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Unit tests

Running unit tests

  • Before any PR (and ideally after every commit) we want to run all the unit tests to make sure we didn't introduce no new bugs
  • We use pytest and unittest as testing framework
  • We have different test set lists:
    • fast
      • Tests that are quick to execute (typically < 5 secs per test class)
      • We want to run these tests before / after every commit / PR to make sure things are not horrible broken
    • slow
      • Tests that we don't want to run all the times because they are:
        • Slow (typically < 20 seconds per test)
        • Related to pieces of code that don't change often
        • External APIs we don't want to hit continuously
    • superslow
      • Tests that run long workload, e.g., running a production model

Using invoke

  • invoke is a task execution which allows to execute some typical workflows, e.g. run the tests

    # Run only fast tests:
    > i run_fast_tests
    # Run only slow tests:
    > i run_slow_tests
    # Run only superslow tests:
    > i run_superslow_tests
    To see the options use `--help` option, e.g. `i --help run_fast_tests`:
    Usage: inv[oke] [--core-opts] run_fast_tests [--options] [other tasks here ...]
      Run fast tests.
      :param stage: select a specific stage for the Docker image
      :param pytest_opts: option for pytest
      :param skip_submodules: ignore all the dir inside a submodule
      :param coverage: enable coverage computation
      :param collect_only: do not run tests but show what will be executed
      :param tee_to_file: save output of pytest in `tmp.pytest.log`
      :param kwargs: kwargs for ``
      -c, --coverage
      -k, --skip-submodules
      -o, --collect-only
      -p STRING, --pytest-opts=STRING
      -s STRING, --stage=STRING
      -t, --tee-to-file
      -v STRING, --version=STRING

Docker image stage and version

  • To select a specific stage for Docker image use the --stage option. E.g., this might be useful when a user wants to run regressions on the local Docker image to verify that nothing is broken before promoting it to dev image.

    > i run_fast_tests --stage local
  • To run the tests on the specific version of a Docker image, use the --version option. E.g., this might be useful when releasing a new version of an image.

    > i run_fast_tests --stage local --version 1.0.4

Specifying pytest options

  • With the option --pytest-opts it is possible to pass any pytest option to invoke. E.g., if a user want to run the tests in the debug mode to show the output

    > i run_fast_tests -s --dbg

Save test output to file

  • To save the output of pytest to tmp.pytest.log use the --tee-to-file option.

    > i run_fast_tests --tee-to-file

Show the tests but do not run

  • To show (but not run) the tests that will be executed, use the --collect-only.

    > i run_fast_test --collect-only

Skip submodules

  • To skip running tests in submodules use the --skip-submodules option. This is useful for repos with submodules, e.g., dev_tools where cmamp is a submodule. Using this option, only tests in dev_tools but not in cmamp are run

    > cd dev_tools1
    > i run_fast_tests --skip-submodules

Compute tests coverage

  • To compute tests coverage use the --coverage option

    > i run_fast_tests --coverage


  • We use the pytest-timeout package to limit durations of fast, slow, and superslow tests
  • The timeout durations for each test type are listed here
  • The timeout restricts only running time of the test method, not setUp and tearDown time

Rerunning timeout-ed tests

  • Running tests can take different amount of time depending on workload and machine
  • Because of this, we rerun failing tests using pytest-rerunfailures
  • pytest-rerunfailures is not completely compatible with pytest-timeout. This is why we have to add the -o timeout_func_only=true flag to pytest-timeout. See pytest-dev/pytest-rerunfailures#99 for more information
  • We rerun timeouted fast tests twice and timeouted slow and superslow tests once
  • There is a way to provide a rerun delay for individual tests. However, we can’t use it for now due to #693 (comment)

Compute tests coverage

  • The documentation for coverage is here.

  • Run a set of unit tests enabling coverage:

    # Run the coverage for a single test:
    > i run_fast_tests --coverage -p oms/test/
    # Run coverage for an entire module like `oms`:
    > i run_fast_tests --coverage -p oms
  • This generates and run a pytest command inside Docker like:

    docker> /venv/bin/pytest -m "not slow and not superslow" oms/test/ --cov=. --cov-branch --cov-report term-missing --cov-report html
  • Which generates:

    • A default coverage report
    • A binary .coverage file that contains the coverage information
    • An htmlcov dir with a browsable code output to inspect the coverage for the files
  • One can post-process the coverage report in different ways using the command coverage inside a docker container, since the code was run (as always) inside the Docker container that contains all the dependencies.

