin workspace and build.
- Turn on DJI Matrice 100 and connect it to the PC simulator
- Turn on the Manifold and setup the roscore on it
- Set ROS_MASTER_URI to the Manifold IP
Usage Open the gazebo simulation
$ roslaunch hku_m100_gazebo empty_world_with_tags.launch
You should see in the gazebo world a parking Matrice 100 and a truck
Connect the drone in Gazebo with the drone in the PC simulator
$ rosrun hku_m100_gazebo hku_m100_pcsim_gazebo_bridge
Control the drone using the DJI remote controller, you should see the drone flying in the gazebo world
You can also play with the gimbal