Real Active Radiators version 1.1 for KSP 1.12
Scale up radiatorMax (only for parts that do not explicitly define it)
Don't scale down maxEnergyTransfer as it can interfere with ModuleCoreHeat's ability to move heat to the radiators.
Clamp CoolingEfficiency lower value to 0
Clamp radiator energyCap lower output value to 0
Compensate for conducted heat of Real Fuels tanks even if if part looks cool enough to not need cooling.
Information document on refrigeration systems
refrigeration throttle tries to leave a 0.1 kW buffer when under low power conditions.
renamed zzz_radiator.RAR folder to zzz_radiator
reduced maxCryoEnergyTransfer on deprecated parts. (just in case any are still in people's installations from Heat Pumps mod)
Update zzz_radiator thermal characteristics
Added NASA document quantifying research costs for space qualified cryocoolers
use radiator temperature instead of skinTemperature
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