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Things to check before submitting a PR

Bee edited this page Sep 5, 2020 · 1 revision

Hey! So you just finished writing a module for Ciphey? Thank you! <3

Here's a list of things you should check before submitting a PR:

  • We use Python Black for our code, please use it if you can (no worries if you can't we'll pick up on it eventually)
  • Do you have a dictionary or list of an alphabet, charset, or the likes? Something like the morse code alphabet? It belongs in CipheyDists
  • We try to aim for clean code, if you're not familiar with that don't worry we'll help ya out :)
  • Write tests for your code. The #1 most important thing for Ciphey is tests! Add your tests here.
  • Add this to the top of the file:
<Your GitHub Profile here>

This makes sure everyone knows you wrote that code. The community part is for a new feature we're adding, you won't have to worry about that though 😅

  • Once you make a PR, we'll add you to the README and send you a lot of thanks :D