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File metadata and controls

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  • Docker is an open-source tool designed to make our life typically easier (although sometimes it makes it harder) when creating, building, deploying, and running software applications.
  • Docker can package an application and its dependencies in a virtual container that can run on any Linux, Windows, or macOS computer.
  • Our Docker containers have everything required (e.g. OS packages, Python packages) inside to run certain applications/code.


Docker image

  • A Docker image is a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container
  • Typically instructions include information about which packages and their versions to install, e.g. list of python packages and their corresponding versions
  • All steps needed to create the image and run it are defined in a Dockerfile, e.g. dev_tools/devops/docker_build/dev.Dockerfile

Docker container

  • A Docker container is a runnable instance of an image. One can run code inside a docker container having all requirements installed.

Docker registry

  • A Docker registry stores docker images. In other words, Docker registry for docker images is like GitHub for code.

High level philosophy

  • We always want to separate things that don't need to run together in different containers (e.g., dev / prod cmamp, optimizer, im, oms, dev_tools), along a logic of "independently runnable / deployable directories".
  • The problem is that when we put too many dependencies in a single container, trying to simplify the release approach we start having huge containers that are difficult to deploy and are unstable in terms of building even using poetry.
  • Each dir that can be "deployed" and run should have a devops dir to build / qa / release containers with all the needed dependencies
  • Certain containers that need to be widely available to the team and deployed go through the release process and ECR
  • Other containers that are lightweight and used only by one person (e.g., the infra container) can be built on the fly using docker compose/docker build.

Thin client

  • To bootstrap the system we use a "thin client" which installs in a virtual env the minimum set of packages to run (e.g., installs invoke, docker, etc).
  • TODO(gp): Audit / make sure we can simplify the thin env

amp / cmamp container

  • The dev version is used to develop
  • The prod version can be used for deployment as shortcut to creating a smaller container with only the strictly needed dependencies

Prod container

  • In order to avoid shipping the monster cmamp dev / prod container, we want to start building smaller containers with only the dependencies that specific prod scripts need

Infra container

  1. To run infra script, if we only need boto3 and moto, we can
    • create a Python library
    • create a script interface
    • create an invoke task that calls i docker_cmd --cmd ... reusing the cmamp container, (since that container already has boto3 and moto that are dependencies we can't remove)
      • This approach is similar to calling the linter
  2. If we think we need to add new packages only for running infra scripts then we will create a new infra container.
    • We can build on the fly and not release through ECR
  • We can start with approach 1, which will also allow us to transition to 2 transparently, if needed

Relevant bugs


  • Poetry is a tool for managing Python packages and dependencies:
    • List packages you want to install with some constraints, e.g., pandas must be above 1.0 in devops/docker_build/pyproject.toml
    • Given a list of packages you need to install to get the desired environment, you want poetry to "optimize" the packages and generate devops/docker_build/poetry.lock, which contains the list of versions of the packages to install
    • If there is a new version of a package re-running poetry might give you an updated list of packages to install

Build a Docker image


  • A docker image is built from a Dockerfile. The image is then used to run a Docker container.

  • There is /devops dir under a project's dir that contains Docker-related files, e.g. cmamp/devops.


  • A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands to call on the command line to assemble an image. E.g. cmamp/devops/docker_build/dev.Dockerfile.

Base image

  • A Dockerfile should start with specifying a base image.
  • Base image is an image that a new image is built from. A new Docker image will have all the packages/dependencies that are installed in the base image.
  • Use FROM statement to specify a base image, e.g.
    FROM ubuntu:20.4

Copy files

  • Copy files that are required to build a Docker image to the Docker filesystem.
  • To copy a file from /source_dir (your filesystem) to /dst_dir (Docker filesystem) do:
    COPY source_dir/file dst_dir
  • E.g., the command below will copy from devops/docker_build to the Docker's root directory so that can be accessed by Docker.
    COPY devops/docker_build/ .

Install OS packages

  • Install OS packages that are needed for a Docker app, but that are not installed for a base image.
  • Use RUN instruction to install a package, e.g.
    RUN apt-get install postgresql-client
  • Alternatively you can package all installation instructions in a .sh file and run it. Do not forget to copy a .sh file to the Docker filesystem so that Docker can see it. E.g.,
    COPY devops/docker_build/ .
    RUN /bin/sh -c "./"

Install Python packages

  • We prefer to install Python packages with poetry.
  • Make sure that there is instruction to install pip3 and poetry. You can either put it in a Dockerfile or in a separate file like
    RUN apt-get install python3-pip
    RUN pip3 install poetry
  • Copy poetry-related files to the Docker filesystem so that files can be accessed by Docker
    COPY devops/docker_build/poetry.toml
    COPY devops/docker_build/poetry.lock
  • Update Python packages
    RUN poetry install

Build an image from a Dockerfile

  • To build an image from a Dockerfile run:
    > docker build .
  • The Dockerfile must be called Dockerfile and located in the root of the context.
  • You can point to any Dockerfile by using -f:
    > docker build -f /path_to_dockerfile/dockerfile_name

Run multi-container Docker application

  • Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application's services.


