Releases: albar965/littlenavmap
Version 3.0.15.rc1
Direct Download
► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.15.rc1-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.15.rc1.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.15.rc1-1_amd64.deb
Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.15.rc1-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.15.rc1.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.15.rc1-1_amd64.deb
Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.15.rc1 (scroll down to Assets
► Alternative Download Locations. Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates.
► Read here if you have problems downloading Little Navmap for Windows
► See here if you have problems running Little Navmap on macOS
This is a test version of Little Navmap which attempts to fix issues with AI in MSFS 2020 and
MSFS 2024 and has additional facilities to diagnose issues. In addition, issues with in-game panels
in MSFS that use the Little Navmap web server have been fixed.
Please read the release notes below before reporting an issue.
This version was tested by me and shows the following results here:
- Stock AI aircraft and ship traffic on MSFS 2020 (GAIST 6.1 add-on) are visible. Other traffic add-ons
not tested. - Stock AI aircraft and ship traffic on both MSFS 2024 stable and beta versions are visible. Traffic
add-ons not tested. - No MSFS simulator shows stock ground traffic vehicles anymore. No add-ons like pushback or GSX tested.
Let me know if you see issues with an add-on.
How to report an issue
If you see the wrong vehicles at the wrong place or an aircraft with a question mark inside the symbol:
- Run the simulator and connect Little Navmap as usual.
- Click on the wrong vehicle, ship or aircraft on the map. This pops up the window
Simulator Aircraft
and the tabAI / Multiplayer
. - Right click into the tab
AI / Multiplayer
, clickSelect all
and thenCopy
from the
context menu. - Paste the formatted content into the
Avsim forum
into one of the related threads. - Please always mention the used simulator (2020 or 2024) and version (beta or stable) as well as
any traffic, pushback or other add-on you use. A link to the add-on can help. - Optional but better: Send me your log file (menu
->Files and Directories
). Also mention
the simulator used and related add-ons as explained above.
Changes from 3.0.14 to 3.0.15.rc1
- Added check for mismatch between simulator and scenery library database. This will show a dialog
window if you start to fly MSFS 2024 while having the MSFS 2020 scenery library enabled. - Now showing a notification dialog when a user tries to export a MSFS 2020 plan while using the
MSFS 2024 scenery library, for example. ClickDo not show again
to continue saving without
message. - More detailed information in log when clicking on AI or user aircraft helping to diagnose AI
issues. - Now always showing the vehicle category in the aircraft progress window and falling back to an
aircraft icon with a question mark for unsupported vehicle categories. - Now limiting vehicle size to avoid oversized ship icons.
- Reworked SimConnect code. This helps to fix problems with disappearing AI traffic, multiplayer
aircraft or similar issues. - Added better messages in the information window when no weather station can be found near an
airport. This prevents display of interpolated and nearest weather. - Fix for wrong navaid selection in procedures. Example: LOWW SID SNU2A used the wrong navaid SNU
in Sweden. - Fixed display for web interface Dynamic Touch and Drag map also when using a scaled user interface.
- Corrected saving of map image and copying to clipboard using the wrong image size.
- Fixed crashes due to invalid aircraft data sent through SimConnect by MSFS.
- Updated Chinese translation by Eyderoe.
- Updated German translation.
- Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by Ricardo.
- Fixed issues with the MSFS add-ons
Little Navmap VR (MSFS 2020),
Ingamepanel NAVMAP for Flight Simulator
Little NavMap EFB Client (MSFS 2024)
all now work correctly when using a scaled or a non-scaled user interface. - Added setting
Scale delivered images accoring to system user interface scale level
in options
on pageWeb Server
. Note that this applies only to add-ons using the Little Navmap WebAPI. This
will deliver map images scaled according to the user interface scale level if checked and if you use
the web server with high resolution monitors. This is the default behavior but can cause issues
when using certain web interfaces. Uncheck if you use such an add-on or see issues like a corruped
map display. Does not apply to the OpenLayers API. - The OpenLayers API now returns images scaled by the system user interface scale factor
(125%, 150% or 200%). This means that the returned image might be larger than the requested size
depending on scale factor. This change was needed to fix the Dynamic Touch and Drag map. - OpenLayers API returned requested images with a minimum height of 300 due to an internal bug.
This is fixed now and images are returned in the requested size. Dynamic Touch and Drag uses
256x256 pixels, while other add-ons use larger images.
See the included CHANGELOG.txt
or here online for a complete list across all versions.
All files are checked by VirusTotal.
Note: There are always a few false positives on the installer while the majority of 60 to 70 anti-virus see no issue. Download and unpack the Zip archive it if this scares you.
Version 3.0.14
Direct Download
► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.14-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.14.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.14-1_amd64.deb
Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.14-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.14.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.14-1_amd64.deb
Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.14 (scroll down to Assets
► Alternative Download Locations. Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates.
► Read here if you have problems downloading Little Navmap for Windows ► See here if you have problems running Little Navmap on macOS
This is a stable version of Little Navmap which adds support for MSFS 2024 and fixes several
issues, including X-Plane related ones.
Translations and user manual have been updated.
MSFS 2024 Scenery Library #1198
There are limitations since Little Navmap has to load the scenery library through the MSFS 2024
SimConnect interface and cannot rely on files anymore. All files used by Little Navmap from
MSFS 2020 were dropped due to the streaming only approach of MSFS 2024. This required a full new data
compiler implementation.
Please read
Frequently asked Questions - MSFS 2024 Scenery Library Limitations
for a detailed list of limitations.
