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Releases: bitfinexcom/bfx-report-electron


14 Dec 15:50
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  • Added ENET errors for reconnection when fetching data from the BFX api_v2. PR: bfx-report#273
  • Added ability to use the inner max request limit to the BFX api_v2 to seed up syncing data. PR: bfx-report#274
  • Added ability to display minimum derivative fees between sub-accounts. PR: bfx-reports-framework#241
  • Added ability to turn off the auto-update while building releases using the env var IS_AUTO_UPDATE_DISABLED=1 or the popup of GitHub Actions for beta releases bfx-report-electron#170
  • Added reports for Turkey. PR: bfx-report-ui#561
  • Implemented selected auth type persisting if the Remember Me option is selected for improving UX during page/app reloading. PR: bfx-report-ui#568
  • Implemented sub-accounts handling progress indicator, to improve UX for the cases when creation/updating requests can take some time due to slow network connection, etc. PR: bfx-report-ui#573


  • Provided a new Sync Core to use temp tables during sync processing. PR: bfx-reports-framework#240. The main idea is to put data fetched from the BFX api_v2 to temp tables to have consistent data in the main tables and allow users to request reports from all sections any time even sync is going on, except the first sync when the DB is empty. When the sync is finished and temp tables are filled all data will be moved to the main tables in one atomic transaction thus users don't have to experience transitional processes. Basic changes:
    • Implemened new Sync Core to use temp tables
    • Improved transaction flow to fix the database is locked issue
    • Improved handling ENET errors from the BFX api_v2, added fetching data retries. Related to PR: bfx-report#275
    • Added DB migration v31
    • Added create and update timestamps to service tables for easier debugging
    • Significantly reduced the number of requests to the BFX api_v2, which increases the speed of the sync
    • Fixed WebSocket timeout connection issue
    • Reduced pragma analysis_limit to 400 for performance
    • Used inner max request limit to BFX api_v2 for syncing data to speed up
  • Actualized Spanish translations PR: bfx-report-ui#562
  • Improved invoices for not merchant users. PR: bfx-report-ui#565
  • Increased Fee Perc precision in the Trades report to 3 decimals for better representation. PR: bfx-report-ui#570


  • Fixed WebSocket GRENACHE_WS_IS_CLOCED error. PR: bfx-reports-framework#239
  • Fixed URL to get API keys when sign-in. PRs: bfx-report-electron#172, bfx-report-ui#582
  • Fixed incorrect rate filter param type and value passing from Public Funding report. PR: bfx-report-ui#553
  • Fixed reports exporting. PR: bfx-report-ui#558
  • Fixed wrong auth via WebSockets for sub-accounts. PR: bfx-report-ui#566
  • Prevented redirection to the Sign In screen after the successful adding a sub-account for improving UX if the user wants to add several sub-accounts in a row. PR: bfx-report-ui#571
  • Fixed the possibility of creating several sub-accounts with one request in the Multiple Accounts sign up modal same way as we have in the main Sub Accounts section. PR: bfx-report-ui#572
  • Fixed missed time frame start/end params provided during exporting in CSV for Average Win/Loss, Traded Volume, Account Balance, Loan and Fees reports. PR: bfx-report-ui#575
  • Prevented the possibility for already created sub-accounts to being selected for the creation of new one. PR: bfx-report-ui#576
  • Fixed issue with the staled Master Account still selected after the dropping database, restarting the backend and reloading the app. PR: bfx-report-ui#577
  • Prevented the possibility of Sub Account creation submission if the Master Account hadn't been selected or registered, fixed Sign Up modal overlay styling. PR: bfx-report-ui#578
  • Fixed issue with stuck sync progress percentage when the main worker is restarted while the synchronization is in progress and UI performs a successful reconnection via WebSockets. PR: bfx-report-ui#579
  • Fixed USDt symbols and pairs parsing. PR: bfx-report-ui#580
  • Fixed sign-out issue by providing token. PR: bfx-report-ui#583
  • Fixed issues with unavailability for selection registered users while creating Sub Accounts in some cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#584



