Desicription: This is a code base developed for reference purposes. It is based on the VINS-Mono framework but does not rely on ROS, Ceres, or G2o. The code is quite basic and aims to demonstrate common algorithms in SLAM optimization, including backend LM algorithms, sliding window algorithms, robust kernel functions, etc., using only the Eigen library.
Ceres(2.1.0): The VINS initialization part uses Ceres for Structure from Motion (SfM), so we still need to rely on Ceres.
mkdir vislam
cd vislam
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd build
cd build
../bin/run_euroc /home/dataset/EuRoC/MH-05/mav0/ ../config/
evo_ape euroc euroc_mh05_groundtruth.csv pose_output.txt -a -p