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Releases: NYU-Molecular-Pathology/NGS580-nf

Version 19.10.1

12 Oct 10:58
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  • decrease default memory allocation to pack compute jobs tighter and increase pipeline throughput
  • better handling for SLURM queue JSON
  • remove all filters on variant output except PASS filters
  • clean up 'work' directory upon successful pipeline completion
  • add workflow completion status logging to make it easier to tell if workflow completed successfully
  • fix issue with LofreqSomatic not outputting indels
  • fix issue with masked nucleotides in variants breaking annotation merge script
  • add annotation table comparison reporting to compare the outputs of different pipeline runs

Version 19.09.1

13 Sep 16:35
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  • split annotations.tsv output into paired and unpaired outputs
  • add output backup recipes for Makefile
  • minimum depth of coverage and filter changes for some variant caller outputs

Version 19.08.2

30 Aug 16:02
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  • increase Nextflow version to 19.07
  • update Depth of Coverage analysis cutoffs
  • several fixes to FACETS analysis steps
  • fixes for SNP-pileup steps used for FACETS
  • disable Varscan2 variant calling
  • update Strelka variant filtering and fixes to vcf table conversion script
  • add post-filter steps to further filter variants after annotation steps
  • update 'submit' methods in Makefile to use new created SLURM submit script for Big Purple
  • update 'submit' methods in Makefile to be compatible with SLURM scancel pipeline cancellation method
  • remove dbSNP filtered variants from LoFreqSomatic output

Version 19.08.1

09 Aug 17:30
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  • add karyotype plots to report

  • disable Pindel due to computational resource requirements

  • return all transcripts from ANNOVAR annotations

Version 19.07.3

24 Jul 20:59
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  • add process ID reporting to pipeline to make it easier to stop submitted pipeline

  • update CNV-Pool analysis for all samples in pipeline

  • add 629 annotated targets .bed file

  • fix ref dir parameter in cnv_pool workflow

Version 19.07.2

19 Jul 20:06
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  • fix errors in FACETS processing
  • add Pindel indel calling

Version 19.07.1

10 Jul 16:24
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  • add Strelka for indel calling
  • add FACETS for cnv calling

Version 19.05.4

26 May 14:04
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  • Added IGV Snapshots

  • Fixed variant caller type labels throughout the pipeline

  • cleaned up configurations code and moved more configs to the config.json for easier access

Version 19.05.3

23 May 17:24
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  • Added CNV Pool comparison

  • Added CNV Pool reference file generation workflow

  • Increased SLURM timeout

  • Cleaned up some decimal values in reports

Version 19.05.2

15 May 15:04
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  • refactor targets .bed files and add support for alternative targets .bed files