Releases: UVVIS-BIRA-IASB/qdoas
Releases · UVVIS-BIRA-IASB/qdoas
QDOAS 3.4.6
📅 2022-05-31
- fixed issues in build system
- improved error messages and fixed several small bugs
- added milliseconds in time variable output for tropomi
- restore version with solar angles for bira-airborne
QDOAS 3.4.5
📅 2021-01-21
- update of reading routine for gome-2 due to an update of .codadef files.
- Ground-based measurements : add the wanted saa convention if angles are recalculated for a specific observation site
QDOAS 3.4.4
📅 2020-09-30
- MFC format : fix issue with the selection of reference spectra
- Windows OS : 'save plot' in ascii systematically added 'asc' extension even if not wanted
This release includes the following new features :
- ground-based measurements : FRM4DOAS netCDF format
- TROPOMI/GOMEnetCDF : use earthshine radiance as reference spectrum. This spectrum should be generated outside QDOAS in APEX netCDF format
- addition of Pukite/Slope and Ring molecular correction terms in the analysis windows properties
- possibility to calculate the difference of cross sections instead of orthogonalize them