Releases: Manuito83/torn-pda
Releases · Manuito83/torn-pda
Trade Calculator
- Added Trade Calculator, with total price calculation for cash, items and shares, plus the ability to copy total figures for a quick trading. Also added trades as a quick link in the Profile section
- Decluttered the Travel section, with the foreign stocks page and notifications accessible through the floating button
- Changed cooldown countdown to show total hours and minutes
Bug fixed when loading API Key
- This is a minor update, looking at fixing an error reported by several players when loading the API key in Android and iOS. The error happened to players that have no past events registered.
Crashlytics implementation
Minor version, with no changelog associated
- Added Crashlytics to get more information on issues reported by some users when loading the API key
Loot, Quick Crimes, Travel enhancements, Energy alerts
- New NPC Loot section
- Added a quick crimes bar (internal app browser)
- Added option to fill max travel items taking into account current money and capacity, as well as a quick return button in the app bar
- Added energy in the automatic alerts section (beta)
- Fixed issue with travel bar and timer not updating correctly after the flight has departed
Automatic alerts and custom notification triggers
- New ALERTS section with automatic notifications for travel
- You can now set a custom trigger for energy and nerve notifications in the profile page
- Several changes and another try at fixing issues reported by some players with the in-app browsers
- Several other bug fixes and changes
Profile notification options and test browser
- [Android only] Now you can choose different notification styles (notification, alarm or timer) for each of the status bars and cooldowns available in the Profile section
- Added option to select a test in-app browser, with a different engine, to try to solve issues reported by some players
- Corrected Discord link in the About section
- Several other bug fixes thanks to player feedback
About section and time formatting (time zones)
- New 'About' section
- You can now choose between 12h/24h time systems & local time (LT) or Torn City TIme (TCT) time zones
- Added travel progress bar to the Travel section
- Fixed an issue causing user settings preferences not to be applied after restarting the application
- Fixed several issues reported in previous version (thanks Kivou + JDTech)
Friends section and profile notifications
- New Friends section, with quick access to player details and in-game actions. Personal notes and backup functionality is also included.
- New notifications (manually activated) added in the Profile section for energy, nerve, life and all cooldowns.
- Energy and nerve had their colours corrected in the Profile section to adapt to game close.
- Other bug fixes and corrections, thanks to player suggestions.
Profile page
- New profile page with access to basic status data, recent events, cooldowns and networth calculation
- General bug fixes
Foreign stocks database connection
Foreign stocks are now automatically uploaded to YATA's shared database when you visit a country. Please note: in order for this to work and contribute, you need to use the in-app browser!
New interface implemented so that you can have a look at foreign stocks directly in the Travel section. Filter and sort items at your convenience, including profit based on item capacity.