MSFS online flight planner
Note that the MSFS online flight planner cannot import
valid MSFS 2024 flight plans. You can still load flight plans copying the Little Navmap flight plan
route description (see menu Flight Plan
) and pasting it into the online flight planner. This has
to be fixed by the developers of the MSFS online flight planner. #1234
Version 3.0.14
Changes from 3.0.12 to 3.0.14
MSFS 2024 #1198 and #1216
- Loading of navaids is based on airport procedure references. Then starting with these the
airway/route network is traversed to collect further navaids. Therefore, the long loading time of
10 to 15 minutes you have to expect. - A workaround has to be used to load navaids which are not connected to procedures or airways.
These disconnected navaids are required to build Oceanic tracks or off-airway routes, for example.
The workaround has to be used until SimConnect is improved to provide a worldwide list of navaids. - The Navigraph navdata update is detected in folder
to select the correct scenery
library mode in Little Navmap automatically. Note that navaids are loaded incompletely in this mode
to save time. The Little Navmap database should be updated directly using the Navigraph FMS data
manager. - Procedures having the same runway transitions are combined. Runway transitions are collapsed to
parallel runways (indicated bySID 16L, 16R
, for example) orAll
opposed to MSFS 2020 where
procedures are duplicated. - Magnetic declination for all facilities except VOR is calculated using the World Magnetic Model 2025
instead of the partially off MSFS 2024 values. - Added reading and writing of MSFS 2024 flight plans to export from menu
and multiexport.
now saves a PLN file for MSFS 2024 from the Little Navmap menuFile
. Note that you
have to load the flight plans in the MSFS 2024 EFB after starting a free flight. This format does
not support selection of a departure parking position. - The keyboard shortcut
is now used for MSFS 2020 PLN files. - From 3.0.13.beta2: Fixed issue with missing and broken airways.
- From 3.0.13.beta2: Now extracting aircraft ICAO designator (
, for example) from
MSFS 2024 to avoid problems with performance collection.
Scenery Library
- Added TACAN and VORTAC station types for all MSFS simulators including display of channel.
- Now flagging all VOR and NDB waypoints as artificial in FSX, P3D and MSFS simulators to hide them
in Little Navmap. These are present in the simulator but are not real waypoints and are used only
internally to build the airway network. - From 3.0.13.beta2: Fixed issues where airways were not built correctly reading X-Plane data.
Examples which did not read:
#1219 - From 3.0.13.beta2: Fixed issue where airways were built using wrong navaids. Example: The NDB
BM/UH exists twice using this ident/region combination and the Little Navmap airway builder
selected the wrong and far away NDB to build the airway A800. #1237 - Fixed detection of military airports. Added new keywords for military names in other languages.
- Broken taxiway paths from MSFS 2020 being wider than 1000 ft are now omitted. Example: EDDM in
MSFS 2020 resulting in a big white area drawn on top of the airport when zooming closer. - ILS feather geometry is now using a minimum width of 2 degrees to avoid ILS feathers shown as
lines. - Updated to World Magnetic Model 2025 for more accurate declination calculation when using X-Plane
and MSFS simulators.
- Removed drawing of transparent paths and aprons using patterns. All are now opaque.
- Fix for wrong drawing of aircraft trail around anti-meridian resulting in straight horizontal lines.
- Default flight plan display and highlight options changed. Now using transparent flight plan line
and all highlights. This affects only new users. Go to options on pageMap Flight Plan
to enable
the transparency manually. - From 3.0.13.beta2: Fixed drawing issue where exact vertical lines were not shown in Mercator
projection. This affected measuring lines, flight plan legs, airways and more. Example: Airway L888
between PEXUN and SANLI. #1221 - Fixed disappearing large distance rings when zooming close in. #1207
- Corrected airway and ILS text background affected by airspace display. Background color for
labels was incorrect. #1207 - Removed white fill for unknown runway surface and replaced it with light gray for better
visibility in dark and light map themes. - Removed wrong transponder display
shown for ships and other vehicles. - Added map theme
MapBox Streets
. Remove any map theme using the same name if you have one
installed. Otherwise, Little Navmap will show error messages hinting you to do so. - From 3.0.13.beta2: Removing airport vehicles from all MSFS simulator AI traffic. This can result
in missing traffic when using AI traffic tools which supply the wrong vehicle category. Only
vehicle categoriesAirplane
are shown. All others are disregarded. - From 3.0.13.beta2: Fix for missing distance at first missed approach leg.
- From 3.0.13.beta2: Fixed issue where wrongly sized images were returned to the web interface
which resulted in an off/displaced image in the web interface. This appeared when using a user
interface scale (125 % or 150 %, etc.) on high DPI screens on the computer running Little Navmap. - From 3.0.13.beta2: Image export now uses more precise map bounds as seen on the screen and uses
correct image sizes when using a user interface scale.
Flight Plan, Procedures and Aircraft Progress
- Added keyboard shortcut
to preview all procedures. - Now activating tree display when pressing
to activate the procedure search. This
allows navigating through procedures in the tree after pressing the shortcut...
Version 3.0.12
Direct Download
► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.12-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.12.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.12-1_amd64.deb
Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.12-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.12.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.12-1_amd64.deb
Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.12 (scroll down to Assets
► Alternative Download Locations. Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates.
► Read here if you have problems downloading Little Navmap for Windows ► See here if you have problems running Little Navmap on macOS
This is a stable release of Little Navmap that fixes smaller issues.
Reload the scenery library database to get fixes for airports and procedures.
macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.
A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!
Version 3.0.12
Changes from 3.0.11 to 3.0.12
- Problem with disappearing large range rings and other lines on very high and very close zoom
distances fixed. Range rings > 4000 NM disappeared from the map when using Mercator projection
or when zooming in close. - Fixed exception when downloading Oceanic tracks.