    > coverage -h, version 5.5 with C extension
    Measure, collect, and report on code coverage in Python programs.
    usage: coverage <command> [options] [args]
        annotate    Annotate source files with execution information.
        combine     Combine a number of data files.
        debug       Display information about the internals of
        erase       Erase previously collected coverage data.
        help        Get help on using
        html        Create an HTML report.
        json        Create a JSON report of coverage results.
        report      Report coverage stats on modules.
        run         Run a Python program and measure code execution.
        xml         Create an XML report of coverage results.
    Use "coverage help <command>" for detailed help on any command.
    Full documentation is at
    > coverage report -h
    Usage: coverage report [options] [modules]
    Report coverage statistics on modules.
                            Only display data from lines covered in the given
                            contexts. Accepts Python regexes, which must be
      --fail-under=MIN      Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
                            than MIN.
      -i, --ignore-errors   Ignore errors while reading source files.
                            Include only files whose paths match one of these
                            patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
      --omit=PAT1,PAT2,...  Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
                            Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
      --precision=N         Number of digits after the decimal point to display
                            for reported coverage percentages.
      --sort=COLUMN         Sort the report by the named column: name, stmts,
                            miss, branch, brpart, or cover. Default is name.
      -m, --show-missing    Show line numbers of statements in each module that
                            weren't executed.
      --skip-covered        Skip files with 100% coverage.
      --no-skip-covered     Disable --skip-covered.
      --skip-empty          Skip files with no code.
      --debug=OPTS          Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
      -h, --help            Get help on this command.
      --rcfile=RCFILE       Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
                            'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
                            tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]
    > i docker_bash
    # Report the coverage for all the files under `oms` using the workload above (i.e., the fast tests under `oms/test/`)
    docker> coverage report --include="oms/*"
    Name                                    Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
    oms/                             0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                                154     47     36      2    70%
    oms/                             200     31     50      9    81%
    oms/                      23      0      4      1    96%
    oms/                      31      0      0      0   100%
    oms/devops/                      0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/devops/docker_scripts/       0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                              7      7      2      0     0%
    oms/                           55      1     10      1    97%
    oms/                              47      0     10      3    95%
    oms/                       64     39      2      0    38%
    oms/                           34     34      6      0     0%
    oms/                              101     30     22      0    64%
    oms/                       26      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                       121      8     18      6    90%
    oms/                      326     42     68      8    83%
    oms/                          309     21     22      0    92%
    oms/                   32      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                                3      3      0      0     0%
    oms/test/                  29     11      2      0    65%
    oms/test/                      132     25     12      0    83%
    oms/test/                    33      5      4      0    86%
    oms/test/           0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/test/                 46      0      2      0   100%
    oms/test/                   114     75     14      0    38%
    oms/test/                     24      0      4      0   100%
    oms/test/              77      0      4      0   100%
    oms/test/            235      6     16      0    98%
    oms/test/                135      0      6      0   100%
    TOTAL                                    2358    385    314     30    82%
  • To exclude the test files, which could inflate the coverage

    > coverage report --include="oms/*" --omit="*/test_*.py"
    Name                                    Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
    oms/                             0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                                154     47     36      2    70%
    oms/                             200     31     50      9    81%
    oms/                      23      0      4      1    96%
    oms/                      31      0      0      0   100%
    oms/devops/                      0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/devops/docker_scripts/       0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                              7      7      2      0     0%
    oms/                           55      1     10      1    97%
    oms/                              47      0     10      3    95%
    oms/                       64     39      2      0    38%
    oms/                           34     34      6      0     0%
    oms/                              101     30     22      0    64%
    oms/                       26      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                       121      8     18      6    90%
    oms/                      326     42     68      8    83%
    oms/                          309     21     22      0    92%
    oms/                   32      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                                3      3      0      0     0%
    oms/test/                  29     11      2      0    65%
    TOTAL                                    1562    274    252     30    80%
  • To open the line coverage, from outside Docker go with your browser to htmlcov/index.html. The htmlcov is re-written with every coverage run with the --cov-report html option. If you move out index.html from htmlcov dir some html features (e.g., filtering) will not work.

