Releases: MapleAtMorning/Games-Unite
3 New Configs
- Teal Flipped - MapleAtMorning
- Intense Vision - huma
- bluehat - twohat
Names may be changed later.
Configs Update
This update really just started out as an idea of a way to share configs, and evolved into things such as slop and a general update to the website.
Added New Configs Page
This includes multiple configs from community members. A preview of each is shown in a screenshot taken of each config. A few configs included are
- Default by Games Unite
- Sk1tlxs Centered by Sk1tlxs
- Casual Dot by Ruby
All of these have images attached. Clicking on an image enlarges it to be able to fully view a config.
Config Generator
Low on content? Need to spice up your gameplay? Don't worry. I've got you. Introducing: Slop. (Super Lazy Optimal Precision)
Slop will create configs for you! These are sure to be optimized and perfect for gaming with no repercussions whatsoever*
* There is no guarantee that these configs will even be playable
Updated commands page
Commands now include the time commands. This includes the following.
- mp_pause_time
- mp_set_round_time
- Hovering over or tabbing to the theme changer now shows a half transparent version to emphasize user action.
- Genuinely probably a lot more that I've forgotten about, I worked on this on and off.
Minor README update/fix
Complete Overhaul
- Rewrote all the HTML to remove bootstrap.
- Replaced all the bootstrap things like modals with custom JS.
- Completely re-styled previously bland looking sections.
- More angled look to somewhat match the Games Unite theme using a copious amount of clip-paths.
- Animated and cleaner looking homepage with some bloat removed.
- Completely new footer which now actually looks like a footer.
- Redone cookies popup to not be as obnoxious
- Custom commands dropdowns.
- Moved multiple things such as themes to localstorage instead of cookies.
And much more that I probably forgot about. I just really wanted off of bootstrap, it was really holding this site back.
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v2.0.0
Accessibly + Other
A couple accessibility patches such as aria nav and some theme fixes.
Now (mostly) using standard JS practices.
Commands Patch
Fixed mobile navigation & a quick desktop patch to make it more obvious that clicking on commands copies by adding pointer.
Commands update
Updated commands page.
Now hovering on a command prompts you to copy it by sliding out and showing a clipboard. On click the command gets copied.
This is disabled for mobile seeing as GU has no current mobile support + it might interfere with scrolling.
Overall just a bit more SEO optimization and the addition of google analytics because I felt like it.
Might remove analytics later, unsure if it's going to be that helpful.
Jekyll Patch
Required patch for GitHub pages related to Jekyll where node_modules wouldn't load at all clientside.