- Fixed issue where ILS were missing for MSFS. Examples EGPH using ILS approach with an add-on
airport. - EDDF double ILS as for runway 25R, using the ILS IFNW and IFNR now correctly used for MSFS.
The right ILS is selected for display when using the related approach. - Fixed broken airway collection for X-Plane. Example: Airway W66 not found for the flight plan
route descriptionZUCK ATBUG W66 JNQ ZWWW
. #1197 - Fixed issue where last airway in scenery library was omitted. This affected all simulators.
- Better error reporting and validation in log file for invalid taxiway structures in MSFS. #1200
- Display of marker beacons now disabled if ILS or airports are not shown.
- Fixed missing circles for online towers and centers not having a matching geometry in the user
airspace database. This also disabled the tooltips on the map. - Corrected online center size settings in options on page 'Map Online`. Little Navmap now falls
back to user defined value if an online center does not provide a visual range value. Fixed values
reset back to default when applying options. - Fixed several issues in X-Plane database when assigning airports to procedures. As a result
procedures could not be loaded from flight plans and the airport procedures menu was wrongly disabled.
Examples for X-Plane 12: No procedures were found for Pokhara Intl (VNPR) and Qualicum Beach (AT4)
since their X-Plane ident does not match official airport codes like ICAO, FAA or local.
Note that X-Plane 11 may still refuse to load flight plans created using such airports while there
are normally no issues using X-Plane 12. - Wrong procedure centering when clicking in procedure search corrected. Now depends on visibility
of the missed approach. - Improved export of X-Plane FMS files if airport has several idents. Flight plans using
Qualicum Beach (AT4) and similar cases as departure or destination can now be loaded in X-Plane. - Removing fullscreen button now when copying map image to the clipboard or when saving screenshots.
See the included CHANGELOG.txt
or here online for a complete list across all versions.
All files are checked by VirusTotal.
Version 3.0.11
Direct Download
► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.11-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.11.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.11-1_amd64.deb
Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.11-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.11.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.11-1_amd64.deb
Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.11 (scroll down to Assets
Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:
► Alternative Download Locations
This is a stable release of Little Navmap that fixes many issues and adds some new features.
This update is recommended for all users.
macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.
The program will remind you to reload the scenery library due to database changes. This is optional.
A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!
Changes from 3.0.9 to 3.0.11
Flight Plan
- Now adding airport, parking or other start positions to the flight plan once connected to the
simulator with an empty plan. This function can be disabled in options on pageFiles
. - Now removing any alternate airport if the same airport is set as destination or if it is added
otherwise to the flight plan. - Added option to disable minor error messages about missing parking spots in flight plan. Note
that the settings for flight plan header and footer are reset to default. - Enabled reading and writing of NAT notation in flight plan route description. This fixes
issues when downloading a flight plan using North Atlantic tracks from SimBrief or using the
notation in the flight plan route description. Example:NATA
is converted to NAT trackA
. #1110 - Fixed issue with dropped airway information. This affected plans that have only one leg between
departure and arrival. As a result an airway was dropped on saving, exporting and using it in the
flight plan route description. Example:SBRJ EVKO3A.NAXOP UZ45 IBDA1A SBSP
resulted in
. #1130 - Fixed issue where parking spots could not be found resulting in an error message after reloading
a flight plan when using the optionUse Navigraph for all Features
. - From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Made GPX file detection more tolerant. Now showing a warning if the
GPX file does not contain any track points. - From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Flight plan route description is now updated after downloading or
deleting oceanic tracks. - From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Now updating flight plan route description after switching simulator.
- From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Corrected wrong error message
File does not contain track points
when loading GPX files.
- Added export format for FlightFactor Boeing 777 V2. This is a FMS format file with procedures
stripped since the aircraft rejects loading FMS files with procedures. - Fixed issue where RealityXP GNS export declared the destination airport wrongly as a userpoint
when using export option with userpoints. - Now using ISO date with offset from UTC in all flight plan files.
Elevation Profile
- Increased number of samples when calculating elevation from GLOBE data to avoid missing peaks
when drawing the elevation profile. - Added option for indicated altitude label to elevation profile. Enable this in menu
Elevation Profile Display Options
in branchUser Aircraft Labels
->Indicated Altitude
. - Fixed wrong label description in profile configuration dialog mentioning wrongly
Actual Altitude
- Added function to decrease and increase the density of labels on the map. This is available in
the detail toolbar button, menuMap
,Ctrl+Shift+Mouse Wheel
. - Added US VFR and IFR chart map themes.
- Added option to show heading to departure runway position using a dashed line with arrows. This
can be disabled in menuView
->Show Direction to Departure Runway
. This line is drawn from
the departure parking or aircraft position (if connected) and disappears when arriving at the
runway or when taking off. - User and AI aircraft now drawn on top of user features like measurement lines or range rings.
- Userpoints related to navaids like VOR now use the same size as the real navaids. Size of
userpoints and navaids still can be changed separately in options. This affects airport, VOR, NDB,
waypoint, Obstacle and VRP userpoints. The last three are based on the waypoint size. #1179 - Improved display of procedure turn instructions. Reduced distance for turn leg to fix for a
more realistic value. Extended stub leg for turn towards runway and removed distance display for
this leg. Added missing restriction text for procedure turns. - Fixed alignment of procedure end or start for displaced simulator airport runways compared
to the navdata. Example: ENOL on all simulators. - Approach runway position now correctly terminated at offset threshold.
