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SimpleFlatMapper CsvMapper 1 N relationship

Arnaud Roger edited this page Mar 13, 2015 · 1 revision

Since version 1.7.0 it is possible to map 1-N relationship and aggregating the N into a list in the 1 for csv file.


for the following rows

id name students_id students_name
1 professor1 10 student1
1 professor1 20 student2

the CsvMapper will return 2 professors with 1 students each.

0 : Professor1 { Students[ Student1 ] }
1 : Professor1 { Students[ Student2 ] }

But from 1.7.0 if you define the column "id" as a key.

CsvParser.mapTo(Professor.class).addKeys("id", "students_id").stream(reader);

then the mapper will return 1 professor with 2 students.

0 : Professor1 { Students[ Student1, Student2 ] }

we are also able to identify null object on outer join. ie For the following row

id name students_id students_name
1 professor1 null null

The mapper will now return a professor with an empty list of students instead of a student with null values.

0 : Professor1 { Students[ Student1 { id:null, name :null} ] }


0 : Professor1 { Students[] }
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