  • At the beginning of a docker-compose.yaml file specify the docker-compose version. We use the version 3.0, for more information see the official documents.
    version: "3.0"


  • You can either re-use a public image or build a new one from a Dockerfile.
  • The app service below uses the image that is built from the dev.Dockerfile.
        context: .
        dockerfile: dev.Dockerfile
  • The im_postgres_local service below uses the public postgres image pulled from the Docker hub registry.
      image: postgres: 13

Bind mount

  • If you want to be able to access code inside a Docker container, you should bind-mount a directory with the code on the host.
  • Mount a directory on the host inside a Docker container, e.g. mount current directory to /app dir inside a Docker container:
        - .:/app

Environment variables

  • You can either use variables directly from the environment or pass them in a docker-compose.yaml file.
  • It is supposed that POSTGRES_VERSION is already defined in the shell.
      image: "postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION}"
  • Set environment variable in a service's container
        image: "postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION}"
  • Set environment variable with .env file
        - ./postgres_env.env
        image: "postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION}"
  • File postgres_env.env
    > cat ./postgres_env.env

Basic commands

  • To check more advanced usage, please see the official documentation.
  • Build, (re)create, start, and attach to containers for a service. It is assumed that a docker-compose file has the name docker-compose.yaml and is located in the current dir.
    > docker-compose up
  • List containers
    > docker-compose ps
  • Stop containers created by down.
    > docker-compose down

How to test a package in a Docker container

> sudo /bin/bash -c "(source /venv/bin/activate; pip install yfinance)"
> python -c "import finance"

Hacky approach to patch up a container

# After install create a new version of the container
> docker commit d2916dd5f122

# Push to the repo
> docker push

# Then you can push and pull on different machines
> docker pull

# To use `docker_bash` you might need to retag it to match what the system expects
> docker tag

How to release a Docker image

  • All the invoke tasks to run the release flow are in //amp/helpers/
  • Depending on the type of changes sometimes one needs to rebuild only the prod image, other times one needs to rebuild also the dev image.
  • E.g.,
    • If you change Docker build-related things (e.g., add a Python package), you need to rebuild the dev image and then the prod image from the dev image
    • If you change the code for a production system, you need to create a new prod image
  • We try to use the same flow, conventions, and code for all the containers (e.g., amp, cmamp, dev_tools, opt).


  • A "stage" is a step (e.g., local, dev, prod) in our release workflow of Docker images, code, or infrastructure.
  • To run a Docker container in a certain stage use the stage parameter
    • E.g. i docker_bash --stage="local" creates a bash session inside the local docker amp container


  • A local image is used to develop and test an update to the Docker container, e.g. after updating a package, installing a new package, etc.
  • Local images can only be accessed locally by a developer, i.e. the team members can not / should not use local images. In practice local images are like dev images but private to users and servers.


  • A dev image is used by our team to develop our systems (e.g., to add new functionalities to the dev_tools code).
  • Typically the source code is mounted through a bind mount in Docker so that one can change the code and execute it in Docker.
  • The image is tested, blessed, and released so that users and CI can use it without worries. Once a dev image is pushed to the docker registry it can be pulled and used by the team members.


  • A prod image is used to run a system by final users. E.g., the linter inside dev_tools, some prod system inside Airflow.
  • It is self-contained (it should have no dependencies) since it has everything required to run a system installed inside it, e.g., code (e.g., the linter), Python packages.
  • It is typically created from the dev image by copying the released code inside the prod image.

Overview of how to release an image

  • The release flow consists of the following phases
    • Make changes to the image
      • E.g., add Python package
      • Update the changelog
    • Build a local image
      • Run specific tests (e.g., make sure that the new packages are installed)
      • Run unit tests
      • Run QA tests
    • Tag local image as dev image
    • Push dev image to ECR
  • If there is also an associated prod image
    • Build prod image from dev image
      • Run unit / QA tests
    • Push prod image to ECR

How to add a Python package to Docker image

  • To add a new Python package to a Docker image you need to update poetry files and release a new image:

    • Add a new package to amp/devops/docker_build/pyproject.toml file to the [tool.poetry.dependencies] section E.g., to add pytest-timeout do:

      pytest-timeout = "*"
    • In general we use the latest version of a package (*) until the tests fail or the system stops working

      • If the system fails, we freeze the version of the problematic packages to a known-good version to get the tests back to green until the problem is solved. We switch back to the latest version once the problem is fixed
      • If you need to put a constraint on the package version, follow the official docs, and explain in a comment why this is needed making reference to GitHub issues
    • To verify that package is installed correctly one can

      • build a local image and update poetry
        > i docker_build_local_image --version {new version} --update-poetry
      • run a docker container based on the local image
        > i docker_bash --stage local --version {new version}
      • verify what package was installed with pip show {package name}, e.g.,
        > pip show pytest-rerunfailures
        Name: pytest-rerunfailures
        Version: 10.2
        Summary: pytest plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures
        Location: /venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages
        Requires: pytest, setuptools
      • run regressions for the local image, i.e.
        > i run_fast_tests --stage local --version {new version}
        > i run_slow_tests --stage local --version {new version}
    • Update the changelog describing the new version

    • Send a PR with the updated poetry files and any other change needed to make the tests pass

    • Release the new image. To do so follow the # Release a Docker image section, use --update-poetry flag to resolve the dependencies

How to find unused packages

  • While installing Python packages we need to make sure that we do not install packages that we do not use

Import-based approach using pipreqs

How it works

  • To do so we use an import-based approach provided by pipreqs. Under the hood it uses the regex below and os.walk for selected dir:
    REGEXP = [
        re.compile(r'^import (.+)$'),
        re.compile(r'^from ((?!\.+).*?) import (?:.*)$')


  • Not all packages that we use are necessarily imported, e.g. awscli, jupyter, pytest-cov, etc. -> pipreqs won't find these packages
  • The import name is not always equal to the package actual name, see the mapping here


  • See the official docs for the advanced usage.

    • Run a bash session inside a Docker container

    • Install pipreqs with sudo pip install pipreqs

      • We install it temporary within a Docker bash session in order to introduce another dependency
      • You need to re-install pipreqs everytime you create a new Docker bash session
    • To run for a root dir do:

      pipreqs . --savepath ./tmp.requirements.txt
      • The command above will generate ./tmp.requirements.txt with the list of the imported packages, e.g.,
      • You can grep for a package name to see where it is used, e.g.,
        > jackpy "dill"
        helpers/ 	  import dill

How to build a local image

  • The recipe to build a local image is in devops/docker_build/dev.Dockerfile. This launches various scripts to install:

    • OS
    • Python
    • venv + Python packages
    • jupyter extensions
    • application-specific packages (e.g., for the linter)
  • To build a local image run:

    > i docker_build_local_image --version 1.0.0
    # Build from scratch and not incrementally.
    > i docker_build_local_image --version 1.0.0 --no-cache
    # Update poetry package list.
    > i docker_build_local_image --version 1.0.0 --update-poetry
    # Update poetry package list and build from scratch.
    > i docker_build_local_image --version 1.0.0 --update-poetry --no-cache
    # See more options:
    > i docker_build_local_image -h
  • Once an image is built, it is tagged as local-${user}-${version}, e.g., local-saggese-1.0.0

    Successfully tagged
    docker image ls
    REPOSITORY                                         TAG                    IMAGE ID            CREATED                  SIZE   local-gsaggese-1.0.9   cf16e3e3d1c7        Less than a second ago   2.75GB
  • A local image is a candidate for becoming a dev image.

    > i run_fast_tests --stage local --version 1.0.0

Testing the local image

  • Testing the local image

    > i docker_bash
    > pip list | tee
    > i docker_cmd --cmd "pip list | tee"
    > i docker_bash --stage local --version 1.0.9
    > pip list | tee pip_packages.local.txt
  • or in one command:

    > i docker_cmd --cmd "pip list | tee"; i docker_cmd --stage=local --version=1.0.9 --cmd "pip list | tee pip_packages.local.txt"
    > vimdiff pip_packages.local.txt
  • You can move the local image on different servers for testing by pushing it on ECR:

    > i docker_login
    > i docker push

Tag local image as dev

  • Docker tag is just a way of referring to an image. A good analogy is how Git tags refer to a particular commit in your history.
  • Basically, tagging is creating a reference from one image (local-saggese-1.0.0) to another (dev)
  • Once the local image is tagged as dev, your dev image becomes equal to local-saggese-1.0.0
  • dev image is also tagged with dev-${version}, e.g., dev-1.0.0 to preserve history and allow for quick rollback.
  • Locally in git repository a git tag ${repo_name}-${version}, e.g. cmamp-1.0.0 is created in order to properly control sync between code and container.

