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Batch mode command line parameters

SudokuMonster edited this page Aug 31, 2019 · 22 revisions

To see command line syntax for your version, run the following command

java -cp SukakuExplainer.jar diuf.sudoku.test.serate --man

At the time of writing this manual, the following parameters are supported. At the end, an example command that demonstrates formatting syntax is given.

  serate - Sukaku Explainer / Sudoku Explainer command line rating

  serate [--diamond] [--after=FORMAT] [--before=FORMAT] [--format=FORMAT]
    [--input=FILE] [--output=FILE] [--pearl] [--start=FORMAT] [--threads=N] [puzzle ...]

  serate is a Sukaku Explainer command line entry point that rates one or more
  input puzzles.  It is currently backward-compatible  with serate v1.2.1
  If an --input=FILE option is specified then 81-character puzzle
  strings are read from that file, otherwise if 81-character puzzle operands are
  not specified the puzzles are read from the standard input.  If an --output=FILE
  option is specified then the output is written to that file, otherwise output
  is written to the standard output.  The output is controlled by the
  --format=FORMAT option (F) as well as --start (S), --before (B), and --after (A) options.

  Ratings are floating point numbers in the range 0.0 - 20.0, rounded to the
  tenths digit.  0.0 indicates a processing error and 20.0 indicates an valid
  but otherwise unsolvable input puzzle.

  -a, --after=FORMAT
      Format the output after each step according to FORMAT. Default is empty.
  -b, --before=FORMAT
      Format the output before each step according to FORMAT. Default is empty.
  -d, --diamond
      Terminate rating if the puzzle is not a diamond.
  -f, --format=FORMAT
      Format the output for each input puzzle according to FORMAT.  Format
      conversion are %CHARACTER; all other characters are output unchanged.
      The default format is %r/%p/%d.  The format conversions are:
        %d  The diamond rating.  This is the highest ER of the methods leading
            to the first candidate elimination. (F)
        %D  The diamond rating technique name.  This is the name of technique with highest rating of the methods leading
            to the first candidate elimination. (F)
        %e  The elapsed time to rate the puzzle. (AF)
        %h  The long step description in multi-line HTML format. (A)
        %g  The input puzzle line. (SBAF)
        %i  The puzzle grid in 81-character [0-9] form. (SBAF)
        %l  The new line. (SBAF)
        %m  The input puzzle pencilmarks in 729-char format. (SBA)
        %M  The input puzzle pencilmarks in multi-line format. (SBA)
        %n  The input puzzle ordinal, counting from 1. (SF)
        %p  The pearl rating.  This is the highest ER of the methods leading
            to the first cell placement. (F)
        %P  The pearl rating technique name.  This is the name of 1st technique with highest
             rating of the methods leading to the first cell placement. (F)
        %r  The puzzle rating.  This is the highest ER of the methods leading
            to the puzzle solution. (AF)
        %R  The puzzle highest rating technique name.  This is the name of 1st technique with
             highest ER of the methods leading to the puzzle solution. (F)
        %s  The short step description. (A)
        %S  The puzzle highest rating technique shortened name.  This is the SHORT name of 1st technique with
             highest ER of the methods leading to the puzzle solution. (AF)
        %t  The tab character. (SBAF)
        %T  The pearl rating technique shortened name.  This is the SHORT name of 1st technique with highest
             rating of the methods leading to the first cell placement. (F)
        %U  The diamond rating technique shortened name.  This is the SHORT name of technique with highest rating of the methods leading
            to the first candidate elimination. (F)
        %%  The % character.
  -h, --html
      List detailed info in html.
  -i, --input=FILE
      Read 81-character puzzle strings, one per line, from FILE.  By default
      operands are treated as 81-character puzzle strings.  If no operands are
      specified then the standard input is read.
  -m, --man
      List detailed info in displayed man page form.
  -o, --output=FILE
      Write output to FILE instead of the standard output.
  -p, --pearl
      Terminate rating if the puzzle is not a pearl.
  -s, --start=FORMAT
      Format the output before each puzzle according to FORMAT. Default is empty.
  -t, --threads
      Maximal degree of parrallelism. Default 0=auto. 1=no parallelism; -1=unlimited
  -V, --version
      Print the Sudoku Explainer (serate) version and exit.


  java -Xrs -Xmx500m -cp SudokuExplainer.jar diuf.sudoku.test.serate ...


  Note: % must be entered as %% in windows .bat files and shortcut commands.

