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Plugins simulating joint controllers using effort PIDs with feedforward effort


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This project provides a ros2_control ChainableControllerInterface used to simulate PID controller with position, velocity and feedforward effort inputs, like for example mjbots moteus controller. It can simulate multiple controllers at the same time (for every actuated joint). Controller is implementing following control law for every joint:

τ = k p s c a l e k p ( p d e s p ) + k d s c a l e k d ( v d e s v ) + k i 0 t ( p d e s p ) d t + τ f f


  • τ : output joint effort
  • p d e s : desired joint posistion
  • p : actual joint position
  • v d e s : desired joint velocity
  • v : actual joint velocity
  • τ f f : feedforward joint effort
  • k p , k d , k i : PID controller constant parameters
  • k p s c a l e : PID proportional dynamic parameter
  • k d s c a l e : PID derivative dynamic parameter

Reference (input) interfaces:

  • p d e s : position
  • v d e s : velocity
  • τ f f : feedforward_torque
  • k p s c a l e : kp_scale
  • k d s c a l e : kd_scale

User can choose what interfaces to use.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: User don't have to use velocity interface for velocity part of PID to work, just add non-zero k d , desired velocity will always be zero, which creates virtual damping. It works similary for other interfaces.

Software supports:

  • ☑️ Working independently via subscriber using joint_controller/JointCommand in joint_controller_msgs package
  • ☑️ Working in chain mode with other controllers

ROS 2 version

  • Humble (supports ros2_control for Rolling)

Dependencies (all for humble)


  1. Clone repo to your workspace:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies in workspace:
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths . -y -r
  1. Build:
colcon build --packages-select joint_controller_msgs joint_controller_ros2_control

Controller parameters (example):

      type: joint_controller/JointController
      - body_1_joint

        position_max: 3.14
        position_min: -3.14
        position_offset: 0.0
        velocity_max: 10.0
        effort_max: 10.0
      - "position"

    frequency: 500.0

        p: 1.0
        d: 0.5
        i: 0.0
        ilimit: 1.0

joint_names - names of joints

joint_params (map for every joint name):

  • position_offset - Position offset, will be added to commanded position before sending to controller [radians]
  • position_max/min - Max/min position [radians]
  • velocity_max - Maximal velocity [radians]
  • effort_max - Maximal torque [Nm]

reference_interfaces - reference (input) interfaces for user or other controller

command_interface - ⚠️ ALWAYS EFFORT, NOTHING ELSE (it is deafult value so user don't have to write it)

state_interface - ⚠️ ALWAYS POSITION AND VELOCITY, NOTHING ELSE (it is deafult value so user don't have to write it)

frequency - frequency for PID controller (only usefull in integral term), that have to be same as real frequency [Hz]

pid_gains (map for every joint name):

  • p - proportional PID term
  • d - derivative PID term
  • i - integral PID term
  • ilimit - integration limit [Nm]

Troubleshooting/New functionality

Add new Issue. I will try my best to answer. You can also contribute to project via pull requests.


  1. Change code.
  2. Run all launchfile tests.
  3. Check performance, compliance and other functionality via e.g. plotjugller for ros2.
  4. Add clear description what changes you've made in pull request.


Plugins simulating joint controllers using effort PIDs with feedforward effort







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