v3.2.1 - GM, download support, fixes
Added Grease Monkey handlers to userscripts (read Disclaimer in userscripts section) - by Kwack
Added file download support to browser
Added Material theme support (disabled by default)
Tapping player name in mini-profiles opens new tab (disabled by default)
Increased to 10 the max. number of red/blue targets to be skipped while chaining
Added chain control buttons to main browser tab (single/double tap) while chaining
Added missing crimes to Basic Info card
Added additional information to Loot Rangers attack status in certain conditions
Added local time to War widget in Profile and fixed issue with alarms
Fixed stakeouts update when more than 10 targets are configured
Fixed issue when opening the spied stats dialog
Fixed issue updating new/former faction members in War
Fixed some casino shortcuts URLs (need to re-add)
Fixed time format (12/24h) setting in several sections
Fixed persistence of setting to only load tabs when used
Removed unusable inventory filter in Items
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