  To rate a single or a group of puzzle(s):
  java.exe -Xrs -Xmx500m -cp SukakuExplainer.jar diuf.sudoku.test.serate --format="%g ED=%r/%p/%d" --input=puzzles.txt --output=puzzles.rated.txt

  To display all supported format parameters (at the time of writing this document):
  java -Xrs -Xmx1g -cp SukakuExplainer.jar diuf.sudoku.test.serate \
  --format="--format%l%%d: %d%l%%D: %D%l%%e: %e%l%%g: %g%l%%i: %i%l%%n: %n%l%%p: %p%l%%P: %P%l%%r: %r%l%%R: %R%l%%S: %S%l%%T: %T%l%%U: %U%l--- end of final section ---" \
  --start="--start%l%%g: %g%l%%i: %i%l%%m: %m%l%%M:%l%M%l%%n: %n%l--- end of start section ---" \
  --before="--before%l%%g: %g%l%%i: %i%l%%m: %m%l%%M:%l%M%l--- end of before section ---" \
  --after="--after%l%%e: %e%l%%h:%l%h%l%%g: %g%l%%i: %i%l%%m: %m%l%%M:%l%M%l%%r: %r%l%%s: %s%l--- end of after section ---" \
  --input=my_input_file.txt --output=- --threads=0 > my_output_file.txt
  To display man document:
  java -cp SukakuExplainer/SukakuExplainer.jar diuf.sudoku.test.serate --man

  SudokuExplainer(1), sudoku(1),

  version     serate (Sukaku Explainer) 2019-08-30
  author      Nicolas Juillerat
  copyright   Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Nicolas Juillerat
  license     Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

The following command demonstrates all supported format parameters (at the time of writing this document).

java -Xrs -Xmx1g -cp SukakuExplainer.jar diuf.sudoku.test.serate \
--format="--format%l%%d: %d%l%%D: %D%l%%e: %e%l%%g: %g%l%%i: %i%l%%n: %n%l%%p: %p%l%%P: %P%l%%r: %r%l%%R: %R%l%%S: %S%l%%T: %T%l%%U: %U%l--- end of final section ---" \
--start="--start%l%%g: %g%l%%i: %i%l%%m: %m%l%%M:%l%M%l%%n: %n%l--- end of start section ---" \
--before="--before%l%%g: %g%l%%i: %i%l%%m: %m%l%%M:%l%M%l--- end of before section ---" \
--after="--after%l%%e: %e%l%%h:%l%h%l%%g: %g%l%%i: %i%l%%m: %m%l%%M:%l%M%l%%r: %r%l%%R: %R%l%%s: %s%l--- end of after section ---" \
--input=my_input_file.txt --output=- --threads=0 > my_output_file.txt

An example output of the above command.

