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Releases: bitfinexcom/bfx-report-electron


25 Feb 02:22
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[4.33.0] - 2025-02-19


  • Implemented Electron app menu bar and corresponding functionality in the UI title instead of the native one. This is very useful as it saves overall space and at the same time constantly displays the menu and does not require the user to press the Alt key to display it (as the practice has shown, because of the last one, many inexperienced users do not even know about the existence of menu functions). Available for the Windows and Linux app users. On the Mac we have to hide the menu in the UI and show the native electron menu bar due to some MacOS specifics, it's impossible to have proper menu item control from the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#898
  • Added exponential backoff and jitter for bfx-api requests to improve Rate Limit bypassing. Here we implemented Decorrelated Jitter described in AWS article And added a small improvement to shift the starting point of jitter for each iteration. In practice, it helps better to move through the Rate Limit for the Sync and Tax Report. PR: bfx-report#420


  • Changed font family to Inter similar to used on the main platform. PR: bfx-report-ui#896
  • Reworked and optimized ThemeSwitcher component in a more performant way and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#897
  • Changed the font family from Roboto to Inter in the Electron env to prevent throwing error due to the last UI changes (electron layouts use font source from the UI sub-module). PR: bfx-report-electron#494
  • Disabled native title menu bar to use UI implementation via Electron renderer IPC bridge. PR: bfx-report-electron#504
  • Migrated from html-pdf to puppeteer for pdf creation as the first one repo is not maintained anymore. PRs: bfx-reports-framework#432, bfx-report#419



29 Jan 11:26
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[4.32.0] - 2025-01-22


  • Added the backend logic to move the electron app menu bar to the UI title instead of the electron one so that we can customize the electron menu, as the native electron menu API doesn't provide that. It allows us to build the menu in the UI in one small line with the main app title and typical window buttons (minimize, maximize, and close in the top corner). This is very useful as it saves overall space and at the same time constantly displays the menu and does not require the user to press the Alt key to display it (as practice has shown, because of the last one, many inexperienced users do not even know about the existence of menu functions). PRs: bfx-report-electron#478, bfx-facs-db-better-sqlite#11
  • Added a small typical _ button (in the top right corner) to minimize the loading window. PR: bfx-report-electron#479
  • Added the logout flow for web users and prevented the issue when logged-out users are still logged in after the page refreshing. PR: bfx-report-ui#889


  • Renamed Filter button to Generate and also disabled it during the initial synchronization to prevent Tax Report generation errors. Implemented corresponding notice for the users during the initial sync. PR: bfx-report-ui#888
  • Actualized app download link generation flow. PR: bfx-report-ui#890
  • Actualized Reports translations and extended coverage for newly added elements/features. PR: bfx-report-ui#891
  • Improved theme setting flow and fixed issues noted after the latest Electron version update. PR: bfx-report-ui#893


  • Fixed isAuthTokenGenerationError flag processing in query response for the 2FA re-login after token expiration. PR: bfx-report-ui#892


06 Dec 09:05
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[4.31.0] - 2024-12-04


  • Added translation support to the export-db module. PR: bfx-report-electron#441
  • Added translation support to the import-db module. PR: bfx-report-electron#442
  • Added progress perc to the loading window for the export-db module as it can take significant time for large DB. PR: bfx-report-electron#445
  • Added progress perc to the loading window for the import-db module as it can take significant time for large DB. bfx-report-electron#449
  • Added translation support to the remove-db module. PR: bfx-report-electron#450
  • Added translation support to the manage-worker-messages module. Add translation support to the backup-db and migration-db modules. Fixed showing modal dialogs in sequence. PR: bfx-report-electron#456
  • Added translation support to the show-about-modal-dialog module. PR: bfx-report-electron#457


  • Optimized electron translation file data structure to prevent some common duplication and redundant nesting for easier support. PR: bfx-report-electron#468
  • Reworked and optimized the TimeRangePreservePref component in a more performant way and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#885
  • Extended data logging by showing public request params to simplify debugging BFX API issues. PR: bfx-report#414
  • Removed language schema param check and added en fallback language to prevent returning the translation key key.nestedKey.etc if a value is missing for a certain language and added the ability to try to take one from the default en translation file. PR: bfx-report#415



13 Nov 07:21
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[4.30.0] - 2024-11-13



  • Improved the loading window workflow to bring more consistency in the sequence of showing windows. Added ability to send/listen events for the app-init layout via the context bridge between the main and renderer ipc to be secure. Fixed issue with focusing the main window on the launch. PR: bfx-report-electron#424
  • Prevented returning the translation key key.nestedKey.etc if a value is missing for a certain language and added the ability to try to take one from the default en translation file. PR: bfx-report-electron#426
  • Reworked sed commands to be able to run the build bash scripts on both OSs Ubuntu and MacOS as they have slightly different implementation. PR: bfx-report-electron#427




16 Oct 12:31
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[4.29.0] - 2024-10-16



  • Reworked ColumnsSelectDialog in a more performant way and improved props linting. PR: bfx-report-ui#868
  • Moved Account Fees below other sections on the app Summary page. PR: bfx-report-ui#871
  • Reworked and optimized the Account Balance section in a more performant way and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#872
  • Actualized assets section title/subtitle on the Summary page, improved currencies formatting. PR: bfx-report-ui#875
  • Improved fetching opened positions for the ending point of the balance report. PR: bfx-reports-framework#421
  • Moved window modules into the common folder. This small refactoring is part of adding translation support into the electronjs wrapper. PR: bfx-report-electron#410



  • Bumped rollup from 2.79.1 to 2.79.2. PR: bfx-report-ui#870
  • Bumped express from 4.18.2 to 4.21.0, ws from 8.2.3 to 8.18.0, grenache-nodejs-http from 0.7.12 to 0.7.13, grenache-nodejs-link from 0.7.12 to 1.0.0. PR: bfx-report-express#42


25 Sep 07:24
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[4.28.0] - 2024-09-25


  • Implemented dynamic height calculation for the Concentration Risk pie chart to prevent overflow issues possibility spotted in some cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#859
  • Implemented Last Sync time handling and representation (approximately in hours) for the Reports. PR: bfx-report-ui#863
  • Implemented Profits section (port of the Win/Loss chart with several predefined parameters) on the app Summary page. Removed charts smoothness for better precision. PR: bfx-report-ui#864
  • Added logic to have separated translations by language in JSON files using i18next lib for easier translation maintenance. PRs: bfx-report#402, bfx-reports-framework#417


  • Improved user notification and auth flow behavior for the cases when the user tries to re-add an existing account via email/password. PR: bfx-report-ui#860


  • Improved Docker/Terraform deployment, fixed html-pdf module usage under Docker container with using docker container based on the Debian image to make html-pdf module workable, fixed deprecation warnings. PR: bfx-reports-framework#415
  • Fixed an infrequent case for process.send() when the app is on its way to being closed and the child process channel is closed but the worker still sends a message to the main one. PR: bfx-reports-framework#416


  • Bumped path-to-regexp from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0, express from 4.19.2 to 4.21.0. PR: bfx-report-ui#858


12 Sep 04:38
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[4.27.0] - 2024-09-11



  • Improved the interruption flow of getting data from the BFX API for the tax report, provided event-driven flow after delay processing, speeded up interruption not to wait for timeout in case of a slow internet connection. PRs: bfx-report#399, bfx-reports-framework#411
  • Reworked DB model usage to use the new model interface implemented, speeded up the work by avoiding the usage of cloneDeep fn based on JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) for the models. PR: bfx-reports-framework#412
  • Removed duplicate buttons with the same functionality, improved and unified reports refreshing flow. PR: bfx-report-ui#852
  • Reworked and enhanced navigation tabs positioning and representation to be more consistent all across the app. Adjusted app Summary section spacing. PR: bfx-report-ui#853


  • Fixed node-fetch timeout error processing for slow network connection. PR: bfx-report#398


  • Bumped webpack from 5.90.0 to 5.94.0, axios from 1.6.7 to 1.7.4. PR: bfx-report-ui#851


29 Aug 06:22
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[4.26.0] - 2024-08-28


  • Added ability to send IPC messages when the sync is ready. PR: bfx-reports-framework#405
  • Added ability to show native notifications in case another screen is displayed and the app window is not hidden with multiple workspaces mode in Ubuntu/Mac. PR: bfx-report-electron#389
  • Added ability to show the native notification in the electron app in case the sync is being processed in the background with the hidden main window. There we check if the main window is invisible and show a notification otherwise don't. PR: bfx-report-electron#390