Push image

  • To push dev or prod image means to send it to the docker registry. It is more like pushing a commit to the GitHub
  • Once an image is pushed, it can be used by the team members by running i docker_pull
  • Local git tag ${repo_name}-${version}, e.g. cmamp-1.0.0, is pushed at this stage to the remote repository to allow others to properly control sync between code and container.
  • To be able to push an image to the ECR one should have permissions to do so

End-to-end flow for dev image

  • Conceptually the flow consists of the following phases:

    1. Build a local image of docker
      • i docker_build_local_image --version 1.0.0
    2. Run fast tests to verify that nothing is broken
      • i run_fast_tests --stage local --version 1.0.0
    3. Run end-to-end tests by, e.g., running linter on some file
      • i lint --files helpers/ --stage local --version 1.0.0
    4. Tag local image as dev
      • i docker_tag_local_image_as_dev --version 1.0.0
    5. Push dev image to the docker registry
      • i docker_push_dev_image --version 1.0.0
    • The mentioned flow is executed by Build dev image GH action and that is a preferred way to do an image release.
  • For specific cases that can not be done via GH action see commands below:

    # To run the official flow end-to-end:
    > i docker_release_dev_image --version 1.0.0
    # To see the options:
    > i docker_release_dev_image -h
    # Run from scratch and not incrementally:
    > i docker_release_dev_image --version 1.0.0 --no-cache
    # Force an update to poetry to pick up new packages
    > i docker_release_dev_image --version 1.0.0 --update-poetry
    # Skip running the QA tests
    > i docker_release_dev_image --version 1.0.0 --no-qa-tests
    # Skip running the tests
    > i docker_release_dev_image --version 1.0.0 --skip-tests
    # Skip end-to-end tests
    > i docker_release_dev_image --version 1.0.0 --no-run-end-to-end-tests

Build prod image

  • The recipe to build a prod image is in dev_tools/devops/docker_build/prod.Dockerfile.

    • The main difference between dev image and prod image is that
      • source code is accessed through a bind mount for dev image (so that it can be easily modified) and copied inside the image for a prod image (since we want to package the code)
      • requirements to be installed are different:
        • dev image requires packages to develop and run the code
        • prod image requires packages only to run the code
  • To build the prod image run:

    > i docker_build_prod_image --version 1.0.0
    # Check the options:
    > i docker_build_prod_image -h
    # To build from scratch and not incrementally:
    > i docker_build_prod_image --version 1.0.0 --no-cache
  • To run a command inside the prod image

    > docker run --rm -t --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --workdir=/app "ls -l /app"
  • Example of a complex command:

    > docker run --rm -t --workdir=/app "python /app/im_v2/ccxt/data/extract/ --to_datetime '20211204-194432' --from_datetime '20211204-193932' --dst_dir 'test/ccxt_test' --data_type 'ohlcv' --api_keys 'API_keys.json' --universe 'v03'"

QA for prod image

  • In dev_scripts repo test:
    > i lint --files "linters/"
  • In amp repo make sure:
    > i lint -f "helpers/"

End-to-end flow for prod image

  1. Build docker prod image
    • i docker_build_prod_image --version 1.0.0
  2. Run fast tests to verify that nothing is broken
    • i run_fast_tests
  3. Push prod image to the docker registry
    • i docker_push_prod_image --version 1.0.0
  • To run the flow end-to-end do:

    > i docker_release_prod_image --version 1.0.0
    • same options are available as for i docker_release_dev_image
    • check options i docker_release_prod_image -h

Flow for both dev and prod images

  • To run both flows end-to-end do:
    • i docker_release_all
  • Alternatively, one can run the release stages step-by-step.

Docker-in-docker (dind)

  • It is possible to install a Docker engine inside a Docker container so that one can run Docker container (e.g., OMS or IM) inside an isolated amp container.
  • The problems with this approach are:
    • dind requires to run the external container in privileged mode, which might not be possible due to security concerns
    • the Docker / build cache is not shared across parent and children containers, so one needs to pull / build an image every time the outermost container is restarted
  • An alternative approach is the "sibling container" approach

Sibling container approach

  • Refs:

  • Often what's really needed is the ability to build / run a container from another container (e.g., CI or unit test). This can be achieved by mounting the Docker socket /var/run/docker.sock to the container, so that a container can talk to Docker Engine.

  • This approach allows reuse of the build cache across the sibling containers.

  • The downside is less isolation from the external container, e.g., spawned containers can be left hanging or can collide.

  • E.g.,

    # Run `docker ps` in a container, showing the containers running in the main
    > docker run -ti --rm \
          -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
          dindtest \
          docker ps
    # Start a sibling hello world container:
    > docker run -it --rm \
          -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
          dindtest \
          docker run -ti --rm hello-world

