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Example Lua Scripts
Note: For the Lua API documentation (a complete list of the Lua functions and tables that interact with the engine) please see the `Documents` folder packaged in your TombEngine download.
Puzzle Setups:
- 1. Obelisk Puzzle - WolfCheese
- 2. Sequence Switch Puzzle - WolfCheese
- 3. Infinite Enemy Random Respawn - WolfCheese
In TR4, Lara can use three turn switches to rotate obelisks to point toward an object she wishes to attain. In TEN, the hardcoded behaviour for these objects was removed - instead, you can use LUA to create a variation of this puzzle that suits your needs.
Tip: An easy way to get the correct positions or rotations to reference in your script is to load your level with the object in the appropriate spot, then use the print()
command. For example print(object:GetRotation())
will give you the current rotation of object
In this example, we "disable" the pulley by shifting it down so Lara can't use it. It won't be set to its rightful position until Lara gets the obelisks in the correct position. The level needs the following objects and LUA names:
- Three turn switches: turn_switch_a, turn_switch_b, turn_switch_c
- Three obelisks: obelisk_a, obelisk_b, obelisk_c
- One pulley: pulley
To solve the puzzle with this code:
- obelisk_a needs to face east
- obelisk_b needs to face west
- obelisk_c needs to face south
local Util = require("Util")
--this boolean prevent pulley raising in OnControlPhase from happening more than once puzzleSolved = false
--at the start, lower pulley into the ground to "disable" it
LevelFuncs.OnStart = function ()
local pulley = GetMoveableByName("pulley")
local pos = pulley:GetPosition()
pos.y = pos.y + 500
--oncontrolphase executes every frame. check for changes in turn switch rotation here
LevelFuncs.OnControlPhase = function()
--get objects
local switchA = GetMoveableByName("turn_switch_a")
local switchB = GetMoveableByName("turn_switch_b")
local switchC = GetMoveableByName("turn_switch_c")
local obeliskA = GetMoveableByName("obelisk_a")
local obeliskB = GetMoveableByName("obelisk_b")
local obeliskC = GetMoveableByName("obelisk_c")
local pulley = GetMoveableByName("pulley")
--make obelisk rotation match turn switch rotation
obeliskA:SetRotation(Rotation(0, switchA:GetRotation().y, 0))
obeliskB:SetRotation(Rotation(0, switchB:GetRotation().y, 0))
obeliskC:SetRotation(Rotation(0, switchC:GetRotation().y, 0))
--check of obelisks are in correct orientations, raise pulley back up to allow player to use it
--Rotation angles can be positive or negative in TEN, so multiple checks are included.
if puzzleSolved == false and (obeliskA:GetRotation().y == 0 or obeliskA:GetRotation().y == 360) and (obeliskB:GetRotation().y == 180 or obeliskB:GetRotation().y == -180) and (obeliskC:GetRotation().y == 90 or obeliskC:GetRotation().y == -270) then
puzzleSolved = true
local pos = pulley:GetPosition()
pos.y = pos.y - 500
In TR4, Lara finds three switches that open different doors based on the order she pressed them in. As with above, you can use LUA to reconstruct this kind of puzzle in TEN according to your needs.
In this example, three basic wall switches are used. After Lara pulls them all down, the code checks what sequence was used, and whether that opens one of the three doors. In any case the switches are destroyed + recreated in order to be usable again. (Without legacy triggers, switches can't reset themselves normally.) The level needs the following objects and LUA names:
- Three doors: door_abc, door_acb, door_bca
- Three switches: switch_a, switch_b, switch_c
local Util = require("Util")
--keep track of order of switches in this array
--the goal is: switches[1] stores the first switch pulled, switches[2] stores the second switch pulled, and so on.
switches = {}
--this variable represents the next index that will be modified in the array.
