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Ali Rizvi-Santiago edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 3 revisions


In summary, you will be performing the following steps.

  1. Ensure that Git is installed, IDA Pro works and you can use IDAPython.
  2. Using Git, clone the repository at in a directory of your choosing.
  3. Install the Python requirements using the Python package manager (pip) with the "requirements.txt" file in the plugin directory.
  4. Edit the "plugins/" file in the plugin directory so that it points at whatever directory you cloned the repository into.
  5. Deploy your modified "plugins/" file into the “plugins” sub-directory of your IDA user directory.
  6. Run IDA Pro and ensure that the plugin is listed and works.

For details, please review the official documentation over at


When using the IPyIDA plugin (, it is worth noting that the IPython kernel that it creates is of a different instance than the IDAPython command-line. As a result of this, the namespaces between both of them are not shared and will require you to manually import the modules that you wish to use. The IPyIDA plugin provides a way to prepare the default namespace by creating an file in the user runtime directory (as per, and therefore it is recommended to use this file to import the necessary modules that you wish to use.

As a refresher, the modules that you could import are as follows:

  • import database as db
  • import function as func
  • import instruction as ins
  • import structure as struc
  • import enumeration as enum
  • import segment as seg
  • import hexrays as hexrays

The only known differences between the IDAPython command-line (as tweaked) and the IPyIDA's IPython kernel are that the default rendering of integers as hexadecimal and formatting are different due to the intentions of the IPyIDA plugin. For further inquiry or help, feel free to ask in discussions (