30 Sep 10:09
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  • Enhanced the fees report for the UI. Changed the Report Type selector to have Trading fees (by default) and Funding fees and Funding + Trading fees options. Added cumulative result to the chart as on Loan Report, PR: bfx-report-ui#549. Removed deprecated fees report methods form the backend, PR: bfx-reports-framework#237


  • Added run-name for workflow runs of the GitHub Actions, docs


23 Sep 00:43
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  • Added a zipped AppImage release of the app to the electron build flow as a simple way to avoid users adding executable permission manually after downloading binary artifact. Also, leaves unzipped AppImage release for auto-update. PR: bfx-report-electron#162
  • Added win/loss vs previous day balance results. PR: bfx-reports-framework#233
  • Added one more option to Select Report Type selection of thewin/loss chart: Percentage Gains (gains/deposits) and Percentage Gains (gains/balance) options. PR: bfx-report-ui#545
  • Added Sum option to the columns context menu and related logic to show a quick total for numeric values. PR: bfx-report-ui#538
  • Implemented copying columns sum up values to the clipboard along with displaying the result. Allowed quick total displaying if sum up value equals 0. PR: bfx-report-ui#540
  • Implemented dynamic payload fetching on Candles chart scrolling for better representation and UX improvement. PR: bfx-report-ui#547


  • Enhanced the fees report. Added an additional selector with Trading fees (by default) and Funding fees and Funding + Trading fees options. Added cumulative result to the chart as on Loan Report. PR: bfx-reports-framework#234
  • Improved properties validation in Affiliates Earnings, Funding, Staking Payments and Ledgers reports by defining types/defaults inside the related components for better linting. PR: bfx-report-ui#541
  • Improved candles fetching logic to speed up Go to specific date feature for Candles chart in the Trades report. PR: bfx-report-ui#542
  • Improved properties validation in Account Balance, Candles, Derivatives, Candlestick, and several Auth sub-components. PR: bfx-report-ui#544


  • Fixed auto-update toast window styles. PR: bfx-report-electron#161
  • Fixed win/loss vs account balance report, fixed percentage calculation for sub-account transfers and for all movements. PR: bfx-reports-framework#233
  • Fixed issues with selected Unrealized Profits and Report Type params dropping to defaults on Average Win/Loss report refresh. PR: bfx-report-ui#545
  • Fixed win/loss vs account balance export to CSV. PR: bfx-report-ui#546



11 Aug 10:45
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[3.7.4] - 2022-08-11



  • Rounded Account Summary displayed values for better representation bfx-report-ui#534
  • Updated columns filter configuration to show trades id column by default in Trades report. PR: bfx-report-ui#536
  • Allowed continuing work with the app when reporting errors. This request was got from issue: #149


  • Added auth refreshing on re-login via WebSockets and fixed issues with broken HTTP requests due to the staled token from the previous authorization bfx-report-ui#532
  • Fixed issue on win/loss results. PR: bfx-reports-framework#228
  • Prevented redundant force-syncing on startup when movements are empty. PR: bfx-reports-framework#229
  • Fixed layout styles of the modal dialogs
  • Fixed error window width in order to not has the width as a display screen by default



12 Jul 09:47
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[3.7.3] - 2022-07-08





01 Jun 09:24
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Version 3.7.2 change log:



  • Adds logic for merging similar trades, with the same orderId and execPrice, to the one dot on the Candles chart for better representation and readability in the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#515
  • Removes Input Timezone picker from Preferences and related logic for setting and using manually selected timezone for inputs. PR: bfx-report-ui#521
  • Adds sub accounts selection persistence in Multiple Accounts login mode in the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#518



03 May 09:40
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[3.7.1] - 2022-04-03


  • Added option to quickly clear filters in the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#501
  • Added a link to affiliates dashboard on Affiliates Earnings page for better conversion and convenience in the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#512




13 Apr 07:31
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  • Updated/Hardcoded dependencies versions


13 Jan 06:56
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  • Added usd equivalents columns to ledgers csv export. This request was got from issue: #114


  • Fixed data consistency error message, while DB is being synced, we should display the message that: This particular endpoints are not available for the selected time frame while DB is being synced
  • Fixed Logins metadata duplicated data preview on mobiles


17 Dec 13:07
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Merge pull request #128 from bitfinexcom/beta

Release version 1.6.2