    # On macOS:
    > open htmlcov/index.html


  • By clicking on a file you can see which lines are not covered


An example coverage session

  • We want to measure the unit test coverage of oms component from both fast and slow tests

  • We start by running the fast tests:

    # Run fast unit tests
    > i run_fast_tests --coverage -p oms
    collected 66 items / 7 deselected / 59 selected
    # Compute the coverage for the module sorting by coverage
    docker> coverage report --include="oms/*" --omit="*/test_*.py" --sort=Cover
    Name                                    Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
    oms/                              7      7      2      0     0%
    oms/                           34     34      6      0     0%
    oms/                                3      3      0      0     0%
    oms/                       64     39      2      0    38%
    oms/                              101     30     22      0    64%
    oms/test/                  29     11      2      0    65%
    oms/                                154     47     36      2    70%
    oms/                             200     31     50      9    81%
    oms/                      326     42     68      8    83%
    oms/                       121      8     18      6    90%
    oms/                          309     21     22      0    92%
    oms/                              47      0     10      3    95%
    oms/                      23      0      4      1    96%
    oms/                           55      1     10      1    97%
    oms/                             0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                      31      0      0      0   100%
    oms/devops/                      0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/devops/docker_scripts/       0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                       26      0      0      0   100%
    oms/                   32      0      0      0   100%
    TOTAL                                    1562    274    252     30    80%
  • We see that certain files have a low coverage, so we want to see what is not covered.

  • Generate the same report in a browsable format

    docker> rm -rf htmlcov; coverage html --include="oms/*" --omit="*/test_*.py"
    # Wrote HTML report to `htmlcov/index.html`
    > open htmlcov/index.html
  • The low coverage for and is due to the fact that we are running code through invoke that doesn't allow coverage to track it.

  • Now we run the coverage for the slow tests

    # Save the coverage from the fast tests run
    > cp .coverage .coverage_fast_tests
    > i run_slow_tests --coverage -p oms
    collected 66 items / 59 deselected / 7 selected
    > cp .coverage .coverage_slow_tests
    > coverage report --include="oms/*" --omit="*/test_*.py" --sort=Cover
    Name                                    Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
    oms/                              7      7      2      0     0%
    oms/                           34     34      6      0     0%
    oms/                                3      3      0      0     0%
    oms/                      326    280     68      1    13%
    oms/                       121    100     18      0    15%
    oms/                           55     44     10      0    17%
    oms/                          309    256     22      0    18%
    oms/                      31     25      0      0    19%
    oms/                             200    159     50      0    20%
    oms/                              101     78     22      0    20%
    oms/                       26     19      0      0    27%
    oms/                      23     14      4      0    33%
    oms/                   32     21      0      0    34%
    oms/                                154    107     36      0    36%
    oms/                       64     39      2      0    38%
    oms/                              47      5     10      2    84%
    oms/                             0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/devops/                      0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/devops/docker_scripts/       0      0      0      0   100%
    oms/test/                  29      0      2      0   100%
    TOTAL                                    1562   1191    252      3    23%
  • We see that the coverage from the slow tests is only 23% for 7 tests

    root@6faaa979072e:/app/amp# coverage combine .coverage_fast_tests .coverage_slow_tests
    Combined data file .coverage_fast_tests
    Combined data file .coverage_slow_tests

An example with customized pytest-cov html run

  • We want to measure unit test coverage specifically for one test in im_v2/common/data/transform/ and to save generated htmlcov in the same directory.

  • Run command below after i docker_bash:

    pytest --cov-report term-missing
    --cov=im_v2/common/data/transform/ im_v2/common/data/transform/test/
    --cov-report html:im_v2/common/data/transform/htmlcov \
  • Output sample:

    ---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.8.10-final-0 ----------- Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- im_v2/common/data/transform/ 55 55 0% 2-159 im_v2/common/data/transform/ 55 55 0% 2-125 im_v2/common/data/transform/ 126 126 0% 3-248 im_v2/common/data/transform/ 131 131 0% 2-437 im_v2/common/data/transform/ 22 0 100% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 389 367 6% Coverage HTML written to dir im_v2/common/data/transform/htmlcov \

Generate coverage report with invoke

  • One can compute test coverage for a specified directory and generate text and HTML reports automatically using invoke task run_coverage_report

    > i --help run_coverage_report
    INFO: > cmd='/data/grisha/src/venv/amp.client_venv/bin/invoke --help run_coverage_report'
    Usage: inv[oke] [--core-opts] run_coverage_report [--options] [other tasks here ...]
      Compute test coverage stats.
      The flow is:
    * Run tests and compute coverage stats for each test type
    * Combine coverage stats in a single file
    * Generate a text report
    * Generate a HTML report (optional)
    * Post it on S3 (optional)
    :param target_dir: directory to compute coverage stats for [here](#running-unit-tests)
    :param generate_html_report: whether to generate HTML coverage report or not
    :param publish_html_on_s3: whether to publish HTML coverage report or not
    :param aws_profile: the AWS profile to use for publishing HTML report
      -a STRING, --aws-profile=STRING
      -g, --[no-]generate-html-report
      -p, --[no-]publish-html-on-s3
      -t STRING, --target-dir=STRING

