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Lumberjack for gRPC services

Lumberjack is not an official Google product.

The auto audit logging can be added to your gRPC service via gRPC interceptor.


Config blocks security_context and rules are only used in auto audit logging setup. Setting these fields don't automatically enable auto audit logging. Code change is still required (see below).


Config the client to

  • look up authentication info (request principal) from a JWT without validation (assuming application code already handles it)
  • and enable audit logging for all gRPC method
version: v1alpha1
    default_project: true
    exclude: ".*\\.iam\\.gserviceaccount\\.com$"
  - key: authorization
    prefix: "Bearer "
- selector: *

Config the client to

  • look up authentication info from multiple JWT locations
  • and enable audit logging only for gRPC method /com.example.Foo/Bar
version: v1alpha1
    default_project: true
    exclude: ".*\\.iam\\.gserviceaccount\\.com$"
  - key: authorization
    prefix: "Bearer "
  - key: x-jwt-assertion # Also look up JWT in metadata with key x-jwt-assertion
- selector: /com.example.Foo/Bar
  Directive: AUDIT_REQUEST_AND_RESPONSE # Audit both req and resp

Go interceptor

// Similar to how you would create an audit client.
interceptor, err := audit.NewInterceptor(auditopt.InterceptorFromConfigFile(ctx, auditopt.DefaultConfigFilePath)
if err != nil {
  // handle err
defer func() {
  if err := interceptor.Stop(); err != nil {
    // handle err
// Add the interceptors to the gRPC server.
s := grpc.NewServer(grpc.UnaryInterceptor(interceptor.UnaryInterceptor), grpc.StreamInterceptor(interceptor.StreamInterceptor))

In case you have other interceptors of your own, use ChainUnaryInterceptor and ChainStreamInterceptor instead.

Java interceptor

// This interceptor clubs unary interceptor and stream interceptor into one.
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AuditLoggingModule());
AuditLoggingServerInterceptor interceptor = injector.getInstance(AuditLoggingServerInterceptor.class);

// Add the interceptor to the gRPC server.
server = ServerBuilder.forPort(port).intercept(interceptor).build();


Unary Calls

Unary calls are single request/response pairs. In this case, a single audit log will be generated that includes all relevant fields, as well as both the request and response.

Example (edited for brevity):

    "jsonPayload": {
      "response": {
        "message": "Hello Some Message",
      "request": {
        "message": "Some Message",
        "target": "e5cd4be1-7143-49c5-9f80-9d6ba779fdc3",
      "resource_name": "e5cd4be1-7143-49c5-9f80-9d6ba779fdc3"

Streaming Calls

Server -> Client streaming

A log is created for each response (message sent from server). If a request has been sent before the request occurred, and we haven't logged that request, we add it as part of the audit log.

Example (edited for brevity):

    "method_name": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Fibonacci",
    "request": {
      "target": "3548b8c0-6b25-40f0-9a8e-da3ef3d0212d",
      "places": "3.0",
    "response": {
      "position": "1.0",
    "operation": {
      "id": "475c0f1c-a4f3-448c-a147-7ee041a64dda",
      "producer": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Fibonacci",
    "method_name": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Fibonacci",
    "request": {},
    "response": {
      "position": "2.0",
      "value": "1.0",
    "operation": {
      "id": "475c0f1c-a4f3-448c-a147-7ee041a64dda",
      "producer": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Fibonacci",
    "method_name": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Fibonacci",
    "request": {},
    "response": {
      "position": "3.0",
      "value": "1.0",
    "operation": {
      "id": "475c0f1c-a4f3-448c-a147-7ee041a64dda",
      "producer": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Fibonacci",

In this example, the client sent a single request (for 3 places of fibonacci) and the server responded with 3 separate responses. Each of those responses have been audit logged, and the first response includes the request in addition to the response.

Client -> Server streaming

We attempt to pair requests (message from client) with responses in a best-effort fashion. However, if another request comes in before a response occurs, we log the previously unlogged requests without responses attached.

Example (edited for brevity):

    "method_name": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Addition",
    "request": {
      "target": "cff5c025-09d9-4892-91a8-3a6ec8ca3060",
      "addend": "1.0"
    "response": null,
    "operation": {
      "id": "9e428c00-6e4f-4dd6-bd75-3c8dd83afe6c",
      "producer": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Addition",
    "method_name": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Addition",
    "request": {
      "target": "cff5c025-09d9-4892-91a8-3a6ec8ca3060",
      "addend": "2.0"
    "response": null,
    "operation": {
      "id": "9e428c00-6e4f-4dd6-bd75-3c8dd83afe6c",
      "producer": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Addition",
    "method_name": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Addition",
    "request": {
      "target": "cff5c025-09d9-4892-91a8-3a6ec8ca3060",
      "addend": "3.0"
    "response": {
      "sum": "6"
    "response": null,
    "operation": {
      "id": "9e428c00-6e4f-4dd6-bd75-3c8dd83afe6c",
      "producer": "abcxyz.test.Talker/Addition",

In this example, the client sent 3 numbers for the server to add up (1, 2, 3). Each of those requests got an audit log, and the last request additionally was paired with the response (6).

Bi-Directional Streaming

Bi-directional streaming is handled similarly to both of the above, in that we try to best-effort pair requests and responses, but we only log each request and response once.

TODO(#156): add demonstrating example once we have a bi-directional streaming integ test

Operation Fields

In the examples above we have included the "operation" fields. These fields are automatically added, and the id + producer within the operation block form a unique key that can be used to correlate all request/response values within a single connection/streaming session.The id is a randomly generated UUID input by the interceptor, and the producer is the full method name.