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Lumberjack is not an official Google product.

Lumberjack helps your applications on Google Cloud to write audit logs similar to Cloud Audit Logs and provides building blocks to centrally collect the audit logs for analysis.

Use Case

Audit logs are special logs that record when and who called which application and accessed what data. And why the access was necessary.

The typical use case of Lumberjack is for an organization's insider risk (or insider threat) program. The organization will require its applications to write audit logs whenever there are employees calling the applications to access user data.



Data access could happen on two routes:

  • Via applications that connect to data storage. We can audit logs from such accesses application-level audit logs. Lumberjack provides Go and Java SDK to help write application-level audit logs via cloud logging. Find out more about how to use the SDK. It also provides a CLI tool for log validation, which can be used as a debugging tool or if you write logs through other means but want to use the same logging standards.
  • Directly via data storage API. Google Cloud provides Cloud Audit Logs to capture such accesses. We also call these logs platform-level audit logs to differentiate from application-level audit logs.

For application-level audit logs, Lumberjack reuses the Google Cloud's AuditLog format in LogEntry's JSON payload.

Both application-level and platform-level audit logs should be routed via log sinks to a central audit log storage. We recommend using BigQuery as the central audit log storage. See the log sink filters.

Audit Logging in gRPC

Lumberjack SDK provides near-automated audit logging for gRPC services via gRPC interceptor. Find out more here.

Ingestion Service

By default, we recommend having Lumberjack SDK to write application-level audit logs to cloud logging. In case you prefer having a central log ingestion service, Lumberjack also provides a sample log ingestion service. Lumberjack SDK can be configured to write application-level audit logs to the ingestion service via a gRPC API instead. A central ingestion service could come in handy when you need to add common audit log processing logic.

Other Kinds of Audit Logging

The audit logging described above is the typical user data access audit logging. Lumberjack could also help with other kinds of audit logging:

  • Consent Events: Audit logging user consent events (agreement and revocation). The request principal in such logs should be the user who's approving/revoking the consent agreement.
  • System Events: Audit logging system produced events, e.g. GitHub workflow requesting GitHub token with elevated permissions. The request principal in such logs should be the system identity making the request.

See supported log types here.


Via abc CLI

You can leverage abc CLI to set up the basic infrastructure needed for this service. You will need to install abc CLI by following docs here.

You can customize to create the log sinks either in GCP projects, folders or organization. Below is the example of create the log sinks in GCP projects.

abc templates render \
 -input='project_id=<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>' \
 -input='lumberjack_release_version=<YOUR_LUMBERJACK_RELEASE_VERSION>' \
 -input='log_sink_project_ids=[<YOUR_LOG_SINK_PROJECT_ID>,......]' \
 -input='application_audit_logs_filter_file=<YOUR_APPLICATION_AUDIT_LOGS_FILTER_FILE>' \
 -input='cloud_audit_logs_filter_file=<YOUR_CLOUD_AUDIT_LOGS_FILTER_FILE>' \
 -input='terraform_state_bucket=<YOUR_TERRAFORM_STATE_BUCKET>' \
 -input='terraform_state_prefix=<YOUR_TERRAFORM_STATE_PREFIX>' \