%g: 98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.;11.90;11.90;11.80;GP;champagne dry;1;22;
%i: 98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.
%m: ........9......7..1234.....12...6.8.123..6.8...
| 9      8      12345  | 7      346    1246   | 1234   145    235    |
| 7      1235   12345  | 12348  3489   12489  | 6      14589  23589  |
| 1234   123    6      | 12348  5      12489  | 123478 14789  23789  |
| 1268   4      129    | 168    678    5      | 278    3      26789  |
| 12368  1236   7      | 9      3468   1468   | 5      468    268    |
| 3568   3569   359    | 3468   2      4678   | 478    46789  1      |
| 12346  12367  8      | 5      467    2467   | 9      167    367    |
| 2356   235679 2359   | 268    1      26789  | 378    5678   4      |
| 1456   15679  1459   | 468    46789  3      | 178    2      5678   |
%n: 1
--- end of start section ---
%g: 98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.;11.90;11.90;11.80;GP;champagne dry;1;22;
%i: 98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.
%m: ........9......7..1234.....12...6.8.123..6.8...
| 9      8      12345  | 7      346    1246   | 1234   145    235    |
| 7      1235   12345  | 12348  3489   12489  | 6      14589  23589  |
| 1234   123    6      | 12348  5      12489  | 123478 14789  23789  |
| 1268   4      129    | 168    678    5      | 278    3      26789  |
| 12368  1236   7      | 9      3468   1468   | 5      468    268    |
| 3568   3569   359    | 3468   2      4678   | 478    46789  1      |
| 12346  12367  8      | 5      467    2467   | 9      167    367    |
| 2356   235679 2359   | 268    1      26789  | 378    5678   4      |
| 1456   15679  1459   | 468    46789  3      | 178    2      5678   |
--- end of before section ---
--after%e: 45.52s
  <h2>Dynamic Contradiction Forcing Chains</h2>
   With this solving technique, we will prove the two following assertions:
    <li>If E9 contains the value 4, then D6 must contain the value 6
    <li>If E9 contains the value 4, then D6 cannot contain the value 6
   Because the same assumption yields to contradictory results, we can conclude that the
   assumption is false, that is, <b><font color="#00AAAA">E9 cannot contain the value 4</font></b>.
   Each assertion is proved by a different chain of simple rules. The chains can be dynamic,
   which means that the conclusions of multiple sub-chains must be combined in some cases.
   The details of each chain are given below. Use the view selector below the grid
   to switch between the <font color="#E08000">graphical illustrations</font> of the two different chains.
  Chain 1: <b>If E9 contains the value 4, then D6 cannot contain the value 6</b> (View 1):<br>
  (1) If E9 contains the value 4, then E9 cannot contain the value 9 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(2) If E9 does not contain the value 9, then E2 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(3) If E2 contains the value 9, then H2 cannot contain the value 9 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(4) If E9 does not contain the value 9 (1), then F8 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(5) If F8 contains the value 9, then F8 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(6) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E9 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(7) If E9 does not contain the value 7 and F8 does not contain the value 7 (5), then H7 cannot contain the value 7 (Pointing: Cells E7,F7: 7 in block and row)<br>(8) If E2 contains the value 9 (2), then E2 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(9) If F8 contains the value 9 (4), then F8 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(10) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E9 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(11) If E9 does not contain the value 8 and F8 does not contain the value 8 (9), then D4 cannot contain the value 8 (Pointing: Cells D8,D9: 8 in block and column)<br>(12) If E2 contains the value 9 (2), then E2 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(13) If E9 does not contain the value 8 (10) and E2 does not contain the value 8, then F5 cannot contain the value 8 (Claiming: Cells E4,E5: 8 in column and block)<br>(14) If E9 does not contain the value 8 (10) and F8 does not contain the value 8 (9), then D6 cannot contain the value 8 (Pointing: Cells D8,D9: 8 in block and column)<br>(15) If E9 does not contain the value 8 (10) and E2 does not contain the value 8 (12), then F6 cannot contain the value 8 (Claiming: Cells E4,E5: 8 in column and block)<br>(16) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then C9 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(17) If E2 contains the value 9 (2), then I2 cannot contain the value 9 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(18) If I2 does not contain the value 9, C9 does not contain the value 4 (16), F6 does not contain the value 8 (15), D6 does not contain the value 8 (14), F5 does not contain the value 8 (13), D4 does not contain the value 8 (11), E2 does not contain the value 3 (8), H7 does not contain the value 7 (7) and H2 does not contain the value 9 (3), then E5 cannot contain the value 6 (Contradiction Forcing Chain: E5.6 on ==> G9.1 both on & off)<br>(19) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E5 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(20) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then F7 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(21) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E7 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(22) If E7 does not contain the value 4 and F7 does not contain the value 4 (20), then A7 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(23) If A7 contains the value 4, then A7 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(24) If A7 contains the value 4 (22), then A7 cannot contain the value 1 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(25) If A7 contains the value 4 (22), then A7 cannot contain the value 2 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(26) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then D9 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(27) If D9 does not contain the value 4, A7 does not contain the value 2 (25), E9 does not contain the value 8 (10), F8 does not contain the value 8 (9), A7 does not contain the value 1 (24), A7 does not contain the value 3 (23) and E5 does not contain the value 4 (19), then D4 cannot contain the value 6 (Cell Forcing Chains: D8 ==> D4.6 off)<br>(28) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E1 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(29) If A7 contains the value 4 (22), then A3 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(30) If A3 does not contain the value 4, F6 does not contain the value 8 (15), D6 does not contain the value 8 (14), F5 does not contain the value 8 (13), D4 does not contain the value 8 (11), H7 does not contain the value 7 (7), H2 does not contain the value 9 (3), E1 does not contain the value 4 (28) and I2 does not contain the value 9 (17), then E4 cannot contain the value 6 (Contradiction Forcing Chain: E4.6 on ==> G8.3 both on & off)<br>(31) If F6 does not contain the value 8 (15), D6 does not contain the value 8 (14), F5 does not contain the value 8 (13), D4 does not contain the value 8 (11), E7 does not contain the value 4 (21), E5 does not contain the value 4 (19), F8 does not contain the value 7 (5), E2 does not contain the value 3 (8) and A7 does not contain the value 1 (24), then F5 cannot contain the value 6 (Contradiction Forcing Chain: F5.6 on ==> H7.1 both on & off)<br>(32) If F8 does not contain the value 7 (5) and E7 does not contain the value 4 (21), then F6 cannot contain the value 6 (Cell Forcing Chains: E7 ==> F6.6 off)<br>(33) If F6 does not contain the value 6, F5 does not contain the value 6 (31), E4 does not contain the value 6 (30), D4 does not contain the value 6 (27) and E5 does not contain the value 6 (18), then D6 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>
  Chain 2: <b>If D6 must contain the value 6, then D6 cannot contain the value 6</b> (View 2):<br>
  (1) If E9 contains the value 4, then F7 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(2) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E7 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(3) If E7 does not contain the value 4 and F7 does not contain the value 4 (1), then A7 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(4) If A7 contains the value 4, then A7 cannot contain the value 2 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(5) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E9 cannot contain the value 9 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(6) If E9 does not contain the value 9, then E2 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(7) If E2 contains the value 9, then H2 cannot contain the value 9 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(8) If E2 contains the value 9 (6), then I2 cannot contain the value 9 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(9) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then D9 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(10) If E9 does not contain the value 9 (5), then F8 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(11) If F8 contains the value 9, then F8 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(12) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E9 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(13) If E9 does not contain the value 8 and F8 does not contain the value 8 (11), then D4 cannot contain the value 8 (Pointing: Cells D8,D9: 8 in block and column)<br>(14) If E2 contains the value 9 (6), then E2 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(15) If E9 does not contain the value 8 (12) and E2 does not contain the value 8, then F5 cannot contain the value 8 (Claiming: Cells E4,E5: 8 in column and block)<br>(16) If E9 does not contain the value 8 (12) and F8 does not contain the value 8 (11), then D6 cannot contain the value 8 (Pointing: Cells D8,D9: 8 in block and column)<br>(17) If E9 does not contain the value 8 (12) and E2 does not contain the value 8 (14), then F6 cannot contain the value 8 (Claiming: Cells E4,E5: 8 in column and block)<br>(18) If F8 contains the value 9 (10), then F8 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(19) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E9 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(20) If E9 does not contain the value 7 and F8 does not contain the value 7 (18), then H7 cannot contain the value 7 (Pointing: Cells E7,F7: 7 in block and row)<br>(21) If F8 contains the value 9 (10), then F8 cannot contain the value 6 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(22) If E9 contains the value 4 (initial assumption), then E1 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(23) If E9 does not contain the value 8 (12) and F8 does not contain the value 8 (11), then D3 cannot contain the value 8 (Pointing: Cells D8,D9: 8 in block and column)<br>(24) If E9 does not contain the value 7 (19) and F8 does not contain the value 7 (18), then I7 cannot contain the value 7 (Pointing: Cells E7,F7: 7 in block and row)<br>(25) If I7 does not contain the value 7, D3 does not contain the value 8 (23), E1 does not contain the value 4 (22), F8 does not contain the value 6 (21), H7 does not contain the value 7 (20), F6 does not contain the value 8 (17), D6 does not contain the value 8 (16), F5 does not contain the value 8 (15), D4 does not contain the value 8 (13), D9 does not contain the value 4 (9), I2 does not contain the value 9 (8), H2 does not contain the value 9 (7) and A7 does not contain the value 2 (4), then D6 cannot contain the value 6 (Contradiction Forcing Chain: D6.6 on ==> F3.2 both on & off)<br>
<b>Nested Forcing Chains details</b> (Note that each Nested Forcing Chain relies on the fact that some <font color="blue">candidates</font> have been excluded by the main Forcing Chain): <br><br>
<i>Nested <b>Contradiction Forcing Chain: E5.6 on ==> G9.1 both on & off</b></i><br>
Chain 3: <b>If E5 contains the value 6, then G9 must contain the value 1</b> (View 3):<br>
(1) If E5 contains the value 6, then D4 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(2) If D4 does not contain the value 6, then D4 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(3) If D4 contains the value 1, then F5 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(4) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(5) If F5 does not contain the value 6 and F5 does not contain the value 1 (3), then F5 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(6) If F5 contains the value 4, then H5 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(7) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then H5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(8) If H5 does not contain the value 6 and H5 does not contain the value 4 (6), then H5 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(9) If H5 contains the value 8, then I5 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(10) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then I5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(11) If I5 does not contain the value 6 and I5 does not contain the value 8 (9), then I5 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(12) If I5 contains the value 2, then I1 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(13) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then E5 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(14) If E5 does not contain the value 3, then E1 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(15) If E1 contains the value 3, then I1 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(16) If I1 does not contain the value 3 and I1 does not contain the value 2 (12), then I1 must contain the value 5 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(17) If I1 contains the value 5, then H2 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(18) If I1 contains the value 5 (16), then H1 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(19) If H1 does not contain the value 5 and H2 does not contain the value 5 (17), then H8 must contain the value 5 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(20) If H8 contains the value 5, then H8 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(21) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then E5 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(22) If E5 does not contain the value 8, then E4 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(23) If E4 contains the value 8, then E4 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(24) If E4 does not contain the value 7, then F6 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(25) If F6 contains the value 7, then H6 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(26) If H6 does not contain the value 7 and H8 does not contain the value 7 (20), then H3 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(27) If H3 contains the value 7, then H3 cannot contain the value 9 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(28) If H3 does not contain the value 9, then H6 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(29) If H6 contains the value 9, then H6 cannot contain the value 6 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(30) If H8 contains the value 5 (19), then H8 cannot contain the value 6 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(31) If H8 does not contain the value 6, H5 does not contain the value 6 (7) and H6 does not contain the value 6 (29), then H7 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(32) If H7 contains the value 6, then H7 cannot contain the value 1 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(33) If H7 does not contain the value 1, then G9 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br><br>
Chain 4: <b>If E5 contains the value 6, then G9 cannot contain the value 1</b> (View 4):<br>
(1) If E5 contains the value 6, then D4 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(2) If D4 does not contain the value 6, then D4 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(3) If D4 contains the value 1, then F5 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(4) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(5) If F5 does not contain the value 6 and F5 does not contain the value 1 (3), then F5 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(6) If F5 contains the value 4, then H5 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(7) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then H5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(8) If H5 does not contain the value 6 and H5 does not contain the value 4 (6), then H5 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(9) If H5 contains the value 8, then I5 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(10) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then I5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(11) If I5 does not contain the value 6 and I5 does not contain the value 8 (9), then I5 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(12) If I5 contains the value 2, then I1 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(13) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then E5 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(14) If E5 does not contain the value 3, then E1 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(15) If E1 contains the value 3, then I1 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(16) If I1 does not contain the value 3 and I1 does not contain the value 2 (12), then I1 must contain the value 5 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(17) If I1 contains the value 5, then H2 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(18) If I1 contains the value 5 (16), then H1 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(19) If H1 does not contain the value 5 and H2 does not contain the value 5 (17), then H8 must contain the value 5 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(20) If H8 contains the value 5, then H8 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(21) If E5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then E5 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(22) If E5 does not contain the value 8, then E4 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(23) If E4 contains the value 8, then E4 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(24) If E4 does not contain the value 7, then F6 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(25) If F6 contains the value 7, then H6 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(26) If H6 does not contain the value 7 and H8 does not contain the value 7 (20), then H3 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(27) If H3 contains the value 7, then H3 cannot contain the value 9 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(28) If H3 does not contain the value 9, then I3 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(29) If I3 contains the value 9, then I4 cannot contain the value 9 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(30) If I4 does not contain the value 9, then C4 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(31) If C4 contains the value 9, then C9 cannot contain the value 9 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(32) If H8 contains the value 5 (19), then A8 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(33) If H5 contains the value 8 (8), then H6 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(34) If H5 contains the value 8 (8), then G6 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(35) If G6 does not contain the value 8 and H6 does not contain the value 8 (33), then A6 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(36) If A6 contains the value 8, then A6 cannot contain the value 5 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(37) If A6 does not contain the value 5 and A8 does not contain the value 5 (32), then A9 must contain the value 5 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(38) If A9 contains the value 5, then C9 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(39) If C9 does not contain the value 5 and C9 does not contain the value 9 (31), then C9 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(40) If C9 contains the value 1, then G9 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br><br>
