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SudokuMonster edited this page Sep 25, 2021 · 8 revisions

Sudoku Explainer by Nicolas Juillerat (dead link). This project is based on Juillerat's work on classification and grading of the solving techniques, as well as on his implementation code.

Serate - a modification for batch processing done by Glenn Fowler for the purposes of the Patterns Game. Included in this project. targets some mouse use issues in addition to some GUI improvements. This repository incorporated which adds and Undo button.

Update: These improvements have been included in this project and should appear in releases after v1.3.0.1 adds an undo button. This has been incorporated into the repository at which also adds mouse related bug fixes, GUI cell masks and highlighting improvements.

Update: These improvements have been included in this project and should appear in releases after v1.3.0.1

lksudoku's repository contains several fixes discussed here. You can find a summary of changes made here. The fixes for BUG, UL/UR loop detection and UR/UL type 3 detection have been implemented in Sukaku Explainer. Initial testing with the Chaining sorting/detection fix showed that some bugs persisted and therefore was not implemented. The serate enhancements have not been implemented. (dead link). has an improved version of Sudoku explainer targeting the Chinese-speaking audience. It has new techniques added to include W-wing, WXYZ wing and others that are projected to be added in the future.

Update: The WXYZ wing was a modification of the current XY/XYZ detecting algorithm. A similar and improved version of WXYZ and VWXYZ wings has been added to Sukaku Explainer in addition to the 2 strong-link fish techniques (Skyscraper, 2-String Kite and Turbot Fish). A modified version of that has been added to Sukaku explainer that uses 3 strong links (3 Skyscrapers, 3-String Kite and 3-Turbot fish) in v1.6.1