- Fix layout issue for multiple choice choices.
- Multiple-choice, single-response sub-questions are now available using the standard Moodle multiple choice question type.
- Multiple-choice (single or multiple) sub-questions now have an option for whether the choices should be numbered.
- Admins can control some default settings. The defaults start as: multiple-choice options should be shuffled and should not be numbered.
- The wording was changed to consistently use 'sub-question', not 'sub question'.
- Fixed a minor bug that happened when you tried to save an invalid question.
- Fixed the automated tests to pass on the latest Moodle version.
- Usability improvements in the editing form for question authors.
- Fixes Moodle XML import with Moodle 3.6 and later.
- Fixes in the automated tests due to changes in the other question types used.
- Fix Behat tests to work with Moodle 3.8.
- Fix a nasty bug where editing a question while duplicating it could break the original question.
- Privacy API implementation.
- Uses HTML editor when editing choices for OU-multi-response subquestions.
- Better form error message if OU-multi-response subquestions does not have enough choices.
- Allows setting synonyms and convert characters options when editing pattern-match subquestions.
- Update to use the newer editor_ousupsub, instead of editor_supsub.
- Setup Travis-CI automated testing integration.
- Fix some automated tests to pass with newer versions of Moodle.
- Fix some coding style.
- Due to privacy API support, this version now only works in Moodle 3.4+ For older Moodles, you will need to use a previous version of this plugin.
Changes were not documented here.