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Meeting #17 19.12.2018

gumityolcu edited this page Dec 19, 2018 · 10 revisions

Meeting Notes


  • Location: BM
  • Date: 19.12.2018
  • Time 16:10 - 17:30


  • Yusuf Kalaycı
  • Ümit Yolcu
  • Serkan Özel
  • Oğuz Kaan Yüksel
  • Nazmican Çalık


  • Annotation endpoint conventions
  • Search Parameters Finalization
  • Attendance Endpoints Finalization
  • Media Endpoints Finalization
  • Frontend - Backend Synchronisation
  • Meeting Documents Refinement
  • Location Frontend Interface
  • Feed Material Change
  • Missing Frontend Features are discussed.


  • We had a confusion about how to create, store and serve annotation id's. We came to a consensus.
  • Last sections of the W3 Web Annotations Data Model document has to be inspected again. Protocol document should be read to shed light on questions about annotation servers.
  • Attendance endpoints finalization is discussed. They will be tested and fixed if necessary.
  • Location search interface will be finalized.
  • Currently, we have different update endpoints for each media point. This is not good practice. Media endpoints will be refactored.
  • Feed is decided to include some comments
  • We need to fix trivial bugs and implement trivial functionalities before the last presentation! We have made a list of some of these:

Missing Features In the Frontend

  • Frontend integration problem
  • Attend button functionality is missing.
  • May Attend & Will Not Attend Buttons are missing.
  • Advanced search is missing
  • Edit Event Interface is missing.
  • Comments have no parent interaction.
  • Vote Buttons are not working
  • Comments button is not working
  • Follow/Unfollow is not working
  • Frontend doesn't show the followers and followed users or number of followers or followed users.


ID Who What Deadline
4.1. Galip Ümit Yolcu Annotation server endpoints specification and refactor Tuesday 25 December
4.2. Galip Ümit Yolcu Annotation Protocol Research and Implementation Tuesday 25 December
4.3. Nazmican Çalık Review and refactor Media endpoints Sunday 23 December
4.4. Nazmican Çalık Review and refactor Annotations endpoints Sunday 23 December
4.5. Nazmican Çalık Feed content redesign Friday 28 December
4.6. Yusuf Kalaycı Attendance endpoints tests and fix Tuesday 25 December
4.7. Serkan Özel Solve bug in sign in page Friday 21 December
4.8. Serkan Özel Annotation Backend connection Saturday 22 December
4.9. İlyas Demirkıran Profile page finalization Friday 28 December
4.10. Oğuz Kaan Yüksel Location frontend finalization Friday 21 December
4.11. Oğuz Kaan Yüksel Backend Frontend Integration Friday 21 December
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