Common usage

  • Compute coverage for market_data dir, generate text and HTML reports and publish HTML report on S3

    > i run_coverage_report --target-dir market_data
    Name                                   Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
    market_data/     100     81     32      0    16%
    market_data/      111     88     24      0    19%
    market_data/      177    141     24      0    19%
    market_data/       124     97     10      0    20%
    market_data/      66     50     18      0    21%
    market_data/                    5      0      0      0   100%
    TOTAL                                    583    457    108      0    19%
    Wrote HTML report to htmlcov/index.html
    20:08:53 - INFO _publish_html_coverage_report_on_s3:3679  HTML coverage report is published on S3: path=`s3://cryptokaizen-html/html_coverage/grisha_CmTask1038_Tool_to_extract_the_dependency_from_a_project`

Publishing HTML report on S3

Running pytest directly

Usage and Invocations reference

  • See pytest documentation

  • Some examples of useful command lines:

    # Stop at first failure
    > pytest -x
    # Run a single class
    > pytest -k TestPcaFactorComputer1
    # Run a single test method
    > pytest core/test/
    # Remove cache artifacts
    > find . -name "__pycache__" -o -name ".pytest_cache"
    > find . -name "__pycache__" -o -name ".pytest_cache" | xargs rm -rf
    # Run with a clear cache
    > pytest --cache-clear
    # Run the tests that last failed (this data is stored in .pytest_cache/v/cache/lastfailed)
    > pytest --last-failed

Custom pytest options behaviors

Enable logging

  • To enable logging of _LOG.debug for a single test run:

    # Enable debug info
    > pytest oms/test/ -s --dbg

Update golden outcomes

  • This switch allows to overwrite the golden outcomes that are used as reference in the unit tests to detect failures

    > pytest --update_outcomes

Incremental test mode

  • This switch allows to reuse artifacts in the test directory and to skip the clean up phase

  • It is used to re-run tests from the middle when they are very long and one wants to debug them

    > pytest --incremental

Running tests on GH Actions

How to run a single test on GH Action

  • Unfortunately there is no way to log in and run interactively on GH machines. This is a feature requested but not implemented by GH yet.

  • All the code to run GH Actions is in the .github directory in lemonade and amp.

  • E.g., to run a single test in the fast test target, instead of the entire regression suite

  1. You can modify .github/workflows/fast_tests.yml, by replacing

    # run: invoke run_fast_tests
    run: invoke run_fast_tests --pytest-opts="helpers/test/ -s --dbg"
    • Note that the indentation matters, since it's a YAML file


    • The -s --dbg is to show _LOG.debug in case you care about that to get more information

  2. Commit the code to your branch (not in master please) since GH runs each branch independently

  3. Kick off manually the fast test through the GH interface

  4. After debugging, you can revert the change from your branch to master and move along with the usual PR flow

Guidelines about writing unit tests

What is a unit test?

  • A unit test is a small, self-contained test of a public function or public method of a library
  • The test specifies the given inputs, any necessary state, and the expected output
  • Running the test ensures that the actual output agrees with the expected output

Why is unit testing important?

  • Unit testing is an integral part of Pragmatic programming approach
  • Some of the tips that relate to it are:
    • Design with Contracts
    • Refactor Early, Refactor Often
    • Test Your Software, or Your Users Will
    • Coding Ain't Done Till All the Tests Run
    • Test State Coverage, Not Code Coverage
    • You Can't Write Perfect Software
    • Crash Early
    • Design to Test
    • Test Early. Test Often. Test Automatically.
    • Use Saboteurs to Test Your Testing
    • Find Bugs Once
  • Good unit testing improves software quality. It does this in part by
    • Eliminating bugs (obvious)
    • Clarifying code design and interfaces ("Design to Test")
    • Making refactoring safer and easier ("Refactor Early, Refactor Often")
    • Documenting expected behavior and usage

Unit testing tips

Tip #1: Test one thing

  • A good unit test tests only one thing
  • Testing one thing keeps the unit test simple, relatively easy to understand, and helps isolate the root cause when the test fails
  • How do we test more than one thing? By having more than one unit test!