<i>Nested <b>Cell Forcing Chains: D8 ==> D4.6 off</b></i><br>
Chain 5: <b>If D8 contains the value 2, then D4 cannot contain the value 6</b> (View 5):<br>
(1) If D8 contains the value 2, then F7 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(2) If F7 does not contain the value 2, then B7 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(3) If B7 contains the value 2, then B7 cannot contain the value 1 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(4) If B7 does not contain the value 1, then H7 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(5) If H7 contains the value 1, then G9 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(6) If D8 contains the value 2 (initial assumption), then D8 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(7) If D8 does not contain the value 8, then D9 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(8) If D9 contains the value 8, then G9 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(9) If G9 does not contain the value 8 and G9 does not contain the value 1 (5), then G9 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(10) If G9 contains the value 7, then G8 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(11) If B7 contains the value 2 (2), then B7 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(12) If B7 does not contain the value 3, then I7 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(13) If I7 contains the value 3, then G8 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(14) If G8 does not contain the value 3 and G8 does not contain the value 7 (10), then G8 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(15) If G8 contains the value 8, then G6 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(16) If G9 contains the value 7 (9), then G6 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(17) If G6 does not contain the value 7 and G6 does not contain the value 8 (15), then G6 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(18) If G6 contains the value 4, then H5 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(19) If H5 does not contain the value 4, then F5 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(20) If F5 contains the value 4, then F5 cannot contain the value 1 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(21) If F5 does not contain the value 1, then D4 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(22) If D4 contains the value 1, then D4 cannot contain the value 6 (the cell can contain only one value)<br><br>
Chain 6: <b>If D8 contains the value 6, then D4 cannot contain the value 6</b> (View 6):<br>
(1) If D8 contains the value 6, then D4 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br><br>
Chain 7: <b>If D8 contains the value 8, then D4 cannot contain the value 6</b> (View 7):<br>
(1) If D8 contains the value 8, then D9 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(2) If D9 does not contain the value 8, then D9 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(3) If D9 contains the value 6, then D4 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br><br>
<i>Nested <b>Contradiction Forcing Chain: E4.6 on ==> G8.3 both on & off</b></i><br>
Chain 8: <b>If E4 contains the value 6, then G8 must contain the value 3</b> (View 8):<br>
(1) If E4 contains the value 6, then D4 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(2) If D4 does not contain the value 6, then D4 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(3) If D4 contains the value 1, then F5 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(4) If E4 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(5) If F5 does not contain the value 6 and F5 does not contain the value 1 (3), then F5 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(6) If F5 contains the value 4, then H5 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(7) If E4 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then E4 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(8) If E4 does not contain the value 8, then E5 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(9) If E5 contains the value 8, then H5 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(10) If H5 does not contain the value 8 and H5 does not contain the value 4 (6), then H5 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(11) If H5 contains the value 6, then I5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(12) If E5 contains the value 8 (8), then I5 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(13) If I5 does not contain the value 8 and I5 does not contain the value 6 (11), then I5 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(14) If I5 contains the value 2, then I1 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(15) If E4 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then E1 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(16) If E1 does not contain the value 6, then E1 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(17) If E1 contains the value 3, then I1 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(18) If I1 does not contain the value 3 and I1 does not contain the value 2 (14), then I1 must contain the value 5 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(19) If I1 contains the value 5, then H1 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(20) If H5 contains the value 6 (10), then H7 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(21) If H7 does not contain the value 6, then H7 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(22) If H7 contains the value 1, then H1 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(23) If H1 does not contain the value 1 and H1 does not contain the value 5 (19), then H1 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(24) If H1 contains the value 4, then H2 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(25) If H7 contains the value 1 (21), then H2 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(26) If I1 contains the value 5 (18), then H2 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(27) If H2 does not contain the value 5, H2 does not contain the value 1 (25) and H2 does not contain the value 4 (24), then H2 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(28) If H2 contains the value 8, then I2 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(29) If I5 contains the value 2 (13), then I2 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(30) If I1 contains the value 5 (18), then I2 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(31) If I2 does not contain the value 5, I2 does not contain the value 2 (29) and I2 does not contain the value 8 (28), then I2 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(32) If I2 contains the value 3, then G3 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(33) If E1 contains the value 3 (16), then G1 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(34) If G1 does not contain the value 3 and G3 does not contain the value 3 (32), then G8 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br><br>
Chain 9: <b>If E4 contains the value 6, then G8 cannot contain the value 3</b> (View 9):<br>
