Releases: Manuito83/torn-pda
Releases Β· Manuito83/torn-pda
v3.3.1 - Torn Exchange, theme sync and fixes
- Added Torn Exchange sync in the trades widget
- Added Forgery crime to Misc tab in Profile
- Fixed chat highlight and added custom word list [Kwack]
- Added device theme sync (disabled by default)
- Adjusted foreign stocks charts timeframe based on number of recent restocks
- [Android] Browser font size can now be adjusted (Advanced Browser Settings)
- Added headers parameters to PDA_httpGet handler [tiksan]
- Fixed issues with time calculation
- Fixed spies update times
- Other several fixes
v3.3.0 - Improved user script manager, cloud backup, TSC, mixed spies and others
- Improved user script manager: includes remote fetching, auto update, auto JS file import and fixes [Kwack]
- Added private cloud backup and share functionality for specific Torn PDA settings
- Added Torn Stats Central information and merged stats dialogs into one
- Spies: added option to allow mixed sources, fixed persistence and other issues
- War cards can now be pinned (right swipe)
- Added option to delay API calls before hitting the API limit (disabled by default)
- Downloaded files trigger a share request automatically by default (see Tips for more info)
- Added option to enable or disable browser cache (enabled by default)
- Added pie option for Torn Stats chart
- Added API permission donor option for retaliation alerts
- Added Midnight X reviving services
- Fixed Awards images
- Fixed RW widget update in Profile
- Fixed other reported issues
v3.2.5 - InAppWebview update and fixes
- Improved browser performance and stability
- Fixed Company Stock Order example userscript [Kwack]
- Fixed energy stacking warning in certain devices
v3.2.4 - Cracking crime and browser fixes
- Added Cracking to Basic Info card in Profile
- Fixed browser crashes in certain devices
v3.2.3 - Fixes for webview on iOS, Torn API issues and sounds
- Added deep links and default app explanation in Tips
- Fixed browser download issues on iOS
- Fixed audio channels mixing in Chain Watcher
- Fixed timezone references
- Fixed issues with API model
- Fixed random logouts
v3.2.2 - Deep links support and fixes
- Improved deep links native support
- Adjusted material theme colors
- Fixed NNB widget activation
- Fixed localStorage not resetting when browser cache was cleared
- Fixed random browser crashes reported on iOS
v3.2.1 - GM, download support, fixes
- Added Grease Monkey handlers to userscripts (read Disclaimer in userscripts section) - by Kwack
- Added file download support to browser
- Added Material theme support (disabled by default)
- Tapping player name in mini-profiles opens new tab (disabled by default)
- Increased to 10 the max. number of red/blue targets to be skipped while chaining
- Added chain control buttons to main browser tab (single/double tap) while chaining
- Added missing crimes to Basic Info card
- Added additional information to Loot Rangers attack status in certain conditions
- Added local time to War widget in Profile and fixed issue with alarms
- Fixed stakeouts update when more than 10 targets are configured
- Fixed issue when opening the spied stats dialog
- Fixed issue updating new/former faction members in War
- Fixed some casino shortcuts URLs (need to re-add)
- Fixed time format (12/24h) setting in several sections
- Fixed persistence of setting to only load tabs when used
- Removed unusable inventory filter in Items
v3.2.0 - New spies workflow, API fail alarm for chain watches, and fixes
- Reconfigured how spies are retrieved (now manually) to speed up loading times of the Profile Widget, as well as the War and Retalation sections. Check Tips and Settings for further information.
- Added Chain Watcher alert if API fails under watch
- Fixed chat hide feature
- Fixed chat highlight feature
- Fixed several issues caused by lack of inventory details
v3.1.9 - Fixes for API changes, web parsing and widgets
- Fixed sections affected by API changes in inventory
- Fixed property vault widget assignments
- Fixed long tap menu in quick profiles
- Fixed War options menu and reviving providers
- Fixed jail widget max score dialog
v3.1.8 - Crimes info, browser taps relocation and fixes
- Added crimes to Basic Info card in Profile
- Browser tabs can be now positioned below the navigation bar in bottom-bar styles
- Fixed Tips section
- Fixed stock market price dialog
- Fixed stats chart rounding