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Renata Muylaert edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 29 revisions

Open or load a GRASS project and import your maps into GRASS

Open GRASS GIS and load or create your project location. If you do not know how to configure a project in GRASS, take a look here. After that, you should import your raster maps into GRASS environment. Have a look at this and this.

Make sure that your imported maps are in a projected coordinate reference system (CRS), in which distances are measured in meters, so that areas and distances are calculated in a meaningful way.

To make your life easier, we make available a GRASS db test file with two raster images. Select the file grassdb_test and Start GRASS session as follows

4. Run LSMetrics

Now, it is time to use the app itself. Use the GRASS terminal (the black screen) to start LSMetrics. First change to LSMetrics directory and run it using python:

# Change to the code directory where you saved the program
cd "LS_METRICS/_LSMetrics_v1_0_0"

# Run LSMetrics 


On MS Windows, you may have to change to the partition where the code is located before changing to its directory. E.g.:

cd "D:/LS_METRICS/_LSMetrics_v1_0_0"

Take a look at the Ubuntu GUI

Now take a look at the Windows GUI