Releases: OreCruncher/ThermalRecycling
Releases · OreCruncher/ThermalRecycling
More Professions...
- Added Tinker and Dyer vending professions
- More internal refactor and alignment
- Use Forge OreDictionary to set scrap values for ores, dusts, nuggets, gems, and ingots for non-whitelist mods. For example, mods that define copper ores, ingots, dust, blocks, and nuggets and alias them to "oreCopper", "ingotCopper", "dustCopper", "blockCopper", and "nuggetCopper" will have their scrap value set appropriately.
- Refactor and reorganization of code.
- Improved error handling of some critical routines.
This is an ALPHA release. Please do not include in public modpacks. Make sure to backup your saves before deploying any mod update.
Released v1.0.1!
Release of v1.0.1.
- MineTweaker script interface that permits modification of the Pile of Rubble loot table.
It takes a village...
- Village Vending refactor and expansion - pretty big
- Changed item rendering in vending machine display to use item frame logic
- Soylent Yellow/Red made from extracting food items
- Dutch-Belgian translations
- Support for AgriCraft
- OpenEye: Crate registrations with older versions of Forestry
- "Bent" ItemStacks in recipe output causing recipe scanning to error
- Add Soylent Yellow/Red to Pile of Rubble drops
- Register Fertile Land as a default soil block in AgriCraft 1.4.x+
Immersive Engineering
- Support for Immersive Engineering
- Diamond sword pulverizer diamond sword recipe now gives 2 diamonds
- Issue with scrap boxes not being extractable
- Setting the worm drop chance to 0 or MAX_INTEGER will explicitly disable worm drops
- Fixed issue with Thermal Expansion machine recipes. It was possible to have an incorrect decomp recipe if the recipe scanning logic encountered an upgrade or security recipe first before the machine recipe.
Vanilla Hax...
- Process Vanilla recipes first before modded recipes. A Vanilla Recipe is one that has a Vanilla result and uses Vanilla components to construct. This should eliminate strange things like an Iron Pickaxe giving Wither Iron if Progressive Automation is installed. Note that Minetweaker scripts will have first crack at inserting recipes before the internal automated recipe processing.
Thaum Extraction
- Thaumcraft infused stone can now be extracted to obtain 3 shards of the applicable type. Can extract amber and cinnibar ore as well.
- Can white/black list dimensions for Pile of Rubble generation by changing configuration settings. Defaults for these settings essentially match current world gen behavior.
- Soylent Green can now drop as a result of PvP player death (i.e. one player killing another).