Tip #2: Keep tests self-contained

  • A unit test should be independent of all other unit tests
  • Each test should be self-sufficient
  • Additionally, one should never assume that unit tests will be executed in a particular order
  • A corollary of keeping tests self-contained is to keep all information needed to understand the test within the test itself
  • In other words, when possible, avoid calling helper functions to load data or state to initialize the test; instead, specify the data explicitly in the test where it is used
    • This makes the test easier to understand and easier to debug when it fails
    • If multiple unit tests use or can use the same initialization data, do not hesitate repeating it in each test (or consider using parameterized testing)

Tip #3: Only specify data related to what is being tested

  • If a function that is being tested supports optional arguments, but those optional arguments are not needed for a particular unit test, then do not specify them in the test
  • Specify the minimum of what is required to test what is being tested.

Tip #4: Test realistic corner cases

  • Can your function receive a list that is empty?
  • Can it return an empty Series?
  • What happens if it receives a numerical value outside of an expected range?
  • How should the function behave in those cases? Should it crash? Should it return a reasonable default value?
  • Expect these questions to come up in practice and think through what the appropriate behavior should be. Then, test for it.

Tip #5: Test a typical scenario

  • In ensuring that corner cases are covered, do not overlook testing basic functionality for typical cases
  • This is useful for verifying current behavior and to support refactoring.

Tip #6: Test executable scripts end-to-end

  • In some cases, like scripts, it is easy to get lost chasing the coverage %
    • E.g. covering every line of the original, including the parser
  • This is not always necessary
    • If you are able to run a script with all arguments present, it means that the parser works correctly
    • So an end-to-end smoke test will also cover the parser
    • This saves a little time and reduces the bloat
  • If you need to test the functionality, consider factoring out as much code as possible from _main
    • A good practice is to have a _run function that does all the job and _main only brings together the parser and the executable part


Naming and placement conventions

  • We follow the convention (that happen to be mostly the default to pytest):
  • A directory test that contains all the test code and artifacts
    • The test directory contains all the test_*.py files and all inputs and outputs for the tests.
    • A unit test file should be close to the library / code it tests
  • The test class should make clear reference to the code that is tested
    • To test a class FooBar the corresponding test class is named TestFooBar,we use the CamelCase for the test classes
    • You can add a number, e.g., TestFooBar1(), if there are multiple test classes that are testing the code in different ways (e.g.,setUp() tearDown() are different)
    • To test a function generate_html_tables() the corresponding test class is Test_generate_html_tables
  • It's ok to have multiple test methods, e.g., for FooBar.method_a() and FooBar.method_b(), the test method is:
    class TestFooBar1(unittest2.TestCase):
        def test_method_a(self):
        def test_method_b(self):
  • Split test classes and methods in a reasonable way, so each one tests one single thing in the simplest possible way
  • Remember that test code is not second class citizen, although it's auxiliary to the code
    • Add comments and docstring explaining what the code is doing
    • If you change the name of a class, also the test should be changed
    • If you change the name of a file also the name of the file with the testing code should be changed

Our framework to test using input / output data

  • helpers/ has some utilities to easily create input and output dirs storing data for unit tests

  • hut.TestCase has various methods to help you create

    • get_input_dir: return the name of the dir used to store the inputs
    • get_scratch_space: return the name of a scratch dir to keep artifacts of the test
    • get_output_dir: probably not interesting for the user
  • The directory structure enforced by the out TestCase is like:

    > tree -d edg/form_8/test/
    └── TestExtractTables1.test1
        ├── input
        └── output
  • The layout of test dir:

    > ls -1 helpers/test/

Use text and not pickle files as input

  • The problem with pickle files are the usual ones
    • They are not stable across different version of libraries
    • They are not human readable
  • Prefer to use text file
    • E.g., use a CSV file
  • If the data used for testing is generated in a non-complicated way
    • Document how it was generated
    • Even better add a test that generates the data
  • Use a subset of the input data
    • The smaller the better for everybody
      • Fast tests
      • Easier to debug
      • More targeted unit test
    • Do not check in 1 megabyte of test data!

check_string vs self.assertEqual

  • TODO(gp): Add

Use self.assert_equal

  • This is a function that helps you understand what are the mismatches
  • It works on str

How to split unit test code in files

  • The two extreme approaches are:
    • All the test code for a directory goes in one file foo/bar/test/test_$ (or foo/bar/test/
    • Each file foo/bar/$FILENAME with code gets its corresponding foo/bar/test/test_$
      • It should also be named according to the library it tests
      • For example, if the library to test is called, then the corresponding unit test should be called
  • Pros of 1) vs 2)
    • Less maintenance churn
      • It takes work to keep the code and the test files in sync, e.g.,
        • If you change the name of the code file you don't have to change other file names
        • If you move one class from one file to another, you might not need to move test code
    • Fewer files opened in your editor
    • Avoid many files with a lot of boilerplate code
  • Cons of 1) vs 2)
    • The single file can become huge!
  • Compromise solution: Start with a single file test_$* * In the large file add a framed comment like:
    # ##################
    # Unit tests for …
    # ##################
    • So it's easy to find which file is tested were using grep
  • Then split when it becomes too big using test_$