Connecting to Postgres instance using sibling containers

  • We can start the Docker container with Postgres as a service from outside the container.
    > (cd oms;  i oms_docker_up -s local)
    INFO: > cmd='/local/home/gsaggese/src/venv/amp.client_venv/bin/invoke oms_docker_up -s local'
    report_memory_usage=False report_cpu_usage=False
    docker-compose \
    --file /local/home/gsaggese/src/sasm-lime4/amp/oms/devops/compose/docker-compose.yml \
    --env-file /local/home/gsaggese/src/sasm-lime4/amp/oms/devops/env/local.oms_db_config.env \
    up \
    Creating compose_oms_postgres_1 ... done
    Attaching to compose_oms_postgres_1
    oms_postgres_1  |
    oms_postgres_1  | PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization
    oms_postgres_1  |
    oms_postgres_1  | 2022-05-19 22:57:15.659 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.5 (Debian 13.5-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
    oms_postgres_1  | 2022-05-19 22:57:15.659 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
    oms_postgres_1  | 2022-05-19 22:57:15.659 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
    oms_postgres_1  | 2022-05-19 22:57:15.663 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
    oms_postgres_1  | 2022-05-19 22:57:15.670 UTC [25] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2022-05-19 22:56:50 UTC
    oms_postgres_1  | 2022-05-19 22:57:15.674 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
  • Note that Postgres needs to be
  • Start a container able to
  • From inside a container I launch postgres through the /var/...
    > docker ps | grep postgres
    83bba0818c74 postgres:13 "docker-entrypoint.s..." 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes>5432/tcp compose-oms_postgres-1
  • Test connection to the DB from outside the container
    > psql --host=cf-spm-dev4 --port=5432 --user aljsdalsd -d oms_postgres_db_local
    Password for user aljsdalsd:
    psql (9.5.25, server 13.5 (Debian 13.5-1.pgdg110+1))
    WARNING: psql major version 9.5, server major version 13.
            Some psql features might not work.
    Type "help" for help.
  • Test connection to the DB from inside the container
    > psql --host=cf-spm-dev4 --port=5432 --user aljsdalsd -d oms_postgres_db_local

Release flow


  • File an Issue for the release (e.g., "Add package foobar to cmamp image")

  • Create the corresponding branch with i git_create_branch -i ${issue_number}

  • Change the code

  • Update the changelog, i.e. //cmamp/changelog.txt

    • Specify what was changed
    • Pick the release version accordingly
      • We use semantic versioning convention
        • For example, adding a package to the image would mean bumping up version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
  • Test the change using the local release flow i docker_build_local_image -v ${version}

    • If a new package is added run docker_build_local_image with --update-poetry option and check in a poetry.lock file
  • Make sure that the tests pass i run_fast_slow_tests -s local -v ${version}, and that the goal of the Issue is achieved (e.g., a new package is visible, the package version has been updated)

  • Do a PR with the change including the updated changelog.txt, the poetry files (both the specs devops/docker_build/poetry.toml and the package version devops/docker_build/poetry.lock)

  • Run the release flow manually (or rely on GH Action build workflow to create the new image)

    # Release dev image
    > i docker_release_dev_image --version $version
    # Pick up the new image from ECR
    > i docker_pull
  • Send a message on the all@ chat telling people that a new version of the XYZ container has been released

  • Users need to do a i docker_pull to get the new container

  • Users that don't update should see a message telling them that the code and container are not in sync any more, e.g.,:

    This code is not in sync with the container:
    code_version='1.0.3' != container_version='amp-1.0.3'
    You need to:
    - merge origin/master into your branch with `invoke git_merge_master`
    - pull the latest container with `invoke docker_pull`


  • File an Issue for the release
  • Create the corresponding branch in dev_tools
  • Change the code
  • Run the release flow end-to-end
    > i docker_release_dev_image --version 1.1.0
    > i docker_release_prod_image --version 1.1.0
  • Update the changelog, i.e. //dev_tools/changelog.txt
    • The changelog should be updated only after the image is released; otherwise the sanity checks will assert that the release's version is not higher than the latest version recorded in the changelog.
    • Specify what has changed
    • Pick the release version accordingly
      • NB! The release version should consist of 3 digits, e.g. "1.1.0" instead of "1.1"
      • We use semantic versioning convention
        • For example, adding a package to the image would mean bumping up version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
  • Do a PR with the change including the updated changelog.txt
  • Send a message on the all@ chat telling people that a new version of the container has been released
    • Users need to do
      • i docker_pull from dev_tools,
      • i docker_pull_dev_tools from cmamp
    • Users need to make sure to pull docker after the master is up-to-date (including amp submodules)

Design release flow - discussion

TODO(gp, Vitalii): Turn this into a description of the release flow

Let's assume that we want to release dev image with version 1.2.3:

  • un i docker_build_local_image --tag-name 1.2.3

Initially we thought about using Git tags to mark releases points in the source repo for dev and prod releases (but not local since local is reserved to private use by a user).

This approach is elegant, but it has some corner cases when used with containers for multiple repos that contain Git submodules.

