The Building Wide Intelligence (BWI) is a project of the University of Texas at Austin to develop fully autonomous mobile robots that can become a permanent part of a building’s environment. The BWI project provides ROS packages, which are maintained on Github.
The main branch is master-bu, and the master-ut branch is a copy of forked version from UT people.
One of the repositories, bwi, contains top-level ROS packages for the BWI project so that the repository can maintain packages contained in various released BWI repositories, which may depend on other packages at the same or lower levels.
From top to bottom, the released repositories are:
Ubuntu 18.04
ROS version: melodic
Python version: 2.7 (ROS melodic does not support python 3, however, you can use python 3 code-base on python 2)
You can find the documentation of installation maintained for the AIR Lab here.
You can install all the BWI components normally built from source on either ROS Indigo, Kinetic, or Melodic. For the V4 bots, use Melodic.
First, install ROS Indigo, Kinetic, or Melodic. The Kinetic version is only supported on Ubuntu Xenial, and is only partially functional.
Then, make sure the ROS_DISTRO environment variable is set correctly:
It may already be. If not, issue the appropriate one of these two shell commands:
$ export ROS_DISTRO=kinetic
$ export ROS_DISTRO=melodic
Next, clone the source repositories:
$ source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ wstool init src
Install all dependencies:
$ rosdep update
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y
If you are setting up a workspace on a BWIbot V4 in Anna Hiss Gym, continue from here with the "Special Installation Instructions for Version 4 Robots" below.
Then, build everything. On a slow computer:
$ catkin build -j2
$ source devel/setup.bash
Or on a fast computer:
$ catkin build -j6
$ source devel/setup.bash
Or you can adjust the job limit as you see fit.
Note that the catkin build command from the python-catkin-tools package is required for building on ROS Kinetic and Melodic. On ROS Indigo, you can still use catkin_make instead, although the newer build tool is recommended.
To use this code on the Version 3 Segway Robot, one must also define some enviroment variables.
echo "export SEGWAY_INTERFACE_ADDRESS=" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export SEGWAY_IP_ADDRESS=" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export SEGWAY_IP_PORT_NUM=8080" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export SEGWAY_BASE_PLATFORM=RMP_110" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export SEGWAY_PLATFORM_NAME=RMP_110" >> ~/.bashrc
To launch bwi and all packages required for navigation
$ roslaunch bwi_launch segbot_bu.launch
If you need to drive the segbot with a controller use the bwi_joystick_teleop package. Double check that the joystick is in X mode and not D mode or it will not work as expected. You can check this by looking at the physical switch on the joystick.
$ roslaunch bwi_joystick_teleop joystick_teleop.launch
You'll need to turn on the base segway drivers followed by gmapping and rviz.
$ roslaunch segbot_navigation robot_with_gmapping_v3.launch
$ roslaunch bwi_joystick_teleop joystick_teleop.launch
You can see your map being created in real time by selecting the map topic in rviz. When you are done you can save your map with the map_server package.
$ rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/<map_name>
That will save a map in your selected directory.
To label the map, you can use the logical marker tool:
$ rosrun bwi_planning_common logical_marker _map_data:=~/<map_name> _data_directory:=~/<map_data_directoy>
You can let the robot navigate between various doors.
$ rosrun bwi_tasks visit_door_list