Releases: UVVIS-BIRA-IASB/qdoas
QDOAS 3.7.0
OMI collection 4:
Improve reading performance by using a larger netCDF cache size.
Read "xtrack_quality" flags.
QDOAS can now read the calibration solar reference from a netCDF file.
Implement a simpler netCDF matrix input format.
Increase interface maximum filename length to 512 characters.
By default, netCDF output will use the current QDOAS project name as a group name.
Improve command line error message reporting.
Various small bug fixes.
QDOAS is now compatible with Qt6 or Qt5.
The command-line utility doas_cl no longer depends on Qt and can be
compiled in an environment without Qt libraries.
QDOAS 3.6.10
- Fixed a memory management bug that caused QDOAS to crash when 'File name' was selected as one of the output fields.
- Fixed a bug in GEMS L1C reading routines.
QDOAS 3.6.9
QDOAS can now processs OMI Collection 4 L1B data.
QDOAS 3.6.8
- FRM4DOAS: possibility to read matrix (to consider imagers for example) and optionally average rows.
- Analysis: add Slope + molecular Ring correction.
- Improve command line tool error handling.
- Performance improvement when loading input data for imager-type instruments.
- Various bugfixes.
QDOAS 3.6.5
- Make failure to load calibration settings a fatal error.
- Make
return exit code 1 if it does not succeed in writing output. - Use xml parser to determine config file type. This way, doas_cl recognizes
config files edited using other xml tools or libraries.
QDOAS 3.6.4
This is a bugfix relase:
- Fix missing doas_cl error messages for batch output.
- Fix failing NetCDF output in batch processing ("automatic") mode.
- Fix configuration for zenith-only type instruments.
QDOAS 3.6.3
- Fix memory leak in linear least squares module.
- Reduce memory footprint at startup.
- Speed up reading large NetCDF cross sections (increase cache size).
- Speed up tropomi radiance reference initialization (read the reference file just once).
- Fix a bug when reading certain GEMS L1 attributes.
- Fix a bug in the handling of pre-defined parameter fitting results in intensity fitting mode.
QDOAS 3.6.2
This release fixes a bug in the output of fitting residuals.
QDOAS 3.6.0
- License changed from GPLv2 to a BSD 3-clause type license.
- Various changes to allow compilation with Microsoft Visual C++.
- Replace GSL depedendency with Eigen.
- Remove HDF-EOS2 dependency.
- Remove support for a few older ground-based instrument data formats which are no longer used.
- doas_cl can now use trigger lists created by another software in parallel
- FRM4DOAS format adapted for imagers
- Can save residual spectra in NetCDF output format.
- Write sensor, fitting interval and spectral band in NetCDF metadata.
QDOAS 3.5.0
Satellites measurements
support GEMS Level-1 format (it's recommended to work on files with dimensions correctly reordered for better performances)
an irradiance in GEMS format is always expected as ref1; a second reference spectrum can be used as ref2 in APEX format
the residual spectrum can be included in the output file in netCDF format (replaces "residual" option in analysis windows properties) this option currently only works for GEMS format
doas_cl: new option -new_irrad to save the wavelength calibration after a run calibration on an irradiance spectrum. This option works for GEMS but has never been tested on other formats; example on the command line to test :
./doas_cl -c <application path>/GEMS/S5_O3_BremenTDS_config_v1_20180613.xml -k S5_O3 -new_irrad <application path>/GEMS/ref/s5-spectra_convolved_irradiance_v20180613_nonoise_shift_corrected -f <application path>/GEMS/ref/s5-spectra_convolved_irradiance_v20180613_nonoise_shifted -o <application path>/Applications/GEMS/ref/s5-spectra_convolved_irradiance_v20180613_nonoise_output
minor error fixed in netCDF output, otherwise compilation with newer netcdf/hdf5 libraries was not possible.
Ground-based measurements
- ASCII column extended format : a third column can be added with the errors on spectra.
- MFC format : measurements with elevation angles > 100 are tagged as off-axis measurements (useful for instruments pointing to two opposite directions)
- When a site is specified to recalculate solar angles, it's now possible to specify the convention for calculated solar azimuth angles
- "spline interpolation requests increasing absissae ..." turns from fatal error to warning (useful for imagers in order not to exclude all rows)
- Convolution tool outputs cross sections in ASCII or netCDF format. Cross section files in netCDF format can be used directly in QDOAS analysis windows properties (useful for imagers). Reference spectra in projects properties should still be in ASCII format even if convolved