Releases: MaksymT17/aquamarine
Update of Aquamarine as SOA software.
Main concept is that aquamarine is calculation server, which has exclusive access to calculations and reading image files - as most time consuming operations. Expected to have applications that will interact with aquamarine as client to server roles.
Introduced Silber static library as communcation level between Server and Client.
What's Changed
- AM-73 [BLOCKER] AM crashes on comparison by @MaksymT17 in #98
- AM-74 Add loading of Jpeg simultaneously by @MaksymT17 in #100
- AM-75 Implement aquamarine as SOA software by @MaksymT17 in #101
- AM-76 Upload GA build artifacts by @MaksymT17 in #105
- AM-77 Remove sh_mem and related sources from the project by @MaksymT17 in #107
Full Changelog: 0.2.1...0.6
What's Changed
- AM-69 Add jpeg for Apple builds, update jpeg support with AmApi by @MaksymT17 in #89
- AM-69 Fixed memory leak on Jpeg decoding. by @MaksymT17 in #89
- AM-70 Remove old bmp samples by @MaksymT17 in #93
- AM-71 Upgrade ubuntu version for docker container by @MaksymT17 in #95
Full Changelog: 0.2...0.2.1
0.2 Release
Main delivered changes:
AM-41 Enable ThreadPool
AM-43 Add UT coverage report generation
AM-52 Change image segments from columns to rows.
AM-50 Add SQLite into project for saving all comparison results
AM-53 Add AmApi interface with aquamarine
AM-63 Allow to use supported image formats BMP/JPG. Add support for JPG files reading (Unix)
AM-66 Enable Win GitHub Action on PR
AM-68 Introduce GitHub Action build for Mac OS
Fixed minor bugs in code and crashes caught by the development process.
Added Docker container file where defined packages required. Developer(s) can use one container type for convenience.
Added UT and possibility to check PR changes automatically: build & UT results.
Added feature of reading Jpeg files.
Added build the static library with the main implementation of aquamarine as a tool. Introduce AmApi as a main interface.
Possibility to use aquamarine lib in GUI application.
commit of release:
Binaries can be built based on this commit, verified by GitHub Actions builds for Linux, Windows, and Mac.
Main features:
BMP data extraction from file.
Analyzing images for possible changes.
Support of multi-threading to optimize execution time.
Added input parameters via Configuration file.
Added a minimal set of image samples for test purposes.
Added logger to put main information in runtime execution.
Compatible with Windows and Linux OS.