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Llennpie edited this page Dec 21, 2022 · 14 revisions

The most common questions answered.

  • How do I install Saturn?

  • What are the default controls?

    • A controller is recommended to use Saturn, but not required. By default, the keyboard controls are:

      (A) = L
      (B) = ,
      (Z) = K
      START = Space
      [R] = Right Shift
      [L] = Left Shift
      Analog Stick = WASD
      C-Buttons = Arrow Keys
      Toggle Machinima Camera = F
      Play/Pause Selected Animation = O
      Loop Animation = I
      Fullscreen = Left Alt + Enter
      Show Menu = F1
    • You can control the machinima camera using Y/G/H/J. T and U control up/down movement, while holding R allows the camera to be rotated.

  • How do I edit my controls?

    • You can edit both the in-game and editor controls in the Settings menu, under the Controls dropdown.
  • How/where can I download models?

    • Models are placed in the /build/us_pc/dynos/packs/ folder - next to color codes and animations.

    • If you're searching for models to download, numerous model authors have released their creations in my Discord server, and in release videos on YouTube.

    • Alternatively, most (if not all) PC port models will also work with DynOS.

  • Can I use FRAPS to record?

    • Maybe!
    • FRAPS is outdated software and is probably unsupported on Saturn - which unfortunately, is out of our control. FRAPS hasn't received an update in nearly 10 years, so it's broken on some newer software and unlikely to ever be fixed. If you're looking for lossless recordings, OBS should be able to do that just as well.
  • Is there a 120 star save file for Saturn?

  • Can I contribute?

    • Yes, feel free to submit a PR at any time or join my Discord below to get in contact with me. I want to make Saturn the best machinima software it can be, so please reach out if you'd like to contribute in any way!
  • Will you ever add ___________ ?

    • Maybe...
  • My question isn't listed. Where can I ask for help?

    • I have a Discord server. You can ask for help in the #saturn channel, and I'll try to reply ASAP. I also post Saturn updates, news, previews and more.
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