This document contains links to more in-depth documentation.
This contains the absolute minimal amount of info to start developing
- PR review workflow from the code author and code reviewer points of view
- Extended instructions on how to deploy your working environment and interact with it
- How to use GitHub and ZenHub, file a PR, review GitHub/ZenHub workflows
Git workflow and best practices
workflows, branch management, troubleshooting, common procedures
Documentation about guidelines
- How to write guidelines, format documentation, convert Gdocs to markdown files and vice versa
This contains a set of resources that over time will make 10x more productive
- UMD DATA605 Big Data Systems contains lectures and tutorials about most of the technologies we use in Sorrentum, e.g., Dask, Docker, Docker Compose, Git, github, Jupyter, MongoDB, Pandas, Postgres, Apache Spark
- You can go through the lectures and tutorials on a per-need basis, depending on what it's useful for you to develop