--Standard convention for Lua is to start with index 1, not 0.
i = 1
--keep track of switch status so we can detect changes: false = pulled up, true = pulled down
switchAStatus = false
switchBStatus = false
switchCStatus = false
--these variables will remember the starting positions of the switches
positions = {}
rotations = {}
roomNumber = 0
--remember those starting positions using the OnStart function
LevelFuncs.OnStart = function()
local switchA = GetMoveableByName("switch_a")
local switchB = GetMoveableByName("switch_b")
local switchC = GetMoveableByName("switch_c")
positions[1] = switchA:GetPosition()
positions[2] = switchB:GetPosition()
positions[3] = switchC:GetPosition()
rotations[1] = switchA:GetRotation()
rotations[2] = switchB:GetRotation()
rotations[3] = switchC:GetRotation()
roomNumber = switchC:GetRoom()
--oncontrolphase executes every frame. check for changes in switch animations here.
--for the wall switch animations: 0 is pulled up, 1 is pulled down
LevelFuncs.OnControlPhase = function(delta)
--get switch objects
local switchA = GetMoveableByName("switch_a")
local switchB = GetMoveableByName("switch_b")
local switchC = GetMoveableByName("switch_c")
--first check if all three switches have been pulled (i == 4 means switches array has three elements)
if i == 4 then
--open the corresponding door (if any) based on order of switches pulled
if switches[1] == 'a' and switches[2] == 'b' and switches[3] == 'c' then
local door = GetMoveableByName("door_abc")
if switches[1] == 'a' and switches[2] == 'c' and switches[3] == 'b' then
local door = GetMoveableByName("door_acb")
if switches[1] == 'b' and switches[2] == 'c' and switches[3] == 'a' then
local door = GetMoveableByName("door_bca")
--reset switches + variables
switches = {}
i = 1
switchAStatus = false
switchBStatus = false
switchCStatus = false
Moveable(ObjID.SWITCH_TYPE1, "switch_a", positions[1], rotations[1], roomNumber, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0,0,0,0,0,0})
Moveable(ObjID.SWITCH_TYPE1, "switch_b", positions[2], rotations[2], roomNumber, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0,0,0,0,0,0})
Moveable(ObjID.SWITCH_TYPE1, "switch_c", positions[3], rotations[3], roomNumber, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0,0,0,0,0,0})
--otherwise, see if a switch is pulled down and thus it is ready to be stored in our array
if switchA:GetAnim() == 1 and switchAStatus == false then
switches[i] = 'a'
switchAStatus = true
i = i + 1
if switchB:GetAnim() == 1 and switchBStatus == false then
switches[i] = 'b'
switchBStatus = true
i = i + 1
if switchC:GetAnim() == 1 and switchCStatus == false then
switches[i] = 'c'
switchCStatus = true
i = i + 1
In this example, we demonstrate the use of a callback function that is used for when a baddy is killed. This script creates a new enemy when the previous one is killed, and will keep doing so indefinitely. The new enemy is randomly spawned between three locations, which are represented by camera targets. (We are using camera targets only because they are a simple object that appears invisible during the game.)
The level needs the following objects and LUA names:
- A GOON2 enemy: baddy1
- Three camera targets: camera_target_1, camera_target_2, camera_target_3
local Util = require("Util")
--index for current baddy
i = 1
LevelFuncs.OnStart = function()
local baddy = GetMoveableByName("baddy1")
LevelFuncs.OnBaddyKilled = function()
--add 1 to our baddy index
i = i + 1
--randomly pick a camera target to spawn baddy at
local cameraTargetIndex = math.random(1, 3)
local cameraTarget = GetMoveableByName("camera_target_"..cameraTargetIndex)
--spawn baddy at camera target's location. Don't forget to assign the OnKilled event to this one too.
local newBaddy = Moveable(ObjID.GOON2, "baddy"..i, cameraTarget:GetPosition(), cameraTarget:GetRotation(), cameraTarget:GetRoom(), 0, 0, 100, 0, {0,0,0,0,0,0})