(1) If E4 contains the value 6, then D4 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(2) If D4 does not contain the value 6, then D4 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(3) If D4 contains the value 1, then F5 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(4) If E4 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(5) If F5 does not contain the value 6 and F5 does not contain the value 1 (3), then F5 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(6) If F5 contains the value 4, then H5 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(7) If E4 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then E4 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(8) If E4 does not contain the value 8, then E5 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(9) If E5 contains the value 8, then H5 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(10) If H5 does not contain the value 8 and H5 does not contain the value 4 (6), then H5 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(11) If H5 contains the value 6, then I5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(12) If E5 contains the value 8 (8), then I5 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(13) If I5 does not contain the value 8 and I5 does not contain the value 6 (11), then I5 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(14) If I5 contains the value 2, then I1 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(15) If E4 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then E1 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(16) If E1 does not contain the value 6, then E1 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(17) If E1 contains the value 3, then I1 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(18) If I1 does not contain the value 3 and I1 does not contain the value 2 (14), then I1 must contain the value 5 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(19) If I1 contains the value 5, then H1 cannot contain the value 5 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(20) If H5 contains the value 6 (10), then H7 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(21) If H7 does not contain the value 6, then H7 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(22) If H7 contains the value 1, then H1 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(23) If H1 does not contain the value 1 and H1 does not contain the value 5 (19), then H1 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(24) If H1 contains the value 4, then C1 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(25) If C1 does not contain the value 4, then C2 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(26) If C2 contains the value 4, then C2 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(27) If E1 contains the value 3 (16), then C1 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(28) If E5 contains the value 8 (8), then E5 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(29) If E5 does not contain the value 3, then D6 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(30) If D6 contains the value 3, then C6 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(31) If C6 does not contain the value 3, C1 does not contain the value 3 (27) and C2 does not contain the value 3 (26), then C8 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(32) If C8 contains the value 3, then G8 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br><br>
<i>Nested <b>Contradiction Forcing Chain: F5.6 on ==> H7.1 both on & off</b></i><br>
Chain 10: <b>If F5 contains the value 6, then H7 must contain the value 1</b> (View 10):<br>
(1) If F5 contains the value 6, then F1 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(2) If F1 does not contain the value 6, then E1 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(3) If E1 contains the value 6, then E7 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(4) If E7 does not contain the value 6, then E7 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(5) If E7 contains the value 7, then F7 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(6) If F7 does not contain the value 7, then F6 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(7) If F6 contains the value 7, then G6 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(8) If F5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F5 cannot contain the value 4 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(9) If F5 does not contain the value 4, then H5 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(10) If H5 contains the value 4, then G6 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(11) If G6 does not contain the value 4 and G6 does not contain the value 7 (7), then G6 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(12) If G6 contains the value 8, then I5 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(13) If F5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then I5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(14) If I5 does not contain the value 6 and I5 does not contain the value 8 (12), then I5 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(15) If I5 contains the value 2, then B5 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(16) If E1 contains the value 6 (2), then E1 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(17) If E1 does not contain the value 3, then E5 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(18) If E5 contains the value 3, then B5 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(19) If F5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then B5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(20) If B5 does not contain the value 6, B5 does not contain the value 3 (18) and B5 does not contain the value 2 (15), then B5 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(21) If B5 contains the value 1, then B7 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(22) If B7 does not contain the value 1, then H7 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br><br>
Chain 11: <b>If F5 contains the value 6, then H7 cannot contain the value 1</b> (View 11):<br>
(1) If F5 contains the value 6, then F1 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(2) If F1 does not contain the value 6, then E1 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(3) If E1 contains the value 6, then E7 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(4) If E7 does not contain the value 6, then E7 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(5) If E7 contains the value 7, then F7 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(6) If F7 does not contain the value 7, then F6 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(7) If F6 contains the value 7, then G6 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(8) If F5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F5 cannot contain the value 4 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(9) If F5 does not contain the value 4, then H5 must contain the value 4 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(10) If H5 contains the value 4, then G6 cannot contain the value 4 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(11) If G6 does not contain the value 4 and G6 does not contain the value 7 (7), then G6 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(12) If G6 contains the value 8, then I5 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(13) If F5 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then I5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(14) If I5 does not contain the value 6 and I5 does not contain the value 8 (12), then I5 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(15) If I5 contains the value 2, then G4 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(16) If E1 contains the value 6 (2), then E1 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(17) If E1 does not contain the value 3, then E5 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(18) If E5 contains the value 3, then E5 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(19) If E5 does not contain the value 8, then E4 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(20) If E4 contains the value 8, then G4 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(21) If G4 does not contain the value 8 and G4 does not contain the value 2 (15), then G4 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(22) If G4 contains the value 7, then G9 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(23) If G6 contains the value 8 (11), then G9 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(24) If G9 does not contain the value 8 and G9 does not contain the value 7 (22), then G9 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(25) If G9 contains the value 1, then H7 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br><br>
<i>Nested <b>Cell Forcing Chains: E7 ==> F6.6 off</b></i><br>
Chain 12: <b>If E7 contains the value 6, then F6 cannot contain the value 6</b> (View 12):<br>
(1) If E7 contains the value 6, then E1 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(2) If E1 does not contain the value 6, then F1 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(3) If F1 contains the value 6, then F6 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br><br>
Chain 13: <b>If E7 contains the value 7, then F6 cannot contain the value 6</b> (View 13):<br>
(1) If E7 contains the value 7, then F7 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(2) If F7 does not contain the value 7, then F6 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(3) If F6 contains the value 7, then F6 cannot contain the value 6 (the cell can contain only one value)<br><br>
<i>Nested <b>Contradiction Forcing Chain: D6.6 on ==> F3.2 both on & off</b></i><br>
Chain 14: <b>If D6 contains the value 6, then F3 must contain the value 2</b> (View 14):<br>
