FOC control of a PMSM motor with Luenberger estimator and Kalman filter. The purpose of these is to estimate the load torque and see the effect of feedforward load-torque compensation during transients. It was implemented in MATLAB/Simulink 2018b.
The estimated load is used for feedforward load-torque compensation.
Dan Simon - Optimal State Estimation
Z. Kuang, B. Du, S. Cui, and C. C. Chan, “Speed Control of Load Torque Feedforward Compensation Based on Linear Active Disturbance Rejection for Five-Phase PMSM”, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 159 787–159 796, 2019, ISSN: 21693536. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2950368.
Initialization is partially done in: Model Properties / Callbacks / InitFcn*
Also; Run load_torque_obsv.m