- First SID leg is now aligned with runway to avoid it being drawn all over the airport in
some cases. - Better distance estimate for procedure legs terminated by altitude. Now considering altitude.
- Fixed disappearing user aircraft tooltip after automatic trail truncation.
- Fixed potential crash when truncating short aircraft trail and applied more optimizations
for display. - Fixed issues with labels on long measurement lines and flight plan legs. Lines flipped direction
arrows at certain zoom values. - Fixed issue where Great Circle airspace boundaries were drawn as a straight lines in some cases.
- Improved display of airspaces that touch the poles.
- Fixed issue where settings of some airspace types were not saved or applied. Note that airspace
options are reset to default on update. - Added option to disable taxiway lines and names. These can be changed in options on page
Map Labels
in branchAirport Details
. Note that airport display options are reset to default. - Fixes for menu
->Reset Display Settings
. These now affect only map display options in
. - Setting
Load the map display saved settings
on options pageStartup and Updates
now affects
the same options asView
->Reset Display Settings
now. This is map theme, map projection
and detail levels as well. - Fixed issue where userpoints were not reset correctly when using
Reset Display Settings
. - Added shortcut
to copy coordinates at the cursor position in the map window to the
clipboard. Note that you have to activate the map window by pressing F2 or clicking into it
before using any shortcuts there. - Disabled Shift/Ctrl/Alt+Left/Right/up/Down keys for map scrolling to avoid shorcuts overlapping
with operating system functions. - Fixed inadvertent movement or zooming on map display when using mouse wheel, keyboard shortcuts
or cursor keys. - Now stopping map drawing on overflow of highlighted map objects (e.g. selected navaids in the
search result table) from search to avoid program freeze. - Fixed issue where the
Too many objects
message in the status bar was not reset in some cases. - Fixed missing tooltip for waypoints highlighted on the map which were selected in the navaid
search result table. - Fixed issue where navaids like recommended fixes from flight plan procedures did not react to a
single or double click. - From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11:
Save Map as Image for AviTab
now uses PNG as the default format
since JPG may cause crashes. - From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Fixed issue where images can be saved using the wrong format ignoring
selection in the format drop down box. Now always adding file suffix according to image type. - From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Fixed issue where wrong coordinates were used when selecting
Jump to Coordinates
in map context menu. - From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Fixed issue where procedures zoomed too far out when showing in
procedure search. This was caused due to too far ...
Version 3.0.9
Direct Download
► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.9-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.9.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.9-1_amd64.deb
Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.9-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.9.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.9-1_amd64.deb
Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.9 (scroll down to Assets
Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:
► Alternative Download Locations
This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes a few issues and provides better error reporting for crashes.
New features and small improvements are planned for the next release 3.0.10.
macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.
A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!
Changes from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9
Fixed issue where NOAA and X-Plane 12 weather stations were not updated and showed
outdated weather. -
Installer now removes all Dutch, Chinese and Spanish compiled
translation files before
installing. These translations have not been updated for a long time which can cause problems in
the user user interface. The resulting issues range from arrows pointing into the wrong
direction to missing texts and numbers.
You can still install the translations manually if you wish by downloading the related*.qm
files from GitHub - littlenavmap - release/3.0
and saving them in the directorytranslations
in the installation folder.
Contact me if you'd like to update a translation or if you would like to create a new one:
Contact. -
Attempt to fix crashes for the web server when accessing databases resulting in a crash.
Fixed issue where program could be started more than once if stuck in an early warning or
question dialog window. This could result in crashes and other problems. -
Now collecting detailed location information on crashes (stack traces). Note that this is only
enabled for the Windows 64-bit version. Other operating systems already have means to collect crash
information (Linux core files and macOS crash reports). A file
is created on crash
and included in all generated crash reports. -
Other small text changes in the user interface.
Updates to user manual.
Little Navconnect: See file
in sub-directoryLittle Navconnect
in the
installation folder for a list of changes.
See the included CHANGELOG.txt
or here online for a complete list across all versions.
All files are checked by VirusTotal.
Version 3.0.8
Direct Download
► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.8-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.8.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.8-1_amd64.deb
Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.8-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.8.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.8-1_amd64.deb
Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.8 (scroll down to Assets
Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:
► Alternative Download Locations
This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and crashes and adds a few
improvements and new features.
The program translations for Brazilian Portuguese, French, German and Italian as well as the user manual have been updated.
macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.
Reload the scenery library to see fixes like the duplicate COM frequencies for MSFS airports.
A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!
Changes from 3.0.6 to 3.0.8
Flight Plan Loading and Export
- Added export option for MSFS KLN 90B #1136
- 3.0.7.rc1 to 3.0.8: Fixed KLN90B export to using
as filename. #1164 - Added multiexport option for MSFS JustFlight BAE-14. This uses the QualityWings format.
- Made loading of MSFS PLN flight plan files more tolerant for missing altitude in element
. - Fixed issue where a wrong error message about invalid procedures appeared after loading a MSFS
PLN file. The message appeared when saving loaded PLN as LNMPLN. - Better cruise altitude estimate if altitude could not determined from the flight plan after
loading. Altitude is rounded up to 2000 ft to the maximum of departure and destination elevation if
all else fails. - Changed file extensions in multiexport to be untranslatable for local language to avoid issues.
- Now adding STAR entry waypoint plus airway to MSFS PLN export in certain cases. Removing
destination runway waypoints from MSFS PLN export if STAR is used. - Fixed aircraft trail for logbook entry that was incorrectly truncated.
- Corrected display of split aircraft trail when starting a new flight on ground. Previously
the trails were shown wrongly connected. - Fixed an issue where the cruise altitude was set incorrectly after downloading a flight plan
from SimBrief.