(1) If D6 contains the value 6, then D6 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(2) If D6 does not contain the value 3, then E5 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(3) If E5 contains the value 3, then E1 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(4) If E1 does not contain the value 3, then E1 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(5) If E1 contains the value 6, then F1 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(6) If D6 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(7) If D6 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F6 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(8) If F6 does not contain the value 6, F5 does not contain the value 6 (6) and F1 does not contain the value 6 (5), then F7 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(9) If F7 contains the value 6, then H7 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(10) If H7 does not contain the value 6, then H7 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(11) If H7 contains the value 1, then G9 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(12) If D6 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then D9 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(13) If D9 does not contain the value 6, then D9 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(14) If D9 contains the value 8, then G9 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(15) If G9 does not contain the value 8 and G9 does not contain the value 1 (11), then G9 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(16) If G9 contains the value 7, then G4 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(17) If E5 contains the value 3 (2), then E5 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(18) If E5 does not contain the value 8, then E4 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(19) If E4 contains the value 8, then G4 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(20) If G4 does not contain the value 8 and G4 does not contain the value 7 (16), then G4 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(21) If G4 contains the value 2, then I5 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(22) If D9 contains the value 8 (13), then D8 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(23) If D6 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then D8 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(24) If D8 does not contain the value 6 and D8 does not contain the value 8 (22), then D8 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(25) If D8 contains the value 2, then F7 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(26) If F7 does not contain the value 2, then B7 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(27) If B7 contains the value 2, then B5 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(28) If B5 does not contain the value 2 and I5 does not contain the value 2 (21), then A5 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(29) If A5 contains the value 2, then A3 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(30) If B7 contains the value 2 (26), then B3 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(31) If D8 contains the value 2 (24), then D3 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(32) If G4 contains the value 2 (20), then G3 cannot contain the value 2 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(33) If G9 contains the value 7 (15), then H8 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(34) If E4 contains the value 8 (18), then E4 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(35) If E4 does not contain the value 7, then F6 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(36) If F6 contains the value 7, then H6 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(37) If H6 does not contain the value 7 and H8 does not contain the value 7 (33), then H3 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(38) If H3 contains the value 7, then H3 cannot contain the value 9 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(39) If H3 does not contain the value 9, then I3 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(40) If I3 contains the value 9, then I3 cannot contain the value 2 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(41) If I3 does not contain the value 2, G3 does not contain the value 2 (32), D3 does not contain the value 2 (31), B3 does not contain the value 2 (30) and A3 does not contain the value 2 (29), then F3 must contain the value 2 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br><br>
Chain 15: <b>If D6 contains the value 6, then F3 cannot contain the value 2</b> (View 15):<br>
(1) If D6 contains the value 6, then D6 cannot contain the value 3 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(2) If D6 does not contain the value 3, then E5 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(3) If E5 contains the value 3, then E1 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(4) If E1 does not contain the value 3, then E1 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(5) If E1 contains the value 6, then F1 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(6) If D6 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F5 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(7) If D6 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then F6 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(8) If F6 does not contain the value 6, F5 does not contain the value 6 (6) and F1 does not contain the value 6 (5), then F7 must contain the value 6 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(9) If F7 contains the value 6, then H7 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(10) If H7 does not contain the value 6, then H7 must contain the value 1 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(11) If H7 contains the value 1, then G9 cannot contain the value 1 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(12) If D6 contains the value 6 (initial assumption), then D9 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(13) If D9 does not contain the value 6, then D9 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(14) If D9 contains the value 8, then G9 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(15) If G9 does not contain the value 8 and G9 does not contain the value 1 (11), then G9 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(16) If G9 contains the value 7, then H8 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(17) If E5 contains the value 3 (2), then E5 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(18) If E5 does not contain the value 8, then E4 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(19) If E4 contains the value 8, then E4 cannot contain the value 7 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(20) If E4 does not contain the value 7, then F6 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(21) If F6 contains the value 7, then H6 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(22) If H6 does not contain the value 7 and H8 does not contain the value 7 (16), then H3 must contain the value 7 (only remaining possible position in the column)<br>(23) If H3 contains the value 7, then H3 cannot contain the value 9 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(24) If H3 does not contain the value 9, then I3 must contain the value 9 (only remaining possible position in the block)<br>(25) If I3 contains the value 9, then I3 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(26) If G9 contains the value 7 (15), then G8 cannot contain the value 7 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(27) If F7 contains the value 6 (8), then I7 cannot contain the value 6 (the value can occur only once in the row)<br>(28) If I7 does not contain the value 6, then I7 must contain the value 3 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(29) If I7 contains the value 3, then G8 cannot contain the value 3 (the value can occur only once in the block)<br>(30) If G8 does not contain the value 3 and G8 does not contain the value 7 (26), then G8 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible value in the cell)<br>(31) If G8 contains the value 8, then G3 cannot contain the value 8 (the value can occur only once in the column)<br>(32) If H3 contains the value 7 (22), then H3 cannot contain the value 8 (the cell can contain only one value)<br>(33) If H3 does not contain the value 8, G3 does not contain the value 8 (31) and I3 does not contain the value 8 (25), then F3 must contain the value 8 (only remaining possible position in the row)<br>(34) If F3 contains the value 8, then F3 cannot contain the value 2 (the cell can contain only one value)<br><br>
%g: 98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.;11.90;11.90;11.80;GP;champagne dry;1;22;
%i: 98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.
%m: ........9......7..1234.....12...6.8.123..6.8...
| 9      8      12345  | 7      346    1246   | 1234   145    235    |
| 7      1235   12345  | 12348  3489   12489  | 6      14589  23589  |
| 1234   123    6      | 12348  5      12489  | 123478 14789  23789  |
| 1268   4      129    | 168    678    5      | 278    3      26789  |
| 12368  1236   7      | 9      3468   1468   | 5      468    268    |
| 3568   3569   359    | 3468   2      4678   | 478    46789  1      |
| 12346  12367  8      | 5      467    2467   | 9      167    367    |
| 2356   235679 2359   | 268    1      26789  | 378    5678   4      |
| 1456   15679  1459   | 468    6789   3      | 178    2      5678   |
%r: 11.8
%s: Contradiction Forcing Chain: E9.4 on ==> D6.6 both on & off
--- end of after section ---
  ... more similar records ...
%g: 98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.;11.90;11.90;11.80;GP;champagne dry;1;22;
%i: 98173624573549261842615839714268573936794158285932746121856497367321985459.873126
%m: ........9......7.....4.....1..........3.............8..2............6.......5...........8...3.......2..........4..........6.......5....1..............7..........91............5.........6....2.............7..........9.......8...3.........4...........7.....4.....1.............6...........9..3..........5.....2..............8...3..............9....5...........8....4......2............6...1..............7.......6....2..............8.....5....1..............7.....4.............9..3.......2............6.....3............7......5.......4.............9.......8.1...........4.....1................9..3.............8......6.........7......5.....2...........5...........8.......7..........9.2.......1..........3.........4..........6...