Skeleton for unit test

  • Interesting unit tests are in helpers/test
  • A unit test looks like:
    import helpers.unit_test as hut
    class Test...(hut.TestCase):
        def test...(self):
  • pytest will take care of running the code so you don't need:
    if __name__ == '__main__':

Hierarchical TestCase approach

  • Whenever there is hierarchy in classes, we also create a hierarchy of test classes

  • A parent test class looks like:

    import helpers.unit_test as hut
    class SomeClientTestCase(hut.TestCase):
        def _test...1(self):
        def _test...2(self):
  • While a child test class looks like this where test methods use the corresponding methods from the parent test class:

    class TestSomeClient(SomeClientTestCase):
        def test...1(self):
        def test...2(self):
  • Each TestCase tests a "behavior" like a set of related methods

  • Each TestCase is under the test dir

  • Each derived class should use the proper TestCase classes to reach a decent coverage

  • It is OK to use non-private methods in test classes to ensure that the code is in order of dependency, so that the reader doesn't have to jump back / forth

  • We want to separate chunks of unit test code using:

    # ########################################################################

    putting all the methods used by that chunk at the beginning and so on

  • It is OK to skip a TestCase method if not meaningful, when coverage is enough

  • As an example, see im_v2/common/data/client/test/ and im_v2/ccxt/data/client/test/

Use the appropriate self.assert*

  • When you get a failure you don't want to get something like "True is not False", rather an informative message like "5 is not < 4"
  • Bad
    self.assertTrue(a &lt; b)
  • Good
    self.assertLess(a, b)

Do not use hdbg.dassert

  • dassert are for checking self-consistency of the code
  • The invariant is that you can remove dbg.dassert without changing the behavior of the code. Of course you can't remove the assertion and get unit tests to work

Interesting testing functions

Use setUp/tearDown

  • If you have a lot of repeated code in your tests, you can make them shorter by moving this code to setUp/tearDown methods:

    • setUp()
      Method called to prepare the test fixture. This is called immediately before calling the test method; other than AssertionError or SkipTest, any exception raised by this method will be considered an error rather than a test failure. The default implementation does nothing.
    • tearDown()
      Method called immediately after the test method has been called and the result recorded. This is called even if the test method raised an exception, so the implementation in subclasses may need to be particularly careful about checking internal state. Any exception, other than AssertionError or SkipTest, raised by this method will be considered an additional error rather than a test failure (thus increasing the total number of reported errors). This method will only be called if the setUp() succeeds, regardless of the outcome of the test method. The default implementation does nothing.
  • If you need some expensive code parts to be done once for the whole test class, such as opening a database connection, opening a temporary file on the filesystem, loading a shared library for testing, etc., you can use setUpClass/tearDownClass methods:

    • setUpClass()

      A class method called before tests in an individual class are run. setUpClass is called with the class as the only argument and must be decorated as a classmethod():

      def setUpClass(cls):
    • tearDownClass()

      A class method called after tests in an individual class have run. tearDownClass is called with the class as the only argument and must be decorated as a classmethod():

      def tearDownClass(cls):
  • For more information see official unittest docs

Update test tags

  • There are 2 files with the list of tests' tags:
    • amp/pytest.ini
    • .../pytest.ini (if amp is a submodule)
  • In order to update the tags (do it in the both files):
    • In the markers section add a name of a new tag
    • After a : add a short description
    • Keep tags in the alphabetical order



Common usage samples

Best to apply on any part that is deemed unnecessary for specific test

  • Complex functions

    • Mocked functions can be tested separately
  • 3rd party provider calls

    • CCXT
    • Talos
    • AWS
      • S3
        • See helpers/ in cmamp repo
      • Secrets
      • Etc...
  • DB calls

  • There are many more possible combinations that can be seen in official documentation.

  • Below are the most common ones for basic understanding.