- Added interpolated weather reports for NOAA, VATSIM, IVAO and X-Plane weather. These appear
at airports having no METAR reports. Note that this does not cover cloud layers. - Added wind display for landing and takeoff runway in flight plan table header. This uses station
or interpolated winds as selected in menuWeather
->Airport Weather Source
. - Added support for Active Sky FS (MSFS).
- Fixed issue where Active Sky weather was not updated.
- Fixed crash that happened randomly when updating METAR data or switching between simulators with
weather enabled. - Added sunrise and sunset to weather report page in information dock window.
- Now showing weather stations with invalid reports crossed out on the map.
- Fixed wrong time zone for METAR reports from FSX/P3D.
- Better error messages for METAR decoding and outdated weather.
- More optimizations to weather handling.
Random Flight Generation
- Added shortcut to random flight creation: Menu
Flight Plan
->Generate Random Flight
. This
opens the search dock window and activates the controls to generate a random flight. - Added a dialog window where a user can select either a fixed departure or a fixed destination
airport for the random flight generation. Add at least one airport to your flight plan to enable this
function. #1013 - Random flight generation now puts the change on the undo/redo stack once the user accepts a
generated flight. This is the same behavior as used in the flight plan route description which
allows to restore a previous flight plan and its changes. - Adjusted the maximum distance for random flight plan to realistic values.
The maximum is 10.800 NM. - Fixed the minimum and maximum distance for random flight search not being saved on exit.
- Performance improvements and random selection for departure and destination functionality
by u-an-i.
Procedures and Runway Selection
- Improved procedure search. Now showing the first and last waypoint of procedures in the procedure
tree. Also, showing the first and last waypoint of a selected procedure in the header. The header
shows first and last for the full path including the procedure when selecting a transition. - Search now also looks for first and last waypoint of procedures. Procedures and and transitions
are hidden if no criteria match text search. Procedures are expanded if a transition matches the
search text. This allows finding the matching STAR for a selected approach and vice versa, for example. - Procedure view now tries to keep content when switching simulators, provided the airport exists
in both simulators. - The procedure search tab now expands procedure branches already added to the flight plan.
Procedures and/or respective transitions are expanded when showing procedures for departure or
destination airport. - Runway selection dialog windows now have the current runway end from the flight plan preselected.
- The selection in procedure search is not saved anymore when changing airports to avoid unwanted
highlighting on the map. - Added
shortcut for procedure search. - Fixed issue where switching between simulator databases left the procedure search in an invalid
state resulting in a crash. - Fixed issue where the show procedure menu item was not enabled in map context menu and others.
Example: Weston (EIWT) on X-Plane. #1154 - Procedures for a clicked airport can now be shown with checkbox
disabled in options on
pageMap Tooltips and Clicks
. - Added keyboard shortcuts in procedure search. Hit
to show a procedure or a waypoint in
the tree. Use theDown
key to activate the tree from text input field.
- Added cruise altitude from used flight plan to logbook table. The logbook table layout is reset
back to default. - Logbook cleanup method improved. Extended function to cleanup off-airport coordinates like
2956N10702E 4831N12255W in addition to empty airport idents. - Optimizations for aircraft trail loading and display for logbook entries.
Map Display
- Added warning dialog if aircraft trail is too long after startup as a hint for performance
issues. Also, showing warning if trail was truncated after loading a GPX file. - Fixed issue where updated maximum number of trail points was not applied until restart.
- Fixed crash when fetching tooltip information for short aircraft trails.
- Fixed disappearing flight plans and aircraft trails on high zoom distances or long flight plans.
#1126 - Fixed display issue where userpoints without type were hidden. Optimized code for userpoint
display. - AI/multiplayer aircraft labels now have a
appended if label texts are suppressed due to higher
zoom distances Reworked aircraft label code. - Added internal object ID as optional aircraft label for AI/multiplayer. Enable this in options on
pageMap Labels
in branchAI, Multiplayer and Online Client Aircraft
. - Fixed wrong bearing for nearest radio navaids of airport in information dock window. Used wrong
magnetic declination instead of airport value. - Attempt to fix not updating sun shading. #1125
- Optimizations for airspace name and aircraft trail display.
Scenery Library
- Fix for crash when reading BGL files having invalid airports.
- Fixed COM frequency duplicates in MSFS scenery library with Navigraph navdata update installed.
Reload the scenery library to see ...
Version 3.0.6
Version 3.0.6
This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds a few
improvements and new features.
Notable changes: New add-on airport filter modes in menu View.
Airport and navaid links in aircraft progress tab.
Logbook status and collected aircraft performance now kept between restarts.
macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.
The updated online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.
See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.
A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!
Changes from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6
Flight Plan and Procedures
- Fixed wrong warning for runway mismatches in procedure search. Showed unneeded mismatch warning
for runways without procedure. Example: KSTK. - Fixed issue where SID/STAR could not be reloaded due to wrongly detected runway mismatch when
using the MSFS scenery library. Example: EDDE ERNE1V EDDK/I14L
could not load ERNE1V when loading the flight plan for MSFS. - Flight plan name now updated in window title bar when using
orSave as
. - Now correctly assigning
as runway designator to SID/STAR having no runway assignments in MSFS.
Reload the scenery library if you use MSFS. - Fixed issue where STAR could not be loaded from MSFS PLN file. Example: KIAD/30 ANJLL4.DNERO KLAX/06L.
- Fixed crash when modifying flight plan.
Flight Plan Route Description
- Fixed issue where STAR keyword was not generated from flight plan in route description.
