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DEV: Switch Commands

Llennpie edited this page Mar 21, 2023 · 2 revisions

This guide is an extension of Creating Models and covers Saturn-exclusive switch commands that can be applied to custom models.

NOTE: This guide assumes you have prior knowledge of Blender and Fast64 - if you're new to that sort of thing, I highly recommend watching a YouTube tutorial and familiarizing yourself with the process.

[Switch] Animation

  • func: saturn_switch_anim
  • param: # of frames

This switch function cycles between switch options at a fixed rate, similar to scrolling textures and Mario's blinking loop. On models, this can be utilized to create animated textures, moving meshes, or more technical blinking animations.

Parameter should be set to the number of frames in the animation, including your default material. In the below example, there are 4 frames and materials in total - 0coin, 1coin, 2coin and 3coin.


MComp+ Bone


This is a GEO_DISPLAYLIST command that switches to a GEO_ANIMATED_PART when a custom animation JSON is active and playing. On models, this can be utilized to add new bones to an armature without recreating the intended animations and tampering with the bone order.
