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Follow a User Test Case

Yusuf Kalaycı edited this page Apr 2, 2018 · 1 revision

Test Case #4

Follow a user : …

Description: Test if users can follow a user or not.

Design Time: 01.04.2018

Designed by: Yusuf Kalaycı

Execution Time: …

Executed by: …

Related Requirement: * Profile (Requirements 1.1.3.) * Users shall have a profile page which includes their information. (name, surname, date of birth, nationality)(Req: * Users should be able to search for other users. (Requirement: ) * Communication (Requirement: 1.1.5.) * Users shall be able to follow to vote a user and send a personal message to each other. (Requirements: * Users shall be able to block other people. (Requirements:


User is a member of actopus. User have successfully signed in.


  • Go to user's page
  • Click follow button
Step Action Expected System Response Pass/Fail Comment
1 Go to user's page Show the user's information(event,profile,annotation)
2 Click follow button 1)User shall be added to the followed user's follower by list

2)Followed user shall be added to the user's following list

Postconditions: The corresponding changes have been made by the system and stored to remember the changes.

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