Now always adding generic SID/STAR keywords in export formats like the Rotate MD-80 .txt format
to avoid issues when loading plan in FMC. - Fixed issue with alternate airports having the same STAR as destination.
showed a wrong error message and used KPHX as destination. - Fixes in route description where description
was not recognized - Added
shortcut to create flight plan from route description. - Fixed issues where airways were not recognized. Example:
J4 was added as a far off NDB. - Fixed plan reset to VFR in route description. Flight plan type is now set from current flight plan
type in windowFlight Planning
when clickingLoad from Flight Plan
Flight Plan Export
- Reverted change for degree sign
in MSFS PLN flight plan files to avoid issues with
third-party software not capable to read this MSFS compatible format. - Added new multiexport format
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 format using "*" as degree sign
for cases where the simulator or add-ons cannot deal with the°
sign. - Removed obsolete annotated PLN export. Little Navmap can still read this format from old flight
Map Display
- Added three add-on airport map display options to menu
and toolbar.
See User Manual - View Menu - Airports.Add-on no override
): Add-on airports are shown like normal airports.Add-on override zoom
): Add-on airports override zoom distance only but filters
likeSoft Surface
can still be used to hide them.Add-on override zoom and filter
): Add-on airports override zoom distance and
filters, i.e. are always shown. Filters likeSoft Surface
have no effect on add-on airports.
- Added airport filter preset
Show only add-on airports
in menuView
and toolbar. - Map theme shortcuts for included themes can now be defined in DGML file.
- Assigned shortcuts
for all default free included map themes.
These do not change when adding additional themes. - Fixed disappearing related navaids when drawing procedures. This happened when navaid was outside
the bounding box of the flight plan. - Added options for airport runway labels and taxiway label size on page
Map Display
in section
User Interface
- Replaced outdated airway types
everywhere in the program. - Fixed too small table cell height on Windows with the high DPI option switched off.
- Now also closing the startup image splash window in all dialog windows to avoid being hidden.
As a result, the program looked like frozen since the hidden dialog window blocked input. - Fix in Dutch shortcut translation ('Ctrl+D' vs. 'Ctrl+Down') which overlapped with other keys.
- More user interface improvements.
- Minimum number of trail points lowered to 1000.
Aircraft Progress
- Added map, information and procedure links in progress tab for destination airport, top of climb,
top of descent, next waypoint and related navaids. - Fixed wrong next waypoint indication when flying missed approach.
- Logbook takeoff and landing detection is now kept for program restart.
- Improved logbook entry creation to avoid creating of unneeded entries. A flight can now be continued
after program restart and logbook entry is updated accordingly. - Now detecting off-airport takeoff and landing. Logbook entries get coordinates in degree/minute
format as departure and landing position in this case.
- Translations updated. Thanks to Flavio, Patrick and Ricardo!
- Updated user manual for new features and changes.
- The aircraft performance collection now keeps results on restart. Note that you have to restart
the collection manually by clicking in menuAircraft
->Restart Aircraft Performance Collection
the button in the window orFile
->Reset all for a new Flight
. - Now adding backup log file
to issue and crash reports - Added new X-Plane 12 VASI types
. - Fixed issue where X-Plane airways had wrong type assigned. Example:
EVMON to PAPAL airway Z8 was wrongly declared Jet. #1111 - Corrected VOR range for X-Plane data to use 130 NM for "unspecified but likely high power VOR".
🐇🐇🪺🪺 Happy Easter! 🪺🪺🐇🐇
See the included CHANGELOG.txt
or here online for a complete list across all versions.
All files are checked by VirusTotal.
Version 3.0.5
Direct Download
► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.5-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-3.0.5.tar.gz
Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.5-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-3.0.5.tar.gz
Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.5 (scroll down to Assets
Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:
► Alternative Download Locations
This is a hotfix for Little Navmap which fixes a problem loading MSFS flight plan files.
Little Navmap 3.0.4 released
or below for the full changelog from 2.8.12.
Changes from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5
- Hotfix to avoid error message
Caught exception: Invalid lat/long format
when loading the new MSFS PLN files with*
as degree sign, as used since 3.0.4. - Fixed missing navaids in tabs
and added missing links to navaids.
Version 3.0.4
This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds
improvements as well as new features.
Notable changes: Direct to waypoint function, search refined and simplified,
convert procedure to waypoints for editing, route description using runways and approaches,
load and save aircraft trail as GPX, search in options dialog window, hints in options,
wind in runway and procedure selection, install Little Xpconnect from menu Tools
crash and issue reports, colored aircraft trail and more.
Also update Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you're using one of them.
Little Navmap will show a notification dialog if you use an outdated version of Little Xpconnect.
You can update and install Little Xpconnect from the menu Tools
in Little Navmap now.
Little Navmap will show a reminder to reload the scenery library databases to get improvements.
macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.
The updated online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.
See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.
A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!
Changes from 2.8.12 to 3.0.4
See below for changes from 3.0.3.rc1 to 3.0.4.
User Manual and FAQ
Frequently asked questions updated.
Revised the user manual. Added more tips, hints and screenshots.
User manual is updated for all new functions. All help buttons and links point to the right chapters.
