This repository contains the implementation of our AAAI-24 paper Bayesian Inference with Complex Knowledge Graph Evidence (BIKG).
In order to use the code, please follow these steps:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can download the five datasets used in the paper from here and de-compress them.
You can download the KGE models from here and de-compress them. Alternatively, you can train your own models using the following code with your desired arguments.
python -m kbc.learn data/Movielens_twohop --rank 100 --max_epochs 300 --batch_size 128 --model SimplE --valid 1 --model_save_schedule 10
In order to run the KGQA experiments, please run the following command with your desired arguments.
python -m kbc.cqd_beam data/NELL --model_path models/ --dataset NELL --candidates 1 --reasoning_mode bayesian1 --mode test --seq yes --chain_type 1_2_seq
In order to perform critiquing with complex evidence experiments, please run the following files with your desired arguments. Please note that this experiment requires hyperparameter tuning.
python -m kbc.cqd_beam_bpl data/Movielens_twohop --model_path models/ --dataset Movielens_twohop --candidates 3 --quantifier marginal_ui --cov_anchor 1e-2 --cov_var 1e-2 --cov_target 1e-2
You can also do the hyperparameter tuning by running the following code that performs grid search:
python kbc.CC_simulator
Thank you for your attention!