A combined question type which allows the embedding of the response fields for various available sub-questions in the question text.
So the student can enter a numeric or short text answer or choose an answer or answer(s) from using a select box, check boxes or radio boxes.
You will need to install at least one question type that can be used as a sub-question, you can use any of the latest versions of these question types as sub-questions:
- Select missing words - which is now part of the standard Moodle release.
- Pattern match
- OU multiple response - multiple choice with checkboxes.
- Standard Moodle multiple-choice with one right choice - multiple choice with radio buttos.
- Variable numeric
This question type was written by Jamie Pratt (http://jamiep.org/) for the Open University (http://www.open.ac.uk/). Subsequent enhancement have been made by OU staff.
Works as usual starting here
To install using git type these commands in the root of your Moodle install:
git clone https://github.com/moodleou/moodle-qtype_combined.git question/type/combined
echo '/question/type/combined/' >> .git/info/exclude
Then run the moodle update process Site administration > Notifications
You can make other question types work with this combined question type by adding the directory combinable/ to your question type. See examples of the files which are required in the combinable directory in the question types above. Or for a built in question type or where you don't want to change the code in the other question type plug ins directory you can put the required files in question/type/combined/combinable/{questiontypename}/
See question/type/combined/combinable/README.md for more information.