Philosophy about mocking

  1. We want to mock the minimal surface of a class
    • E.g., assume there is a class that is interfacing with an external provider and our code places requests and get values back
    • We want to replace the provider with an object that responds to the requests with the actual response of the provider
    • In this way we can leave all the code of our class untouched and tested
  2. We want to test public methods of our class (and a few private methods)
    • In other words, we want to test the end-to-end behavior and not how things are achieved
    • Rationale: if we start testing "how" things are done and not "what" is done, we can't change how we do things (even if it doesn't affect the interface and its behavior), without updating tons of methods
    • We want to test the minimal amount of behavior that enforces what we care about

Some general suggestions about testing

Test from the outside-in

  • We want to start testing from the end-to-end methods towards the constructor of an object
  • Rationale: often we start testing very carefully the constructor and then we get tired / run out of time when we finally get to test the actual behavior
  • Also testing the important behavior automatically tests building the objects
  • Use the code coverage to see what's left to test once you have tested the "most external" code

We don't need to test all the assertions

  • E.g., testing carefully that we can't pass a value to a constructor doesn't really test much besides the fact that dassert works (which surprisingly works!)
  • We don't care about line coverage or checking boxes for the sake of checking boxes

Use strings to compare output instead of data structures

  • Often it's easier to do a check like:

    # Better:
    expected = str(...)
    expected = pprint.pformat(...)
    # Worse:
    expected = ["a", "b", { ... }]

    rather than building the data structure

  • Some purists might not like this, but

    • It's much faster to use a string (which is or should be one-to-one to the data structure), rather than the data structure itself
      • By extension, many of the more complex data structure have a built-in string representation
    • It is often more readable, easier to diff (e.g., self.assertEqual vs self.assert_equal)
    • In case of mismatch it's easier to update the string with copy-paste rather than creating a data structure that matches what was created

Use self.check_string() for things that we care about not changing (or are too big to have as strings in the code)

  • Use self.assert_equal() for things that should not change (e.g., 1 + 1 = 2)
  • When using check_string still try to add invariants that force the code to be correct
  • E.g., if we want to check the PnL of a model we can freeze the output with check_string() but we want to add a constraint like there are more timestamps than 0 to avoid the situation where we update the string to something malformed

Each test method should test a single test case

  • Rationale: we want each test to be clear, simple, fast
  • If there is repeated code we should factor it out (e.g., builders for objects)

Each test should be crystal clear on how it is different from the others

  • Often you can factor out all the common logic into an helper method
  • Copy-paste is not allowed in unit tests in the same way it's not allowed in production code

In general you want to budget the time to write unit tests

  • E.g., "I'm going to spend 3 hours writing unit tests". This is going to help you focus on what's important to test and force you to use an iterative approach rather than incremental (remember the Monalisa)


Write skeleton of unit tests and ask for a review if you are not sure how what to test

  • Aka "testing plan"

Object patch with return value

import unittest.mock as umock
import as ivcdexex

@umock.patch.object(ivcdexex.hsecret, "get_secret")
def test_function_call1(self, mock_get_secret: umock.MagicMock):
    mock_get_secret.return_value = "dummy"
  • Function get_secret in helpers/ is mocked
    • Pay attention on where is get_secret mocked:
      • It is mocked in as “get_secret” is called there in function that is being tested
    • @umock.patch.object(hsecret, "get_secret") will not work as mocks are applied after all modules are loaded, hence the reason for using exact location
      • If we import module in test itself it will work as mock is applied
      • For modules outside of test function it is too late as they are loaded before mocks for test are applied
  • On every call it returns string "dummy"

Path patch with multiple return values

import unittest.mock as umock

def test_function_call1(self, mock_get_secret: umock.MagicMock):

mock_get_secret.side_effect = ["dummy", Exception]
  • On first call, string dummy is returned
  • On second, Exception is raised

Ways of calling patch and patch.object

  • Via decorator
    def test_function_call1(self, mock_get_secret: umock.MagicMock):
  • In actual function
    get_secret_patch = umock.patch("helpers.hsecret.get_secret")
    get_secret_mock = get_secret_patch.start()
    • This is the only approach in which you need to start/stop patch!
      • The actual mock is returned as the return value of start() method!
    • In other two approaches start/stop is handled under the hood and we are always interacting with MagicMock object
  • Via with statement (also in function)
    with umock.patch(""helpers.hsecret.get_secret"") as get_secret_mock:
    • One of the use cases for this is if we are calling a different function inside a function that is being mocked
      • Mostly because it is easy for an eye if there are to much patches via decorator and we do not need to worry about reverting the patch changes as that is automatically done at the end of with statement

Mock object state after test run

@umock.patch.object(exchange_class._exchange, "fetch_ohlcv")
def test_function_call1(self, fetch_ohlcv_mock: umock.MagicMock):
    self.assertEqual(fetch_ohlcv_mock.call_count, 1)
    actual_args = tuple(fetch_ohlcv_mock.call_args)
    expected_args = (
            {"limit": 2, "since": 1, "timeframe": "1m"},
    self.assertEqual(actual_args, expected_args)
  • After fetch_ohlcv is patched, Mock object is passed to test