We decided to use an approach where a changelog.txt file contains the latest code version

  • all test tasks now also use hversion.get_code_version() that calls hgit.git_describe() to get latest tag in the repo (1.0.0 in this case)

Agree. git_describe will need to accept a dir to find the tag of the releasable dir

  • when we are satisfied with local image, we run i docker_tag_local_image_as_dev

We will still need to pass --version 1.0.0

  • invoke internally tags local-1.0.0 as dev-1.0.0, in addition to dev

Both for Git tags and docker tags

  • then we run i docker_push_dev_image

We will still need to pass --version 1.0.0

  • invoke internally pushes both dev-1.0.0 and dev images to ECR **AND** pushes local 1.0.0 git tag to remote git repo (github)

docker_release_dev_image will do basically the same (will require tag_name). Of course docker_release... is just a convenience wrapper running all the stages

Now let's assume we want to promote dev image to prod:

  • then we run i docker_build_prod_image
  • invoke internally checks with hversion.get_code_version() and builds prod-1.0.0 based on dev-1.0.0, also tagging prod-1.0.0 as prod
  • then we run i docker_push_prod_image
  • invoke pushes prod-1.0.0 and prod tags to ECR

docker_release_prod_image will do basically the same (will require tag_name).

Q0: Is the flow ok?

  • Yes

Q1: The flow is the same for dev_tools and cmamp, but to update the version of image on which dev_tools is based -- we'll need to modify Dockerfile now. Is that ok?

  • Maybe we should just create the dev_tools from scratch using the full-blown flow instead of build on top of it
  • The idea of building on top of it, was just a shortcut but it is creating more problems that what it's worth it
  • Then everything looks and behaves the same
  • TODO(vitalii): File a bug, if we don't have it yet

Q2: If the flow is run in the submodule, e.g. in amp dir, currently the behaviour is not well defined. Commands will try to build cmamp image in this case, but code version will be from dev_tools -- should we fix this?

  • We are going towards the concept of "releasable dirs" (see im, optimizer). If there is a dir with devops, then that dir runs inside a container
  • The "Git version" should be associated to the dir we are releasing (e.g., cmamp, im, optimizer, dev_tools)

Vitalii: If we will have monorepo with releasable dirs, then indeed git tags are not that comfortable to use, however I could argue that when one releases im image with version 1.0.0, he gets docker image im:dev-1.0.0 , im:prod-1.0.0, im:dev and im:prod -- but how then one is able to find corresponding code that was used in that image?

Perhaps instead, we could share namespace of git tags between all tags.

E.g. in git repo (github) we will have:

  • im-dev-1.0.0
  • cmamp-dev-1.0.0
  • im-prod-1.0.0

GP: Point taken. In fact the code in a releasable dir still needs code from other submodules (e.g., helpers). One approach is to put the Git hash in version.txt. The one you suggest (of tagging the entire repo) with also info on the dir makes sense.

I think the Git tags are designed to do what we want, so let's use them.

Q3: We don't need version.txt file in this flow. I will remove it, ok?

  • Yes, we can remove version.txt and use a README or changelog in the releasable dir

The flow is similar to what I thought.

Some observations / questions:

INV: version becomes mandatory in the release flow

  • This requires a lot of cosmetic changes to the code since now it's optional, but it's worth make the changes

We need to ensure that version can only be created going fwd.

We can do a comparison of the current version with the new version as tuples (we could use semver but it feels not needed)

  • The workflows are:
    • Build a local image
    • Release a dev image
    • Release a prod image
    • Rollback an image
      • We rarely move the dev / prod tag back, but rather users needs to docker pull an older image and pass --basename --stage and --version to docker{bash, cmd, jupyter}
      • Then the image is fixed going forward

A releasable dir has a

  • repo_config
    • Maybe we should call it component_config since now also dirs can be released
  • or
  • devops
  • (with the exposed Invoke tasks)
  • (with the custom invoke tasks)

We want to try to move to helpers/lib_tasks all the "common" code without dependencies from the specific sw components. We pass function pointers for callbacks.

What to do with:


QA flow

  • The goal is to test that the container as a whole works
  • We want to run the container as a user would do

Usually we run tests inside a container to verify that the code is correct To test the container itself right now we test outside (in the thin client)

> pytest -m qa test --image_stage dev

The problem is that now the thin client needs to have a bunch of deps (including pytest, pandas and so on) which defeats the purpose of the thin env


E.g., //amp/dev_scripts/client_setup/requirements.txt

A hack is to

vimdiff /Users/saggese/src/lemonade2/amp/dev_scripts/client_setup/requirements.txt dev_scripts_devto/client_setup/requirements.txt
> source dev_scripts_devto/client_setup/

A possible solution is to use Docker-in-Docker

  • in this way we don't have to pollute the thin env with a bunch of stuff
  • Talk to Grisha and Vitalii

This works in dev_tools because the code for the import detector is there and we are using a dev container which binds the src dir to the container

  > i lint_detect_cycles --dir-name import_check/test/Test_detect_import_cycles.test1/input/ --stage dev

In all the other repos, one needs to use the prod of dev_tools container (that's what the user would do)

Next steps:

  • TODO(Sonya + Grisha): release the prod dev_toools container as it is
  • TODO(Sonya + Grisha): document dev_tools, release procedure
  • TODO(Sonya): pull prod dev_tools (i docker_pull_dev_tools) and test that now in cmamp the tool works
  • TODO(gp): figure out the QA workflow (and improve the thin client with dind)
    • To break the circular dep we release a prod-candidate

Dev_tools container

  • For specific dev_tools workflows see

Optimizer container


  • The high-level goal is to move towards containerized Python scripts running in smaller containers instead of keep adding packages to amp / cmamp, which makes the amp / cmamp container bloated and risky to build
  • Along this design philosophy similar to microservices, we want to have a Docker container, called opt with a Python script that uses some packages that are not compatible with amp (specifically cvxopt, cvxpy)
  • This is similar to what we do for the dev_tools, which is like a containerized Python script for the linter

Build and run a local version of opt

  • You can build the container locally with:
    > cd optimizer
    > i opt_docker_build_local_image --version 0.1.0
  • This process takes around 5 mins and then you should have the container
    docker image ls
    REPOSITORY                                         TAG                   IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE   local-saggese-0.1.0   bb7d60d6a7d0   7 seconds ago   1.23GB
  • Run the container as:
    > i opt_docker_bash --stage local --version 0.1.0
  • To run a Jupyter notebook in the opt container:


One container per Git repo

  • A simple approach is to have each deployable unit (i.e., container) corresponding to a Git repo

    • The consequence would be:
      • a multiplication of repos
      • no implicit sharing of code across different containers
      • some mechanism to share code (e.g., helpers) across repos (e.g., using bind mount)
      • not playing nice with Git subrepo mechanism since Docker needs to see the entire repo
  • So the code would be organized in 4 repos:

    - lemonade / lime
        - helpers
        - optimizer
        - oms
        - models in amp
    • where the dependency between containers are
      • lemonade -> amp
      • amp -> optimizer, helpers
      • optimizer -> helpers, core

Multiple containers per Git repo

  • Another approach is to have optimizer as a directory inside amp
    • This keeps amp and optimizer in a single repo
    • To build / run optimizer code in its container one needs to cd in the dir
    • The problem then becomes how to share helpers

Mounting only optimizer dir inside Docker

  • From devops/compose/docker-compose.yml

    42 volumes:
    43  # Move one dir up to include the entire git repo (see AmpTask1017).
    44  - ../../:/app
    45 # Move one dir down to include the entire git repo (see AmpTask1017).
    46 working_dir: /app
  • From devops/docker_build/dev.Dockerfile

  • ENTRYPOINT ["devops/docker_run/"]

  • The problem is that Git repo doesn't work anymore

    git --version: git version 2.30.2
    fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
    Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
  • A work around is to inject .git in /git of the container and then point git to that

    - GIT_DIR=/git
      # Move one dir up to include the entire git repo (see AmpTask1017).
      - ../../:/app
      - ../../../../.git:/git
      - ../../../../amp/helpers:/app/helpers
  • Git works but it gets confused with the paths

        modified: .dockerignore
        deleted: .github/gh_requirements.txt
        deleted: .github/workflows/build_image.yml.DISABLED
        deleted: .github/workflows/fast_tests.yml
        deleted: .github/workflows/linter.yml.DISABLED
        deleted: .github/workflows/slow_tests.yml
        deleted: .github/workflows/superslow_tests.yml.DISABLED
        deleted: .gitignore

Mounting the supermodule (e.g., lime, lemonade, amp) inside Docker

  • From devops/compose/docker-compose.yml
    42 volumes:
    43  # Move one dir up to include the entire git repo (see AmpTask1017).
    44  - ../../../:/app
    45 # Move one dir down to include the entire git repo (see AmpTask1017).
    46 working_dir: /app/amp
  • From devops/docker_build/dev.Dockerfile
  • ENTRYPOINT ["optimizer/devops/docker_run/"]
  • This approach mounts 4 dirs up from devops/compose/docker-compose.yml, i.e., //lime
  • The problem with this approach is that now is incorrect
  • i opt_docker_build_local_image --version 0.4.0
    32 - ../../../helpers:/app/amp/optimizer/helpers
    34 # Shared cache. This is specific of lime.
    35 - /local/home/share/cache:/cache
    37 # Mount `amp` when it is used as submodule. In this case we need to
    38 # mount the super project in the container (to make git work with the
    39 # supermodule) and then change dir to `amp`.
    40 app:
    41  extends:
    42    base_app
    43 volumes:
    44  # Move one dir up to include the entire git repo (see AmpTask1017).
    45  - ../../../../:/app
    46 # Move one dir down to include the entire git repo (see AmpTask1017).
    47 working_dir: /app/amp/optimizer
    48 #entrypoint: /bin/bash -c "ls helpers"


