A custom Gym environment designed for the tree pruning task. This environment interfaces with Stable Baselines3 to train visuomotor control policies for learning pruning.
Custom Gym Environment: Simulates the tree pruning task with realistic trees built using LPy (https://github.com/OSUrobotics/treesim_lpy).
Pybullet as physics engine: Implements methods to control a UR5 robot in simulation.
Stable Baselines3 Integration: Integrates with Stable Baselines3 for training reinforcement learning agents. Also introduces an LSTM version of the policy that learns with behavioral cloning and RL.
Pybullet planning Integration: Integrates with pybullet planning to run traditional planners such as RRT-Connect. These are used to benchmark RL policy and generate expert data.
How to make trees
python dataset_maker/make_n.py Move .ply files to meshes_and_urdf/meshes/trees/envy/ply python2 testfiles/ply_to_obj.py
Move the created object files to meshes_and_urdf/meshes/trees/envy/train and train_labelled
run create_urdf_from_obj.py
Blender - Run meshes_and_urdf/add_texture_to_tree.blend
Move tree_0 to test
In all .mtl files change the path to the texture to the correct path (Relative and remove Kd Ks)
python .\training_files\train_ppo_lstm.py --args_global_n_envs 19 --args_policy_learning_rate 0.0005 --args_policy_learning_rate_ae 0.0005 --args_policy_steps_per_epoch 300 --args_global_run_name new_try_latest --args_env_use_ik --args_env_randomize_ur5_pose --args_env_randomize_tree_pose
To create expert dataset:
python .\baselines\run_baseline.py --args_global_n_envs 10 --args_env_verbose 1 --args_callback_n_eval_orientations 200 --args_callback_n_points_per_orientation 6 --args_baseline_results_save_path rrt_connect_paths_goal_new This generates RRT Paths and stores them to a csv file
python .\baselines\load_and_smooth_paths.py --args_global_n_envs 5 --args_baseline_load_file_path rrt_connect_paths_goal_new^
Load the paths and smooth them and convert to velocities and store them as pkl