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wcc_lite command reference

Hambalkó Bence edited this page Jun 8, 2018 · 1 revision


Analyze game and engine data and output cook lists


  • analyze -out [optional params]

Avaiable analyzers:

  • world - Analyzes (hierarchicly) the world files
  • r4res - Analyze resources from the R4 game
  • r4items - Analyze items from the R4 game
  • r4game - Analyze game resource from the R4 game definition file (but not worlds)
  • r4common - Analyze game common resources
  • r4gui - Analyze related to R4 gui
  • r4startup - Analyze game & engine startup resources
  • r4dlc - Analyze DLC directory from the R4 game


Split cache file into multiple files


  • splitcache -file= -db=<cook.db> -outdir= Options:
  • - what kind of cache you want to split (physics, texture, etc)
  • -file= - input cache file
  • -db=<cook.db> - path to the cook.db file to use as a reference
  • -outdir= - where to place output caches
  • -strip - remove data from non cooked files
  • -fallback= - use custom fallback chunk name


Reports file usage and chunk distribution of a given cook database.


  • reportchunks -db= -out=


  • -showall - Outputs exhaustive report (default).
  • -showsumary - Outputs global statistics.
  • -showextensions - Outputs extension/chunk statistics.
  • -showfilechunks - Outputs file/chunk statistics (slow!).
  • -showchunkfiles - Outputs the list of files in each chunk (slow!).


Dumps info for bundled files.


  • dumpbundleinfo -indir= -outpath=
  • -indir= - Directory with the bundles (recursive).
  • -infile= - Absolute path to input bundle (multiple can be specified).
  • -outfile= - Absolute path to output text file.


Dump data from compiled scripts


  • dumpscripts -file=<scriptfile.redscripts> -out=<outputfile.txt>

Exclusive options:

  • -file=<scriptfile.redscripts> - Input file (compiled script binary)
  • -out=<outputfile.txt> - Output report file


Export single assets from the engine

Usage: export -depot=<local|absolutepath> -file= -out=

  • Params:

    • -depot=local - Use local depot (r4data)
    • -depot=absolutepath - Use depot at given directory
    • -file=relativepath - Local (depot) path for the file to export
    • -out=absolutepath - Output absolute path for the exported file
    • -fbx=fbxversion - (Optional) Specify output FBX version - 2016, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009
  • Supported resource types and formats:

    • w2mesh (Mesh) exportable into 5 file format(s):
      • fbx: Autodesk fbx 2016
      • fbx: Autodesk fbx 2013
      • fbx: Autodesk fbx 2011
      • fbx: Autodesk fbx 2010
      • fbx: Autodesk fbx 2009
    • xbm (2D Texture) exportable into 5 file format(s):
      • dds: DirectDraw Surface
      • bmp: Windows Bitmap
      • jpg: Joint Photographics Experts Group
      • tga: Truevision Targa
      • png: Portable Network Graphics


Glues files into optimal files



Glues files into optimal files



Import assets into the engine


  • import -depot=<local|absolutepath> -file= -out=

  • Params:

    • -depot=local - Use local depot (r4data)
    • -depot=absolutepath - Use depot at given directory
    • -file=inputfile - Absolute path to file to import
    • -out=outputfile - Relative (depot) path for the output file
    • -texturegroup=nameofgroup - (Optional) Name of texture group when importing texture
  • Supported texture group names:

    • BillboardAtlas
    • CharacterDiffuse
    • CharacterDiffuseWithAlpha
    • CharacterEmissive
    • CharacterNormal
    • CharacterNormalHQ
    • CharacterNormalmapGloss
    • Default
    • DetailNormalMap
    • DiffuseNoMips
    • Flares
    • FoliageDiffuse
    • Font
    • GUIWithAlpha
    • GUIWithoutAlpha
    • HeadDiffuse
    • HeadDiffuseWithAlpha
    • HeadEmissive
    • HeadNormal
    • HeadNormalHQ
    • MimicDecalsNormal
    • NormalmapGloss
    • NormalsNoMips
    • Particles
    • ParticlesWithoutAlpha
    • PostFxMap
    • QualityColor
    • QualityOneChannel
    • QualityTwoChannels
    • SpecialQuestDiffuse
    • SpecialQuestNormal
    • SystemNoMips
    • TerrainDiffuse
    • TerrainNormal
    • WorldDiffuse
    • WorldDiffuseWithAlpha
    • WorldEmissive
    • WorldNormal
    • WorldNormalHQ
    • WorldSpecular
  • Supported resource types and formats:

    • xbm (2D Texture) importable from 5 file format(s):
      • dds: DirectDraw Surface
      • bmp: Windows Bitmap
      • jpg: Joint Photographics Experts Group
      • tga: Truevision Targa
      • png: Portable Network Graphics
    • w2mesh (Mesh) importable from 2 file format(s):
      • re: Red Engine File
      • fbx: Autodesk FBX


Attempts to load all resources to check for errors.


Validate resources


  • validate [-db=<cook.db file> -file= -all] -outdir=

  • Exclusive options:

    • -db=<cook.db> - Validate files from given cook
    • -file= - Validate single file
    • -all - Validate all files in depot (not recommended)


Save Dialog Lines


  • get_txts [-db=<cook.db file>] -outdir= [-lang=]
  • Exclusive options:
    • -db=<cook.db> - Validate files from given cook


Dump file content (objects)


  • dumpfile -file= -dir= -out=
  • Parameters:
    • -dir= - dump the whole directory (recursive)
    • -file= - depot path to the file
    • -out= - absolute path to the output file
    • -exclude= - exclude given file extensions


Optimize (resort) collision cache


  • optimizecollisioncache -file= -out=


Generalized commandlet for creating differential patches for specified type of content.


  • patch -base=path -current=path|-mod=path [-name=packagename] -outdir=path
  • Content types:
    • "bundles" MODS + PATCH
    • "shaders" PATCH ONLY
    • "staticshaders" PATCH ONLY
    • "furshaders" PATCH ONLY
    • "speeches" PATCH ONLY
    • "strings" PATCH ONLY
    • "physics" PATCH ONLY
    • "sounds" PATCH ONLY
    • "specialcases" PATCH ONLY
    • "textures" MODS + PATCH
  • Required parameters:
    • -base=path - Path to the base build (GoldMaster)
    • -current=path - (pro) Path to the current build (latest cook)
    • -mod=path - Path to the cooked mod directory
    • -path=path - Output directory where the patched content will be dumped.
    • -name=name - Output using custom directory name.

Note: you can use -mod OR -current params


Extracts a list of character templates from cook.db


  • r4characters -db= -out=


Extracts a list of character templates from cook.db


  • r4characters -db= -out=


Unbundle the files


  • unbundle -dir= -outdir=
  • Parameters:
    • -dir= - directory with the bundles (recursive)
    • -outdir= - absolute path to output directory
    • -json= - optional bundles.json dump (for repacking)


Dumps the charset used in a given strings file (*.w3strings).


  • dumpcharset -instringsfile= -outcharsetfile= [options]
    • -instringsfile - Path to the input strings file.
    • -outcharsetfile - Path to the out charset file (if not given, default is used).
  • Options:
    • -outentriesfile= - Dumps all string entries into filepath. Only in single file mode.
    • -directory= - Path to base directory for recursive dump. Used with targetlanguage.
    • -language= - Target language for recursive dump. Used with targetlanguage.


Uncooks resources from a given bundle set.


  • uncook -indir= -outdir= [options]
    • -indir - Path to the bundled directory.
    • -outdir - Path to the unbundled directory.
  • Options:
    • -infile= - Path to bundle file.
    • -skiperrors - Upon failure, skips to the next file.
    • -targetdir= - Relative inner path to be extracted.
    • -targetfile= - Relative inner file path to be extracted.
    • -unbundleonly - Unbundles data without uncooking it.
    • -uncookonly - Assumes data in unbundledir is unbundled already.
    • -uncookext=<...> - Comma delineated list of file extensions to uncook. If options missing will uncook all av
    • -imgfmt= - Image format for XBM files. Choose one of bmp, png, jpg, or tga. Default is tga.
    • -dumpswf - Dump redswf files out.


Create USMs


Creates the .dep files Creates the .dep files needed for the database creation used by the Database Viewer.