Added sub-menu
User Manual - Helpful Chapters
with important help links in main menu. -
Removed offline PDF manual in program and installer. You can download the user manual in PDF and other
formats from the page User Manuals. This page is also linked
from the menuHelp
->Download User Manuals
Map Display and Map Context Menu
- Convert procedure to waypoints function
- Direct to here function
- Select leg in flight plan on click
- Map Display - New handling of file little_navmap_mapstyle.ini
- Map overlays explained
Flight Plan Route Description
User Interface
- Web and internal links in dialog windows explained
- Copy and paste formatted text from all dialog windows
New Menu Items
- Search menu for quick access to airport, navaid and other search tabs
- Changed map display filter for add-on airports as requested by users
- Show or hide alternate airports
- Install or update Little Xpconnect from the Little Navmap menu
- Manually create an issue report menu item
- New menu items to show map cache and more
- Links to helpful user manual chapters
Aircraft Trail
- New chapter for user aircraft trail loading, saving and display options
- GPX exchange format (GPX) menu for load and export
Changed Search
- Changed text search in airport and navaid search windows
- Changed search for hidden options and new suffixes
- Changed handling of runways to avoid error messages when adding procedures
- Showing preferred runways as well as head and cross winds in procedure search
- Search for approach idents
- New departure leg option in traffic pattern
- Install the Little Xpconnect plugin from the tools menu
- New chapter for GLOBE installation
- Create a manual issue report
- Automatic crash report after improper shutdown
- Updated Italian translation by Flavio Borgna.
- Updated translation for Brazilian Portuguese by Ricardo Vitor.
- Updated French translation by Patrick.
- Updated German translation.
Flight Plan
- Added direct to function to all related context menus in flight plan table, map and search result
table. This function is only enabled if you are connected to a simulator. You can select a direct
to any waypoint ahead of the active leg, the destination airport or an alternate airport.
Furthermore you can direct to any position, navaid or airport which are not a part of the flight
plan. UsingDirect to
adds a waypointPPOS
(present position) at the aircraft location and a
direct line to the clicked position. - Added function to convert procedures into a list of waypoints. Right click on a procedure leg in
the flight plan table or the map display and selectConvert to Waypoints
. A warning will be shown
to indicate limitations of the conversion. After converting you can edit the procedure waypoints
like any other flight plan w...
Version 3.0.4
Direct Download
► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.4-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-3.0.4.tar.gz
Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.4-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-3.0.4.tar.gz
Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.4 (scroll down to Assets
Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:
► Alternative Download Locations
This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds
improvements as well as new features.
Notable changes: Direct to waypoint function, search refined and simplified,
convert procedure to waypoints for editing, route description using runways and approaches,
load and save aircraft trail as GPX, search in options dialog window, hints in options,
wind in runway and procedure selection, install Little Xpconnect from menu Tools
crash and issue reports, colored aircraft trail and more.
Also update Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you're using one of them.
Little Navmap will show a notification dialog if you use an outdated version of Little Xpconnect.
You can update and install Little Xpconnect from the menu Tools
in Little Navmap now.
Little Navmap will show a reminder to reload the scenery library databases to get improvements.
macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.
The updated online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.
See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.
A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!
Changes from 2.8.12 to 3.0.4
See below for changes from 3.0.3.rc1 to 3.0.4.
User Manual and FAQ
Frequently asked questions updated.
Revised the user manual. Added more tips, hints and screenshots.
User manual is updated for all new functions. All help buttons and links point to the right chapters.
Added sub-menu
User Manual - Helpful Chapters
with important help links in main menu. -
Removed offline PDF manual in program and installer. You can download the user manual in PDF and other
formats from the page User Manuals. This page is also linked
from the menuHelp
->Download User Manuals
Map Display and Map Context Menu
- Convert procedure to waypoints function
- Direct to here function
- Select leg in flight plan on click
- Map Display - New handling of file little_navmap_mapstyle.ini
- Map overlays explained
Flight Plan Route Description
User Interface
- Web and internal links in dialog windows explained
- Copy and paste formatted text from all dialog windows
New Menu Items
- Search menu for quick access to airport, navaid and other search tabs
- Changed map display filter for add-on airports as requested by users
- Show or hide alternate airports
- Install or update Little Xpconnect from the Little Navmap menu
- Manually create an issue report menu item
- New menu items to show map cache and more
- Links to helpful user manual chapters
Aircraft Trail
- New chapter for user aircraft trail loading, saving and display options
- GPX exchange format (GPX) menu for load and export
Changed Search
- Changed text search in airport and navaid search windows
- Changed search for hidden options and new suffixes
- Changed handling of runways to avoid error messages when adding procedures
- Showing preferred runways as well as head and cross winds in procedure search
- Search for approach idents
- New departure leg option in traffic pattern
- Install the Little Xpconnect plugin from the tools menu
- New chapter for GLOBE installation
- Create a manual issue report
- Automatic crash report after improper shutdown
- Updated Italian translation by Flavio Borgna.
- Updated translation for Brazilian Portuguese by Ricardo Vitor.
- Updated French translation by Patrick.
- Updated German translation.
Flight Plan
- Added direct to function to all related context menus in flight plan table, map and search result
table. This function is only enabled if you are connected to a simulator. You can select a direct
to any waypoint ahead of the active leg, the destination airport or an alternate airport.
Furthermore you can direct to any position, navaid or airport which are not a part of the flight
plan. UsingDirect to
adds a waypointPPOS
(present position) at the aircraft location and a
direct line to the clicked position. - Added function to convert procedures into a list of waypoints. Right click on a procedure leg in
the flight plan table or the map display and selectConvert to Waypoints
. A warning will be shown
to indicate limitations of the conversion. After converting you can edit the procedure waypoints
like any other flight plan waypoint list. - Added preferred runway indication in departure and destination runway selection dialog window.
This is based on the selection in menuWeather
->Airport Weather Source
and shows the best
runways for wind and the used weather source. Also showing head and crosswind for each runway in
the selection table. - Less important columns are now hidden in the flight plan table per default. You can bring these
back in the flight plan table context menu itemFlight Plan Table Display Options
or in the main
-> `Flight Plan Table Display O...
