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Brandon Checker Tests

Bee edited this page Sep 5, 2020 · 1 revision

This is the results of testing to see the best lists / thresholds / techniques for Brandon checker. These tests were not conclusive and we altered the algorithm to solve the problems our users were facing, but still, these tests formed the basis of what we have today.

Brandon Interface

The Brandon interface is the default language checking interface for Ciphey. So named because it is an algorithm created by Brandon, and we couldn't come up with any clever names for it at the time.

Contributing your own language

  1. Get a dictionary of your language
  2. Get stop words of your language
  3. Get the top 1000 words of your language
  4. Get the alphabet of your language
  5. Get the frequency distribution of your language. We suggest taking a very popular large text (for English we used Charles Dickens' complete works) and calculating the frequency distribution yourself.
  6. Add these to CipheyDists with the appropriate names and in appropriate folders.
  7. Calculate the thresholds / sentence lengths using the program detailed in the secion in this document.
  8. Pull requestr and you're done!

How were the thresholds / sentence lengths chosen?

Brandon (the person) created a program to automatically test which checkers, sentence lengths, and thresholds were best for the newest version of Brandon checker.

The most important thing about the tests was "which is the best metric we can use as a phase 1 checker?" The tests consisted of: * Lemminization * Stop words * Check 1000 words * Word Endings * Word endings with 3 chars

Each one was tested 20,000 times for accuracy & speed. Only stop words & check 1000 words survived this testing, both being high accuracy and incredibly fast.

Stopwords is a lot faster than Check 1000 words, but on much smaller texts it has terrible accuracy. Naturally longer plaintexts have higher amounts of stop words.

Naturally, Brandon questioned whether it was worth it to check the length of the text, and change the checker to increase the accuracy whilest maintaining high speed.

Preliminary tests showed that this was true. Stopwords had an accuracy of 85% on shorter texts, whereas check1000 words had an accuracy of 97%. On much higher texts, stopwords had an equal accuracy but is much faster.

A sentence is defined as "a single sentence from the corpus of Hansard.txt". The sentence lengths tested were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 20.

After Brandon had found the best checkers for the certain sentence lengths, he calculated the mean average len() of each sentence. This is as follows:

1 : The mean is 87.62 2 : The mean is 110.47925 3 : The mean is 132.20016666666666 4 : The mean is 154.817125 5 : The mean is 178.7297 20: The mean is 714.9188

Next, the question of percentage thresholds.

Brandon realised that hard coding in thresholds (such as 55%) was a stupid idea. Surely there exists ideal thresholds that optimise the accuracy of the checker. And surely these thresholds change over the sentence length (stopwords would need a higher threshold for smaller texts but as the text size inceases it can use a lower threshold).

This means that the threshold & checker changes depending on the text size.

What languags are supported?

  • English
  • German

Copy of the GitHub Issue Comment

When Brandon checker was made, this information was put into a GitHub issue comment. This will be helpful for you to see how Brandon checker was made.

If I’m reading this correctly: > I would suggest a simple lower bound test: we pass if we get more than 25%,and fail if we get lower than 5% (or smth idk) for n consecutive windows. You’re suggesting that we run all tests and see if we get 25% Imo that would be much slower. What do you mean by n windows?

Okay, Chi squared is out then!

Perhaps we can return an object from the cracker which states what tests have been performed, to save time on redundant analysis. With such information, brandon could make an intelligent decision to just use a wordlist if enough analysis was performed, and the more detailed analysis if it wasn’t. This is entirely possible. I will add support to brandon checker to skip phase 1 if it receives an dictionary with key "phase1": True for True == skip phase 1.

If you have more tests, let me know and I can factor them in.

In your first reply: Point 3: > Be aware that the stuff passed to the checker will most likely be complete gibberish (with a similar freq dist) OR the correct result. A user will not care about an extra second spent on the final correct result, but really will care that every false candidate takes an extra second. The current suggestion seems to be pessimal for the gibberish inputs: maybe add some sanity checks (have I failed to match any word, have I failed to lemmatise any word, etc.)

I decided to test how well lem worked as phase 1. To do this, I created this program:


Tested over 20,000 times

Maximum sentence size is 15 sentences
1/2 chance of getting 'gibberish' (encrypted text)
1/2 chance of getting English text

Each test is timed using Time module.
The accuracy is calculated as to how many true positives we get over the entire run


import spacy
import random
import time
from statistics import mean
import ciphey
import enciphey
from alive_progress import alive_bar

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

f = open("hansard.txt", encoding="ISO-8859-1").read()
f = f.split(".")

enciph = enciphey.encipher()

def lem(text):
    sentences = nlp(text)
    return set([word.lemma_ for word in sentences])

def get_random_sentence():
    if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
        x = None
        while x is None:
            x = (True, " ".join(random.sample(f, k=random.randint(1, 50))))
        return x
        x = None
        while x is None:
            x = enciph.getRandomEncryptedSentence()
            x = x["Encrypted Texts"]["EncryptedText"]
        return (False, x)