Build data cache from cooked assets


  • buildcache -db -out [optional params]
  • Avaiable cache builders:
    • physics - Compile collision data for physics
    • shaders - Compile shaders for used materials
    • textures - Compressed textures
  • Additional options:
    • -modulo=N - Process every Nth file
    • -offset=X - Initial offset for processing (use only with -modulo)
    • -db= - Path to cook.db
    • -out= - Path to output cache file


Generates a file for the specified directory


Build dependency cache file


  • dependencies -out= -report= [-db=]
  • Arguments:
    • out= - Save dependency cache to file
    • report= - Generate dependency report in given directory
    • db= - Use dependencies in cook.db file instead of full depot


Build final bundle lists


  • exportbundles -db=[cookerdb] -seed=[seedfiles] -spatial=[seedfiles] -out=[outputfile]
  • Params:
    • -db= - Cooker data base file
    • -seed= - Initial list of seed files
    • -spatial= - Additional list of seed files that represent spatial configuration (they override the existing bundles)
    • -out= - Absolute path to the final output file (JSON bundle list)
    • -split= - Split bundles into chunks using given split file
    • -extrafast - Use fast compression for bunles (much faster, larged output bundles)


Check file versions


  • filever [-ext=extensionlist] [-file=file] [-min=version] [-verbose] [-histogram]
  • Optional parameters:
    • -ext - Check only files with give extensions
    • -file - Check only given files
    • -min - Treat any file with version lower than given number as error
    • -verbose - Print all invalid files
    • -histogram - Print version histogram


Cook file lists, generate cooked data and bundle files for packing


  • cook
  • Platform:
    • null - Dummy cooker output (only cook.db)
    • resave - Resave assets (no cooking, PC only)
    • pc - 64-bit PC
    • ps4 - PlayStation 4
    • xb1 - XBoxOne
  • Options:
    • -platform= - Select target platform (required)
    • -outdir= - Sepcify output directory (required)
    • -seed= - Input seed file (required)
    • -file= - Manual depot file for cooking
    • -noerrors - Allow cooking errors
    • -noasserts - Allow asserts
    • -silent - No output
    • -ignore= - Ignore files with given extension
    • -stringids= - Capture and save all cooked string ID's
    • -stringkeys= - Capture and save all cooked string key's
    • -excludedir= - Don't cook resources from one directory
    • -trimdir= - Cook resources only from one directory
    • -trimedfiles= - List of trimmed files from cook
    • -additionalDB=- Cook.db file to check if it containes trimmed files


Saves quest layout for use in external QuestDebugger.

**Use: **

  • wcc questlayoutdump -quest quest_path -out dump_path


Packs file from given directory into a bundle


  • pack -dir= -outdir=<mod.bundle> [-compression=LZ4|LZ4HC|ZLIB]
  • -dir = Input directory to pack
  • -outdir = Output directory with bundles (note: bundles bigger than 4GB are split)
  • -compression = Compression type to use (default: LZ4HC)


Export spatial resource usage information from a given world


  • resourceusage -world= -out= [options]
  • Options:
    • -world= - Specifies path to the world file (required)
    • -out= - Sepcifies path to the output file (required)
    • -noerrors - Allow cooking errors
    • -noasserts - Allow asserts
    • -silent - No output


Don't ask

**Use: **

wcc cooksubs font_path subtitles_path subtitles_path needs to be ucs-2 little endian because of our engine the output file is utf8...


No operation


wcc cooksounds output_dir sound_resource_dir platforms


Split the files into content buckets

  • Required usage:
    • split -db=<cook.db> [-seed=<seedfile.seed>]* -out=
  • Arguments:
    • -db=<cook.db> - Path to the cook.db file
    • -seed=<seedfile.seed> - Path to the a seed file (multiple files supported)
    • -out= - Output file name
    • -fallback= - Specify custom fallback chunk for unassigned resources


Packs a world directories into a single dzip for faster loading and deployment on consoles.

Creates streaming installer data for use by the game. Supported cooking platforms: PS4. Use: wcc package (ps4|orbis) app [ps4 app options]

  • ps4 app options:
    • -t= | --tempdir= -- temp directory. Optional
    • -i= | --indir= -- absolute path to final deliverable. E.g., z:\Build_109641Change_652889\PS4
    • -o= | --outdir= -- absolute path where to create gp4, pkg and iso
    • -l= | --langdir= -- absolute path to the language definitions. E.g., z:\dev\PublisherSpecific\R4\InternalDevelopment\PS4\language | --langs=[language list]> -- comma separated list of game languages to support. E.g., en,pl | --dftlang=[language] -- default game langauge. Must also be listed in the languages option. E.g., en


Splits strings and speech files for a given language based on JSON descriptor.


