Update of Aquamarine as SOA software.
Main concept is that aquamarine is calculation server, which has exclusive access to calculations and reading image files - as most time consuming operations. Expected to have applications that will interact with aquamarine as client to server roles.
Introduced Silber static library as communcation level between Server and Client.
What's Changed
- AM-73 [BLOCKER] AM crashes on comparison by @MaksymT17 in #98
- AM-74 Add loading of Jpeg simultaneously by @MaksymT17 in #100
- AM-75 Implement aquamarine as SOA software by @MaksymT17 in #101
- AM-76 Upload GA build artifacts by @MaksymT17 in #105
- AM-77 Remove sh_mem and related sources from the project by @MaksymT17 in #107
Full Changelog: 0.2.1...0.6