    • In this case, it is fetch_ohlcv_mock
  • From sample we can see that function is called once

    • First value in a tuple are positional args passed to fetch_ohlcv function

    • Second value in a tuple are keyword args passed to fetch_ohlcv function

    • As an alternative, fetch_ohlcv_mock.call_args.args and fetch_ohlcv_mock.call_args.kwargs can be called for separate results of args/kwargs

      self.assertEqual(fetch_ohlcv_mock.call_count, 3)
      actual_args = str(fetch_ohlcv_mock.call_args_list)
      expected_args = r"""
      [call('BTC/USDT', since=1645660800000, bar_per_iteration=500),
      call('BTC/USDT', since=1645690800000, bar_per_iteration=500),
      call('BTC/USDT', since=1645720800000, bar_per_iteration=500)]
      self.assert_equal(actual_args, expected_args, fuzzy_match=True)
  • In sample above, that is continuation of previous sample, fetch_ohlcv_mock.call_args_list is called that returns all calls to mocked function regardless of how many times it is called

  • Useful for verifying that args passed are changing as expected

Mock common external calls in hunitest.TestCase class

class TestCcxtExtractor1(hunitest.TestCase):
	# Mock calls to external providers.
	get_secret_patch = umock.patch.object(ivcdexex.hsecret, "get_secret")
	ccxt_patch = umock.patch.object(ivcdexex, "ccxt", spec=ivcdexex.ccxt)

	def setUp(self) -> None:
    	self.get_secret_mock: umock.MagicMock = self.get_secret_patch.start()
    	self.ccxt_mock: umock.MagicMock = self.ccxt_patch.start()
    	# Set dummy credentials for all tests.
    	self.get_secret_mock.return_value = {"apiKey": "test", "secret": "test"}

	def tearDown(self) -> None:
    	# Deallocate in reverse order to avoid race conditions.
  • For every unit test we want to isolate external calls and replace them with mocks
    • This way tests are much faster and not influenced by external factors we can not control
    • Mocking them in setUp will make other tests using this class simpler and ready out of the box
  • In current sample we are mocking AWS secrets and ccxt library
    • umock.patch.object is creating patch object that is not yet activated
      • patch.start()/stop() is activating/deactivating patch for each test run in setUp/tearDown
      • patch.start() is returning a standard MagicMock object we can use to check various states as mentioned in previous examples and control return values
        • call_args, call_count, return_value, side_effect, etc.
  • Note: Although patch initialization in static variables belongs to setUp, when this code is moved there patch is created for each test separately. We want to avoid that and only start/stop same patch for each test.

Mocks with specs

# Regular mock and external library `ccxt` is replaced with `MagicMock`
@umock.patch.object(ivcdexex, "ccxt")
# Only `ccxt` is spec'd, not actual components that are "deeper" in the `ccxt` library.
@umock.patch.object(ivcdexex, "ccxt", spec=ivcdexex.ccxt)
# Everything is spec'd recursively , including returning values/instances of `ccxt`
# functions and returned values/instances of returned values/instances, etc.
@umock.patch.object(ivcdexex, "ccxt", autospec=True)
  • First mock is not tied to any spec and we can call any attribute/function against the mock and the call will be memorized for inspection and the return value is new MagicMock.
    • ccxt_mock.test(123) returns new MagicMock and raises no error
  • In second mock ccxt.test(123) would fail as such function does not exists
    • We can only call valid exchange such as ccxt_mock.binance() that will return MagicMock, as exchange is not part of the spec
  • In third mock everything needs to be properly called
    • ccxt_mock.binance() will return MagicMock with ccxt.Exchange spec_id (in mock instance as meta)
      • As newly exchange instance is with spec, we can only call real functions/attributes of ccxt.Exchange class


# `` cannot be patched directly, as it is a built-in method.
# Error: "can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'datetime.datetime'"
datetime_patch = umock.patch.object(imvcdeexut, "datetime", spec=imvcdeexut.datetime)
  • Python built-in methods can not be patched

    class TestExtractor1(hunitest.TestCase):
        # Mock `Extractor`'s abstract functions.
        abstract_methods_patch = umock.patch.object(
            imvcdexex.Extractor, "__abstractmethods__", new=set()
        ohlcv_patch = umock.patch.object(
  • Patching __abstractmethods__ function of an abstract class enables us to instantiate and test abstract class as any regular class