Version 2.8.12
Direct Download
► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-2.8.12-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.12.tar.gz
Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-2.8.12-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-2.8.12.tar.gz
Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 2.8.12 (scroll down to Assets
Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:
This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds
improvements as well as new features.
Notable changes: Windows Installation program, Prepar3D v6 support,
fix for MSFS waypoint moved to North issue, Little Navconnect tray icon and more.
Also update Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you're using one of them to
avoid crashes that were introduced with 2.8.12.rc1..
macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See
Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.
The updated online user manual is available here:
Little Navmap - User Manual.
See here for user manual downloads:
User Manuals - Stable Releases.
A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!
Changes from 2.8.11 to 2.8.12
Installation and Startup
- Added Inno Setup installer packages. This installs
Little Navmap for all users in the foldersProgram Files
for the 64-bit package or
Program Files (x86)
for the 32-bit package. Both can be installed in parallel. The installer
creates start menu entries for all included programs as well as most important files and links.
File types can optionally be associated with Little Navmap which allows to load a flight plan by
double clicking on a LNMPLN file in Windows Explorer or other file managers. Little Navmap is
then either started or a running instance is used to load a plan. See
Little Navmap User Manual - Installation.
Note that there is no need to install or modify any files in the installation folder. See also
Little Navmap User Manual - Map Themes. - Removed restart requirement after installing MSVC Redistributables in 64-bit Windows
installer (from 2.8.12.rc1). - Improved the detection of an already running instance of Little Navmap. Removed warning dialog
forProgram is already running
situation. Instead the Little Navmap window is brought into
foreground and any file passed to the program is opened. Furthermore, all files passed on the
command line without parameters are checked for type and are loaded accordingly. This is working
on Windows, macOS and Linux. See also
Little Navmap User Manual - Command Line Options. - Now allowing to run more than one Little Navmap instance when using separate configuration folders.
- Updated MSFS SimConnect DLL to the latest version
- Added configuration option for degree grid in view menu. Select menu
Show Map Grid Configuration
to change color of grid lines and labels. - Fixed issue where split user aircraft trails from previous version 2.8.10 were read wrongly
and appeared all connected to one. - Corrected loading of oceanic tracks to avoid disappearing flight plan after load.
- Now creating two backups for main trail file
to avoid data loss on update. - Now backing up configuration and track files with
suffix after installing
and starting a new version to avoid data loss. - Corrected issue where map grid was drawn below landmass in some offline maps.
- Menu and toolbar items for airspace altitude filter are now correctly selected again after
restart. - Fixed missing flight plan waypoint tooltips and click spots with airway or track display enabled.
- Added theme open flightmaps to included map themes.
This is a modified version of the map theme by
AmbitiousPilots including changes
from b-faller. - Now showing top level map image tile correctly for open flightmaps instead of an black area.
- Fixed more issues with the external map theme folder where maps having more than one layer like
the open flightmaps map theme could not be used. - Updated map theme file
. - Corrected checking for duplicate elements of
in map theme DGML files for maps having
more than one layer. This avoids the issue where different map themes might overwrite data in the
cache folder.
Userpoint and Logbook
- Fixed problem where no error was shown when importing invalid userpoint or logbook CSV files.
- Fixed issue where an aborted CSV import might corrupt the undo data in some cases.
- Update CSV import and export for userpoints to allow unit suffixes in altitude. Now detecting
for meter andf
for feet to import altitude in respective units. Feet is
default when using no suffix. - Fixed various issues with units in userpoint edit dialog. Now correctly setting and displaying
metric units forVisible from
andElevation or altitude
. CorrectedVisible from
display in
userpoint search result table. Now using more precision in userpoint altitude to avoid rounding
errors between units.
Flight Plan and Export
- Corrected wrong error message for procedures having a MAP lower than airport elevation.
Example: FAUP RNAV UP1F1 (R35) - Fix in flight plan export for MSFS where several waypoints are moved to North. Thanks to Github user
eaides for the hint. #1038 - Added selection box for
flight plan type to route description.
- Fixed issues where X-Plane simulator weather was not loaded from manually set folder without a
X-Plane installation. The weather was not loaded and wrong warning dialog was shown.
This is the case when Little Navmap runs on an networked or remote computer and the weather
is loaded from a shared network drive from the flying computer. - Flight plan route description dialog is now updated on style change.
- Moved AI and online aircraft menu items to sub-menu in
to avoid menu size limitation. - More fixes in weather to skip unneeded reading of ActiveSky weather files. These are now read
on demand if ActiveSky sky options like tooltips are enabled. - Fixed crash when copying log file on size overflow which was introduced with 2.8.12.rc1.
This resulted in a random crash to desktop while loading the scenery library. - Fixed crash when loading Active Sky files if Active Sky file path was set manually and removed
later on. - Corrected menu items and toolbar buttons which remained disabled after connecting to simulator.
Little Navconnect Version 2.8.7
- Added support for system tray icon. Close button on window frame now optionally minimizes window
to system tray. Enable this in menuWindow
->Minimize to system tray
. The tray icon is always
visible. System tray icon shows last five messages from log in tooltip. #712
See Little Navconnect User Manual - Tray. - Tray icon has a context menu to restore window, show settings and more. Left click on the tray icon
to restore or minimize the Little Navconnect window. - New option
->Start minimized to system tray
to start program without opening a window. - Fixed various issues with text field updates causing warnings in log file.
- Updated user manual.
See the included CHANGELOG.txt
or here online for a complete list across all versions.
All files are checked by VirusTotal.