--- end of before section ---
--after%e: 0.00s
   The <font color="#00AAAA">cell <b>C9</b></font> is the only remaining empty cell of the <font color="#0000A0">block</font>.
   Its only possible value is the <font color="#009000">value <b>4</b></font>.
%g: 98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.;11.90;11.90;11.80;GP;champagne dry;1;22;
%i: 981736245735492618426158397142685739367941582859327461218564973673219854594873126
%m: ........9......7.....4.....1..........3.............8..2............6.......5...........8...3.......2..........4..........6.......5....1..............7..........91............5.........6....2.............7..........9.......8...3.........4...........7.....4.....1.............6...........9..3..........5.....2..............8...3..............9....5...........8....4......2............6...1..............7.......6....2..............8.....5....1..............7.....4.............9..3.......2............6.....3............7......5.......4.............9.......8.1...........4.....1................9..3.............8......6.........7......5.....2...........5...........8.......7..........9.2.......1..........3.........4..........6...

%r: 1.0
%s: Hidden Single: C9: 4 in block
--- end of after section ---
%d: 11.8
%D: Dynamic Contradiction Forcing Chains (+ Dynamic Forcing Chains)
%e: 10m19s
%g: 98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.;11.90;11.90;11.80;GP;champagne dry;1;22;
%i: 981736245735492618426158397142685739367941582859327461218564973673219854594873126
%n: 1
%p: 11.9
%P: Dynamic Contradiction Forcing Chains (+ Dynamic Forcing Chains)
%r: 11.9
%R: Dynamic Contradiction Forcing Chains (+ Dynamic Forcing Chains)
--- end of final section ---