Alpha Version!
Pre-release🌞 Exciting Announcement: "Unbreaded" Alpha Test Invitation!
Hey everyone!
We're thrilled to announce that our game, "Unbreaded," has reached the alpha stage. We'd love for you to be among the first to dive into its enchanting world. Your journey through a once-charming bakery, now a battlefield against an evil corporation, will be adventurous and crucial in shaping the game's future.
__ We Value Your Feedback:__
After playing, you'll find a feedback form. This is your chance to let us know what you think, what you like, and what could be better. Your input is incredibly important to us and will directly influence the game's development.
__ Please Note: There Are Some Known Bugs:__
- Donuts near the sink are not moving correctly.
- Camera focus issues post - "drowning" in the sink.
- The player's body disappears near the cashier.
- Camera clipping with rotating tables.
- The jump mechanic is sometimes not working as expected.
We're actively working on these issues, but we would greatly appreciate your feedback on them (and anything else you notice)!
Getting Started:
- Controls: Use the WASD keys to navigate and press F to use your transformative abilities to overcome obstacles.
- Feedback: Please share your thoughts via our feedback form at the end of the game.
Join the Alpha Test: Click the release package to get early access to Unbreaded. We're excited to hear what you think!
Your participation means the world to us. By joining our alpha test, you're not just playing a game but helping craft an experience that can beat an evil corporation.
What's Changed
- Dev by @MashdorDev in #1
- add test map by @MashdorDev in #2
- New charater by @MashdorDev in #4
- Delete Plugins/Developer/RiderLink/Intermediate directory by @MashdorDev in #5
- Updating gitignore by @MashdorDev in #6
- Updated .gitignore by @MashdorDev in #7
- updated the by @MashdorDev in #8
- Main by @MashdorDev in #9
- Main by @MashdorDev in #10
- Main by @MashdorDev in #11
- updated readmefile with something: by @MashdorDev in #12
- updated the readme agian by @MashdorDev in #15
- Character by @SafakOnol in #34
- UI manager by @rylerbleau in #37
- Character by @SafakOnol in #38
- Meshes and materials by @GageM in #39
- UI manager by @rylerbleau in #40
- Animations by @GageM in #41
- Updating Main with current project by @MashdorDev in #42
- new branch with all env hazards stuff by @rylerbleau in #46
- Projectile by @SafakOnol in #47
- Rotating hazards by @rylerbleau in #49
- bind player attributes to HUD by @SafakOnol in #50
- Level 2 - Testing conveyorBelt 2.0 by @AlanDJS9 in #55
- Pull Splitting Mechanic Prototype by @GageM in #56
- Death loop by @rylerbleau in #57
- Merge working splitting mechanic by @GageM in #58
- Player controller update by @SafakOnol in #59
- Ranged AI by @antoniukoff in #60
- Level1 core level into dev by @AlanDJS9 in #63
- adjust character controls and add impulse on character crumble by @SafakOnol in #69
- Gamemode implementation by @rylerbleau in #75
- This branch adds all the models made so far into the project by @GageM in #77
- Animation fixes and Spline Camera by @GageM in #76
- changed rotation function to smooth out mouse controls by @SafakOnol in #79
- Audio integration by @rylerbleau in #81
- Added dameage taking for ai and the character by @antoniukoff in #83
- Quick AI Ranged Fix by @antoniukoff in #85
- Core level detailing by @AlanDJS9 in #86
- Ai fix by @antoniukoff in #87
- Destructible by @SafakOnol in #88
- integrated Range AI into the Core level by @antoniukoff in #91
- Organized Map Folder by @MashdorDev in #92
- Win lose condition by @rylerbleau in #93
- Enemy ai by @MashdorDev in #99
- Level camera by @GageM in #106
- Pause menu by @rylerbleau in #109
- Clean character bp by @GageM in #111
- QOL Fix: Player Animations & Cupcake Stand Glitch by @GageM in #112
- Menu Hotfix by @rylerbleau in #113
- Selected Image Padding fix. by @rylerbleau in #114
- Core Level Mod Week 8 - Game Loop completed. by @AlanDJS9 in #115
- Weapon and ammo system by @SafakOnol in #117
- Finished Core Level (Missing Some Assets) by @GageM in #131
- Updated Readme by @MashdorDev in #132
- Ai polish by @antoniukoff in #133
- Added and Cleaned up Several 3D Assets by @GageM in #135
- Feedback link within game, and pause menu. by @rylerbleau in #141
- Sprinting fix by @antoniukoff in #142
- reverted the bp back by @antoniukoff in #143
- Make the level path more clear & Make the splitting mechanic more interesting by @GageM in #144
- Gas based AI by @SafakOnol in #147
- Redo changes to BP_character for opening thapause menu. by @rylerbleau in #148
- Pre-Alpha Fixes: Ragdoll and Spawn Volumes by @GageM in #153
- disabled the drawing of dounts by @MashdorDev in #155
- fixed the nav meshes desplacement in the core level by @antoniukoff in #157
- Fixed the SkeletalCube error by @GageM in #158
- Changing perspective for core level, added level two map file by @AlanDJS9 in #159
- @SafakOnol made their first contribution in #34
- @rylerbleau made their first contribution in #37
- @GageM made their first contribution in #39
- @antoniukoff made their first contribution in #60
Full Changelog: