This is a database of 467 high-resolution quasar spectra from the data archive of the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) on the European Southern Observatory's 8-metre-diameter Very Large Telescope.
DR1 is documented in the paper:
Murphy M.T., Kacprzak G.G., Savorgnan G.A.D., Carswell R.F.,
2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482, 3458, arXiv:1810.06136
Please cite the paper if you make use of DR1.
The final DR1 quasar spectra are hosted here on the gSTAR Data Management and Collaboration Platform (gDMCP). However, this GitHub repository will remain the entrance point to the dataset and can be cited using its DOI, i.e. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1345974. The gDMCP data hosting site contains the following files:
- DR1_Final_Spectra.tar.gz: Final DR1 spectra of all 467 quasars (Note: File size is 2.1Gb).
- Individual final spectra -- [DR1 quasar name]_Final_Spectrum.tar.gz: The final spectrum of each quasar is available individually as a gzipped tar file containing the FITS spectrum and the UPL file used in UVES_popler to generate it.
- Individual data reduction files -- [DR1 quasar name]_Reduction.tar.gz: Reduction scripts and all intermediate and final data reduction products for individual quasars as a gzipped tar file. These are required to recreate the final DR1 spectrum of a quasar using the UPL file. Users can also use the UPL file as a starting point for modifying the final spectrum or improving various aspects of the spectrum.
This GitHub repository hosts the following files and folders:
- Notes_FITS_Files.txt: This describes the basic structure of the DR1 final spectra FITS files. Please read this file if you plan to use the spectra!
- DR1_quasars_master.csv: The master DR1 quasar catalogue. This contains the complete information in Tables 1 and 3 in the paper, i.e. the quasar, final spectrum and damped Lyman-alpha system details.
- DR1_zlt1.5_ClipMeanComp.fits: This is the clipped mean composite spectrum of all DR1 quasars with redshifts z<1.5 (and final DR1 spectra), as described in Section 5.2.4 of the paper.
- Paper folder: Contains the latest version of the DR1 paper, and:
- src sub-folder: All the source files that contributed to the paper, including:
- plots_for_paper.ipynb: The Jupyter Notebook used to produce all plots in the paper, including all the analysis behind them.
- src sub-folder: All the source files that contributed to the paper, including:
- DLAs folder: Further information about the 155 damped Lyman-alpha systems in DR1, including:
- DR1_DLAs.csv: Catalogue of DLAs extracted from the master catalogue, DR1_quasars_master.csv.
- DR1_DLAs.pdf: Velocity plots of all DLAs, similar to the example in the paper (figure 14).