  • Enhanced and unified Logins and Change Logs reports column configuration getters and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#840
  • Reworked and optimized the TimeFrameSelector component in a more performant way and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#841
  • Reworked cell generation configurations more concisely and optimally for Wallets, Weighted Averages and Concentration Risk reports. PR: bfx-report-ui#842
  • Reworked and optimized LedgersCategorySelect in a more concise and performant way. PR: bfx-report-ui#843
  • Reworked and optimized Movements, Trades, Orders and Positions reports column configuration getters. Implemented unified getFeeCell and getActionCell helpers for better reusability. PR: bfx-report-ui#844
  • Reworked CandlesTimeframe in a more performant way and improved props linting. PR: bfx-report-ui#845
  • Enhanced and unified Snapshots sections column configuration getters and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#846
  • Removed deprecated methods and fields without breaking the logic and UI functionality. PRs: bfx-report#389, bfx-reports-framework#403
  • Improved DB file cleanups for test coverage hooks. PRs: bfx-report#390, bitfinexcom/lokue#3
  • Removed unused public colls conf accessor endpoints to use the common getAllPublicCollsConfs/editAllPublicCollsConfs ones without breaking the logic and UI functionality. PR: bfx-reports-framework#404
  • Implemented a class for DB models to typify and unify model objects. PR: bfx-reports-framework#406
  • Proxied ENet error tester for import in electron env. PR: bfx-reports-framework#407



05 Aug 12:19
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[4.25.0] - 2024-07-31



  • Refactored DB models to be moved to separate files for easier supporting and readability. PR: bfx-reports-framework#393
  • Refactored sync schema to be moved to separate files for easier supporting and readability. PR: bfx-reports-framework#395
  • Refactored and optimizes CollapsedTable component. PR: bfx-report-ui#815
  • Reworked and optimized Spot report column configuration getters. PR: bfx-report-ui#817
  • Refactored and optimized the DateFormatSelector component. PR: bfx-report-ui#818
  • Reworked and optimized Funding Bids & Offers, Funding Loans (Unused) and Funding Credits (Used) reports column configuration getters. Extended unified cell getter customizability for the cases when the tooltip content should be formatted differently from the main cell content. PR: bfx-report-ui#819
  • Reworked and optimized the LangMenu component in a more performant way and reduces redundant code to avoid potential issues in the future. PR: bfx-report-ui#820
  • Enhanced and unified Ledgers, Funding Earnings, Staking Earnings and Affiliates Earnings reports configuration getters. PR: bfx-report-ui#821
  • Reworked and optimized the Export menu toggler component in a more performant way and reduces redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#822
  • Reworked and optimized Public Trades, Public Funding and Derivatives reports column configuration getters. Implemented unified formatType utility for better reusability. PR: bfx-report-ui#823
  • Reworked and optimized the NavSwitcher component and improved props linting. PR: bfx-report-ui#824
  • Reworked and optimized Invoices report columns configuration getters. Implemented unified getLinkCell and getJsonFormattedCell utilities for better reusability. PR: bfx-report-ui#827
  • Reworked and optimized the ShowMilliseconds component in a more performant way and reduces redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#828
  • Prevented the Tax Report loading state still active in cases when the emitTrxTaxReportGenerationInBackgroundToOne event returns an error during report generation. PR: bfx-report-ui#832


  • Strengthened consistency data for export. PR: bfx-report#372
  • Fixed pub-trade price lookup for the trx tax report. PR: bfx-reports-framework#390
  • Fixed the tax report if bfx-api pub-trades endpoint does not return array. PR: bfx-reports-framework#396
  • Prevented requests duplication on Tax Report refreshing in some cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#833
  • Fixed issue with showing the sync state in some cases when the scheduler launches the synchronization. PR: bfx-report-ui#835
  • Fixed disabling the Authenticate button during the 2FA login flow to prevent the possibility of requests with the same token duplication and related errors. PR: bfx-report-ui#838



09 May 08:28
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[4.24.0] - 2024-05-08



  • Disabled the Changelog menu option if the description of the current version is not available. PR: bfx-report-electron#373
  • Enhanced sub-account ledger balance recalc to prevent setting non-recalced balances. Prevented funding trades sync issue when end less than start. Related to this issue: bfx-report-electron#375. PR: bfx-reports-framework#375
  • Enhanced default column widths calculation flow using dynamic calculated average and widths multipliers based on the column types. PR: bfx-report-ui#810


  • Resolved dependabot dependency updates, bumped ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10. PR: bfx-report-ui#813