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Thomas Feuster edited this page Nov 14, 2023 · 5 revisions


Besides standard file handling functions it also allows editing of the Preferences.


Manipulation of GPX structure:

  • Merge Files
  • Merge selected items
  • Delete selected items
  • Invert selected items

Those actions are also available via context menu.


Access to a Distribution Viewer for

  • Speed
  • Distance to previous
  • Elevation
  • Elevation difference to previous
  • Slope

and to a Statistics page showing various averages and extreme values for the selected GPX file.


Access to a number of algorithms that can manipulate a GPF file or item:

  • Fix Garmin Crap: Find and remove "specialties" of Garmin GPX measuring (e.g. large jumps at the beginning of a file due to incorrect start point determination)
  • Reduce using the algorithm selected in Preferences
  • Smooth using the algorithm selected in Preferences
  • Stationaries: Find blocks of GPX points without major change in location (e.g. due to a lunch break) and optionally replace them by a single center point
  • Match to path: Use the MapBox matching service to snap points on neighboring streets


Access to functions around elevation data:

  • Assign Elevation: Assign (missing) elevation values to waypoints using algorithm & data selected in Preferences
  • Elevation for Coordinate
  • Show SRTM data: Show SRTM data in a 3d viewer
  • Download SRTM data: Open two websites where SRTM data can be downloaded freely: ESA data and ViewFinder
  • Show Horizon: Open view that shows how the horizon looks like from the current center of the map


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