  • A deployable dir is a dir under a Git repo
    • It corresponds to a software component (code + library = Docker container)
    • Anything that has a devops dir is "deployable"
  • Each Docker container is run from its corresponding dir, e.g.,
    • amp container from the amp dir
    • amp container from the lemonade dir (this is just a shortcut since lemonade has the same deps right now as amp)
  • Always mount the outermost Git repo under /app
  • Set the Docker working dir as the current dir
  • Each deployable dir specifies all the needed information in (which is the one in the current dir)
    • What container to run
    • What functionality is supported on different servers (e.g., privileged way)
  • The changelog.txt file is in the deployable dir (e.g., optimizer/changelog.txt)
  • Each

One run the invoke commands from optimizer dir

When the Docker container starts the current dir is optimizer

helpers, core is mounted in the same dir

You can't see code outside optimizer

TODO(gp): running in amp under lemonade should use the local repo_config

Release and ECR flow

TODO(gp): Implement this

Unit testing code inside opt container

  • Since we want to segregate the package dependencies in different containers, tests that have a dependency from cvxopt /cvxpy can't be run inside the amp container but need to be run inside opt.
  • We want to:
    1. (as always) write and run unit tests for the optimizer code in isolation, i.e., test the code in the directory optimizer by itself
    2. run all the tests for the entire repo (relying on both containers amp and optimizer with a single command invocation)
    3. be able to run tests belonging to only one of the containers to shorten the debugging cycle
  • To achieve this we need to solve the 3 problems below.

Avoid compiling code depending from cvxopt when running amp

  • We can't parse code (e.g., in pytest) that includes packages that are not present in a container

    • E.g., pytest running in amp should not parse code in //amp/optimizer since it contains imports that will fail
  • Solution 1

    • We use the pytest mechanism cvx = pytest.importorskip("cvxpy") which is conceptually equivalent to:

        import cvxopt
        has_cvxopt = True
      except ImportError:
        has_cvxopt = False
      if has_cvxopt:
              def utils1():
  • Solution 2

    • Test in eachfile for the existence of the needed packages and enclose the code in an if _has_package
      • Pros:
        • We can skip code based dynamically on a try ... except ImportModule to check what packages are present
      • Cons:
        • Repeat the same piece of try ... except in many places
          • Solution: we can factor it out in a function
        • We need to enclose the code in a if ... that screws up the indentation and makes the code weird
  • Solution 3

    • Exclude certain directories (e.g., //amp/optimizer) from pytest
      • Pros:
        • We don't have to spread the try ... except and if \_has_package in the code
      • Cons:
        • The directory is relative to the top directory
          • Solution: we can use a regex to specify the dir without the full path
        • Which directories are included and excluded depends on where pytest is run
          • E.g., running pytest in an amp container we need to skip the optimizer dir, while pytest in an optimizer container should skip everything but the optimizer dir
  • Solution 4

    • Exclude certain directories or files based on which container we are running in
      • Cons:
        • We need to have a way to determine in which container we are running
          • Solution: we can use the env vars we use for versioning
          > echo $AM_CONTAINER_VERSION
  • Given the pros and cons, we decided to follow Solution 1 and Solution 3

Run optimizer tests in a stand-alone opt container

  • To run the optimizer tests, you can create an opt container and then run pytest
    > cd optimizer
    > i opt_docker_bash
    docker> pytest .
  • We wrap this in an invoke target like i opt_run_fast_tests

Alternative solution

  • We can use dind to run the opt container inside a cmamp one
    • Cons:
      • dind complicates the system
      • dind is not supported everywhere (one needs privileged containers)
      • dind is slower since there are 2 levels of (relatively fast) virtualization

Run optimizer tests as part of running unit tests for cmamp

  • We use the same mechanism as run_fast_slow_superslow_tests to pull together different test lists

Call a Dockerized executable from a container

  • From

  • We need to call something from amp to opt Docker

  • Solution 1

    • Inside the code we build the command line cmd = 'docker run -it ... '; system(cmd)
      • Cons:
        • there is code replicated between here and the invoke task (e.g., the info about the container, ...)
  • Solution 2

    • Call the Dockerized executable using the docker_cmd invoke target

      cmd = "invoke opt_docker_cmd -cmd '...'"
      • Pros:
        • All the Docker commands go through the same interface inside invoke
      • Cons
        • Bash interpolation in the command
        • Another level of indirection: do a system call to call invoke, invoke calls docker, docker does the work
        • invoke needs to be installed inside the calling container
  • Solution 3

    • Call opt_docker_cmd(cmd, ...)

      • Pros
        • avoid doing a call to invoke
        • can deal with bash interpolation in Python
  • We should always use Solution 3, although in the code sometimes we use Solution 1 and 2 (but we should replace in favor of Solution 3).

  • The interface to the Dockerized optimizer is in run_optimizer in //amp/oms/
  • To run the examples
    > cd //lime
    > i docker_bash
    > pytest ./amp/oms/test/