# Now to time it and take measurements

def perform():
    # calculate accuracy
    total = 0
    true_returns = 0

    # calculate aveager time
    time_list = []

    # average sentance size
    sent_size_list = []
    items = range(20000)
    with alive_bar(len(items)) as bar:
        for i in range(0, 20000):
            sent = get_random_sentence()
            text = sent[1]
            truthy = sent[0]

            # should be length of chars
            old = len(text)

            # timing the function
            tic = time.perf_counter()
            new = lem(text)
            tok = time.perf_counter()

            # checking for accuracy
            new = len(new)
            # the and here means we only count True Positives
            if new < old and truthy:
                true_returns += 1
            total += 1

            # appending the time
            t = tok - tic

        f"The accuracy is {str((true_returns / total) * 100)} \n and the time it took is {str(round(mean(time_list), 2))}. \n The average string size was {str(mean(sent_size_list))}"


The results were fascinating, to say the least. With a 50/50 chance of the text being gibberish (ciphertext from enCiphey) or sentences from Hansard.txt, we had these results for using lemmization as phase 1:

The accuracy is 49.63%
 and the time it took is 0.02 seconds on average.
 The average string size was 1133.63255.

We get a 50% accuracy with a speed of 0.02 seconds on average, across 20k tests with the average size of a string being 1133 chars.

The accuracy is quite bad considering that a coin flip is 50/50. On average, the user would expect Phase 2 to be entered 50% of the time, which is annoying as phase 2 is quite slow. But by itself it’s quite fast.

I am going to build the “2nd phase” of phase 1 using the While Loop we saw earlier. If we can combine just one more metric, we would see much higher accuracy and again - likely incredibly low latency.

I will create a table of my results:

Table of max sentence length == 50

Name Speed Accuracy String Size Average Chars Epochs Max Sentence Size
Lem mization (lem) 0.02 seconds 50% 1580 20,000 50
Stop word removal 3.05 46505288 4756e-05 seconds 96% 1596 20,000 50
Check1 000Words 0.0005 seconds 96% 1597 20,000 50
Word endings 0.0009 seconds 95% 1597 20,000 50

Table of max sentence length == 5

Name Speed Accuracy String Size Average Chars Epochs Max Sentence Size
Lem mization (lem)          
Stop word removal 1.1574 92445399 8391e-05 seconds 93% 569 20,000 5
Check1 000Words 0.0006 seconds 95% 586 20,000 5
Word endings 0.0003 seconds 92% 482 20,000 5

Table of max sentence length == 1

Name Speed A c c u r a c y T h r e s h o l d String Size Average Chars E p o c h s Max S entence Size
Lemmization (lem)            
Stop word removal 1.253206 1150591289e-05. seconds 5 0 % 4 8 1 20,000 1  
Ch eck1000Words 0.0006 seconds 9 5 % 5 8 6 20,000 5  
Word endings 0.0002 seconds 8 6 % 1 5 482 2 0 , 0 0 0 1

Confusion Matrices & Notes


                Positive    Negative
Positive     10031      9967
Negative     2            0

Stop Words

This test was performed where the text was not .lower(), so the actual accuracy may be a little tiny bit higher since the stop words list is all lowercase.

50 sentence limit

            Positive    Negative
Positive     9913            855
Negative     56            9176

5 sentence limit:

            Positive    Negative
Positive     9513            967
Negative     530            8990

Check 1000 words

50 sentence limit

               Positive    Negative
Positive     10008            552
Negative     56            9384

5 sentence limit

            Positive    Negative
Positive     9563            597
Negative     397            9443


I believe that the best Brandon checker will look at the length of the text, and adjust the % threshold and the exact phase 1 checker per text.

The below data is taken from calculations performed over many hours. it shows the best threshold % for the best phase 1 checker with the highest accuracy. These checkers were chosen as others showed a maximum accuracy of 58%.

{'check 1000 words': {1: {'Accuracy': 0.925, 'Threshold': 2},
                      2: {'Accuracy': 0.95, 'Threshold': 68},
                      3: {'Accuracy': 0.975, 'Threshold': 62},
                      4: {'Accuracy': 0.98, 'Threshold': 5},
                      5: {'Accuracy': 0.985, 'Threshold': 54}},
 'stop words': {1: {'Accuracy': 0.865, 'Threshold': 50},
                2: {'Accuracy': 0.93, 'Threshold': 19},
                3: {'Accuracy': 0.965, 'Threshold': 15},
                4: {'Accuracy': 0.97, 'Threshold': 28},
                5: {'Accuracy': 0.985, 'Threshold': 29}}

Where the numbers are:

1 : The mean is 87.62
2 : The mean is 110.47925
3 : The mean is 132.20016666666666
4 : The mean is 154.817125
5 : The mean is 178.7297

Looking at this test, it is clear that stopwords is better than check 1000 words for speed, but the accuracy is a little bit slower. Stop words is incredibly faster than check 1k words, but on a smaller input the stopwords checker breaks.

