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Loading Pencilmark grids into Sukaku explainer (Test Puzzles)

SudokuMonster edited this page Aug 21, 2019 · 7 revisions

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Uncovered (solved) cell

Examples of correct and incorrect loading:

Test puzzles

When loading the puzzle, Sukaku Explainer considers a cell uncovered (solved) if:

  1. The cell that has only a single candidate
  2. The candidate is not present in any of the 20-peer cells (the candidate is not present in any other cell sharing a row, column or box with our uncovered cell)

On the GUI (default settings), a solved (uncovered) cell will appear in black large font. A complete solution will result in having 81 uncovered (solved) cells and that is the target of Sukaku explainer solving pathway.

A covered (unsolved) cell would appear in the GUI (default settings) with a small grey font. These cells regardless of the number of candidates in them are considered unsolved and will be targeted by Sukaku explainer to advance the solution towards uncovering (solving) them all.

consider the following Pencimark grid:

| 9  8  1  | 7  3  6  | 2  4  5  |
| 7  3  5  | 4  9  2  | 6  1  8  |
| 4  2  6  | 1  5  8  | 3  9  7  |
| 1  4  2  | 6  8  5  | 7  3  9  |
| 3  6  7  | 9  4  1  | 5  8  2  |
| 8  5  9  | 3  2  7  | 4  6  1  |
| 2  1  8  | 5  6  4  | 9  7  3  |
| 6  7  3  | 2  1  9  | 8  5  4  |
| 5  9  4  | 8  78 3  | 1  2  6  |

The following is an image of how the above grid should load:

Correct loading

The cells with small grey numbers are considered covered (Unsolved) cells and the cells with Big black numbers are considered uncovered (solved) cells, Sukaku explainer will target the unsolved cells in an attempt to advance to complete resolution where all cells are uncovered (solved).

The correct action that would follow if the grid was loaded correctly is r4c5 single. This can be illustrated in the next image:

Correct loading Step

The following are incorrect examples of Pencilmark grid loading of the same grid:

Incorrect loading 01

The above image illustrates that all cells are uncovered (solved). This is shows a complete resolution (solution) and therefore Sukaku explainer will not take any further action and reports that the puzzle is solved

incorrect loading 02

The above image illustrates another example of incorrect loading where r4c5 and r9c4 are considered uncovered (solved) therefore clearing 8 in r9c5 leaving r9c5 as the only covered (unsolved) cell remaining. The following would be Sukaku explainers next solving step:

Incorrect loading 02 Step

Where it targets that covered (unsolved) cell and reports a single in r9c5

The next image illustrates the failure of identifying uncovered (solved cells):

incorrect loading 03

All cells appear in grey showing that we have 81 covered (unsolved) cells. The Sukaku explainer next solving step would be:

incorrect loading 03 step

where is it goes for single in r1c3

The following puzzle should have a rating of 12.0/12.0/11.8

| 9      8      12345  | 7      346    1246   | 1234   145    235    |
| 7      1235   12345  | 12348  3489   12489  | 6      14589  23589  |
| 1234   123    6      | 12348  5      12489  | 123478 14789  23789  |
| 1268   4      129    | 168    678    5      | 278    3      26789  |
| 12368  1236   7      | 9      3468   1468   | 5      468    268    |
| 3568   3569   359    | 3468   2      4678   | 478    46789  1      |
| 123456 123567 8      | 56     467    2467   | 9      1567   3567   |
| 2356   235679 2359   | 2568   1      26789  | 378    5678   4      |
| 1456   15679  1459   | 4568   46789  3      | 178    2      5678   |

The following puzzle should have a rating of 9.4/2.3/2.3

| 2345678  13579    2345789  | 23468    1356789  12468    | 1235789  13579    1245689  |
| 13579    234678   36       | 1357     2468     135789   | 14       24689    13579    |
| 12345679 78       1245     | 36789    1458     89       | 236      8        124579   |
| 67       135679   36789    | 2468     13578    248      | 14789    134579   24689    |
| 1235689  2468     1245678  | 135679   12346789 134579   | 345689   2468     345789   |
| 12468    135679   2369     | 2468     123579   2468     | 12347    34579    23468    |
| 13456789 12       458      | 12369    2456789  1347     | 5689     23       146789   |
| 13579    124689   69       | 123579   246      12379    | 47       234678   13579    |
| 1245689  13579    12345789 | 24689    12345679 24678    | 1356789  13579    2345678  |

The following puzzle should have a rating of 4.2/2.3/2.3

| 1379     234689   34569    | 13579    28       13579    | 14567    124678   1379     |
| 246789   1245     4578     | 124569   135789   234567   | 569      236      246789   |
| 25789    2356     12345678 | 149      1346789  367      | 12345689 1245     25789    |
| 13579    124589   129      | 1234579  2468     1235679  | 237      235678   13579    |
| 46       135679   12689    | 268      5        2468     | 1234789  134579   46       |
| 13579    234578   378      | 1345789  2468     135689   | 1        125689   1379     |
| 12358    5689     1246789  | 347      1234679  169      | 23456789 4578     12358    |
| 123468   4578     1245     | 345678   123579   14689    | 2356     589      23468    |
| 1379     234689   34569    | 13579    28       13579    | 14567    124678   1379     |

The following puzzle should have a rating of 5.6/5.6/3.2

| 37  2   6   | 4   5   8   | 9   1   37  |
| 78  34  5   | 6   1   9   | 24  23  78  |
| 89  49  1   | 2   7   3   | 5   48  6   |
| 39  7   239 | 5   8   1   | 24  6   34  |
| 6   1   4   | 7   3   2   | 8   5   9   |
| 5   8   23  | 9   4   6   | 7   23  1   |
| 4   39  379 | 38  6   5   | 1   78  2   |
| 2   6   8   | 1   9   47  | 3   47  5   |
| 1   5   37  | 38  2   47  | 6   9   48  |

The following puzzle should have a rating of 9.4/9.4/9.1

 |  2789    24789   1247   |  6      128   12348   |  5      1389   12389   | 
 |  258     6       1245   |  1348   9     12348   |  1234   7      1238    | 
 |  289     2489    3      |  148    5     7       |  124    189    6       | 
 |  4       2379    267    |  5      126   1236    |  8      1369   139     | 
 |  3569    1       56     |  378    4     368     |  367    2      359     | 
 |  2356    235     8      |  137    126   9       |  1367   1356   4       | 
 |  1       3458    46     |  2      7     468     |  9      3568   358     | 
 |  25678   2578    2567   |  9      3     168     |  126    4      1258    | 
 |  2368    2348    9      |  148    168   5       |  1236   1368   7       | 

The following puzzle should have a rating of 5.2/5.2/3.4

| 5689    69      1       | 4789    2       4789    | 3       459     789     |
| 389     4       238     | 5       3789    6       | 279     1       2789    |
| 7       39      2358    | 3489    1       3489    | 249     2459    6       |
| 34569   8       3456    | 23469   349     13459   | 1249    7       1239    |
| 1       369     7       | 23469   349     349     | 8       2349    5       |
| 3459    2       345     | 34789   34789   1345789 | 149     6       139     |
| 2       1367    368     | 3789    5       3789    | 1679    39      4       |
| 346     5       346     | 1       3479    2       | 679     8       379     |
| 348     137     9       | 3478    6       3478    | 5       23      1237    |