  • splitstrings [-dlc] -splitfile= -idsfile= -keysfile= -indir= -outdir=
    • -dlc - Run in the DLC mode (no per-chunk splitting)
    • -splitfile - Path to the split file (mapping resources to chunks, not required in DLC mode).
    • -idsfile - Path to the ids file (mapping resources to string ID's).
    • -keysfile - Path to the keys file [optional](mapping resources to string Key's).
    • -indir - Path to the directory where the language files reside.
    • -outdir - Path to the directory where the split files will reside.
  • Options:
    • -dostrings - Split strings only (everything is done by default).
    • -dospeech - Split speech only (everything is done by default).
    • -language - Add language to the splitting plan (default is 'en').
    • -platform - Add platform to the splitting plan (default is 'pc').
    • -allincontent0 - Merges all chunks into content0 (debug option).
    • -allinsamefolder - Outputs all files in the same folder (debug option).


Dump SWF stuff
Dumps SWF resources. Use wcc swfdump [out directory]


Bulk import resources preserving directory structure
Imports resources. Use wcc import [option1 value1 [option2 value2 [...]]]

  • Options:
    • fromAbsPath -- absolute path to scan inside
    • toDepotPath -- depot path to import to


Resaves resources and optionally submits the changes into P4.


  • resave -tmpdir= [options]
    • -tmpdir - Absolute path to temporary folder.
  • Options:
    • -path= - Base directory path to scan (full depot resave if not specified).
    • -ext=<ext1,ext2,...> - Comma-separated list of extensions to scan for (full resave if not specified).
    • -nosourcecontrol - Disables version control (local resave).
    • -ignorefileversion - Resave even if files are latest version.
    • -forcestreamingsetup - Force reset and setup of streaming in world and layers (dangerous!).
    • -cl= - Add resaved files into the given changelist (when enabled).
    • -submitwhenfinished - Enables CL submit when finished (disabled by default).
    • -discardunchangeddata - Discards files for which data has not changed (disabled by default, potentially slow).
    • -customresave - Resaves only the given list of files.
  • Version control options:
    • -p4user=username -- username for Perforce
    • -p4client=client -- client (workspace) for Perforce
    • -p4host=host -- hostname for Perforce
    • -p4password=password -- password for Perforce
    • -p4port=port -- port for Perforce


Cooks materials
wcc cookmaterials PLATFORM (-static) (-fastfx) (-allmaterials) (-material=[path]) (-resaveCRC) (-fur[=paths])
here should be the description of all the parameters..
..meanwhile you can go and ask the engine team


Generate occlusion for given worlds


wcc cookocclusion -world=pathToWorldFileN [-smallesOccluder=..] [-smallestHole=..] [-tileSize=..] [-xMin=..] [-xMax=..] [-yMin=..] [-yMax=..]


Calculate required memory for runtime occlusion data for the level Use: wcc calculateRuntimeOcclusionMemory [-density=..] -world=pathToWorldFile


Find duplicate geometry for the level Use: wcc findDuplicates -world=pathToWorldFile [-output=file]


Generate navigation data for given world Use: wcc pathlib rootSearchDir filePattern


Cooks strings and speech database, given a list of languages and platforms.


  • cookstrings <out_dir> <source_dir> <db_string_view> -languages= -platforms=
    • out_dir - Path to the directory where the caches will be stored.
    • source_dir - Path to the base directory where speech data resides.
    • db_string_view - SQL query.
    • languages - List of languages to cook.
    • platforms - List of platforms to cook for.
  • Options:
    • -skipspeech - Cooks only strings.


Test asynchrnous collision cache access Usage: testcollisioncache -file=<file.cache>


Test of wcc
Simply tests wcc.


Test memory framework, streaming, GC and resource management stability


  • testmem [params]
  • Params:
    • -world Path to the w2w file to load
    • -numiter Number of test iterations
    • -numpoints Number of test points
    • -extents Extents (around origin) to test


Convert voiceover files from .wav to .ogg Use: wcc voconvert wwise_bin_dir voiceivers_source_dir platform languages (pc en ...)