Therefore, we should use stopword checker on larger texts, and check 1k words on smaller texts.

More specifically, stopwords checker for len == 110 has an optimal threshold of 19, whereas check 1k words has an optimal threshold of 68. This means that while stopwords can potentially end earlier and only search the first 19% of the list, check 1k words would search 68% of the list.

Stopwords has a lower accuracy by 2%, but it is much, much faster and its optimal threshold is greatly reduced.

So ideally, we would have this algorithm: 1. Sentence length less than 110: 1. Use check 1k words with threshold of 2% 2. Sentence length > 110: 1. use Stopwords with threshold of 15 3. Sentence length > 150: 1. Stopwords threshold increases to 28

This is the ideal optimal phase 1 algorithm for brandon checker.

Phase 2

Phase 2 is the dictionary checker.

Firstly, we check to find the best thresholds for the dictionary checker.

'checker': {1: {'Accuracy': 0.97, 'Threshold': 99},
             2: {'Accuracy': 0.98, 'Threshold': 98},
             3: {'Accuracy': 0.965, 'Threshold': 68},
             4: {'Accuracy': 0.99, 'Threshold': 93},
             5: {'Accuracy': 0.97, 'Threshold': 92}},

The accuracies are good, but the thresholds are simply too high. We’re overfitting!

To fix this, I thought that because the dictionary contained chars <= 2 such as “a” or “an” it was setting off the completion too much, resulting in a much higher threshold.

To fix this, I only let the checker consider words that are more then 2 chars.

This is the result:

'checker': {1: {'Accuracy': 0.965, 'Threshold': 60},
            2: {'Accuracy': 0.98, 'Threshold': 77},
            3: {'Accuracy': 0.985, 'Threshold': 67},
            4: {'Accuracy': 0.985, 'Threshold': 99},
            5: {'Accuracy': 0.98, 'Threshold': 47}},

The accuracy stayed around the same, but the threshold went down. Although the threshold was still kind of high. 99% threshold for 4? I restricted the threshold to 75% and:

'checker': {1: {'Accuracy': 0.945, 'Threshold': 66},
             2: {'accuracy': 0.975, 'threshold': 69},
             3: {'accuracy': 0.98, 'threshold': 71},
             4: {'accuracy': 0.99, 'threshold': 65},
             5: {'accuracy': 0.98, 'threshold': 38}},

We can see that the accuracy stayed roughly the same, but the threshold went down a lot. The mean appears to be 66% (from just looking at it).

However, the accuracy for smaller sentence sizes tanked.

The highest accuracy we had was with the original one. Words <= 2 chars and no limit on threshold.

If possible, we want to combine the high accuracy on smaller texts while maintaining the generalisation found in the latter checker results.

The reason we want a smaller threshold is that due to the chunking procedure, it will be much faster on larger texts. The lower the sentence length the higher the threshold is allowed to be.

For phase 2, we are not concerned with speed. We are however concerned with accuracy.

I believe that threshold > 90% is overfitting. I cannot reasonably see this successfully working within Ciphey itself.

My next test will be max threshold of 100% with no chars less than or equal to 1.

'checker': {1: {'Accuracy': 0.97, 'Threshold': 93},
            2: {'Accuracy': 0.975, 'Threshold': 82},
            3: {'Accuracy': 0.97, 'Threshold': 96},
            4: {'Accuracy': 0.965, 'Threshold': 31},
            5: {'Accuracy': 0.965, 'Threshold': 74}},

the accuracy is 97% with a threshold of 93. This is much higher than the latter test. I think for lower texts, since we don’t care about speed, we should use a higher threshold. This test was ran 20,000 times. I will run the tests once much to see if the threshold significantly changes.

The test results were:

'checker': {1: {'Accuracy': 0.96, 'Threshold': 92},
            2: {'Accuracy': 0.97, 'Threshold': 95},
            3: {'Accuracy': 0.965, 'Threshold': 81},
            4: {'Accuracy': 0.96, 'Threshold': 38},
            5: {'Accuracy': 0.975, 'Threshold': 52}},

One last test. No threshold limit with no char limit.

'checker': {1: {'Accuracy': 0.98, 'Threshold': 92},
            2: {'Accuracy': 0.99, 'Threshold': 91},
            3: {'Accuracy': 0.97, 'Threshold': 83},
            4: {'Accuracy': 0.97, 'Threshold': 71},
            5: {'Accuracy': 0.975, 'Threshold': 74}},

In total, we want these ones:

{1: {'Accuracy': 0.98, 'Threshold': 92},
2: {'accuracy': 0.975, 'threshold': 69},
3: {'accuracy': 0.98, 'threshold': 71},
4: {'accuracy': 0.99, 'threshold': 65},
5: {'accuracy': 0.98, 'threshold': 38}},
^^ with 75% threshold limit

Lower thresholds, accuracies look good too.

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